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Posts posted by Thuggery

  1. Quiet evidently you haven't read anything of what I had said. This has nothing to do with tabbing. Its the taking away of a feature of targetting (that did not use the terrible tab targetting) which I used a lot and was very useful. Most healers didn't use or understand it and still don't.


    I do already have the raid frames very visible and do use them to their full extent (albeit the LOS is next to useless on them) I do have next and nearest friendly bound and do use them. But I have lost my most useful bind "Target Center Friendly" which once you understand that will make it obvious why.


    Its not a single reason to unsub, its compounded by the fact I bothered to roll on PTS to check stuff and found out and posted a highlight to it and nothing was done. It was still rolled out.

  2. Learn to interrupt and stun in a timely order. It annihilates any healer irrespective of the healing class. If they cant cast they die. Interrupts add nothing to resolve and if used correctly (at the end of a heal will result in a dead healer)


    Got to be honest the interrupts most classes have are way to powerful in pvp. Those classes wthout them are seriously missing out. And people who have them and dont use them are generally the ones complaining about "unkillable healers"

  3. I am really interested in learning which game you used to play, healing the way you are. No matter how hard you try you can't convince me that only seeing the health bars of the players in front of you then manually selecting them is better than using a properly configured and POSITIONED Ops frame.


    I get kind of worried and really hope that you do not drive a motor vehicle, with what sounds like a really flawed peripheral view. (Sorry if this comes on strong and offensive, just a genuine concern for your fellow travelers)


    Once you learn to use target center (not possible anymore for healers) and actually preempt the gameplay and stop relying on just the crutch that is the Raid Frames you will become a better healer. Until then I won't be able to convince you.


    Please tell me how the raid frames help you in huttball when the ball carrier is at full health? Or perhaps at full health and rooted on a fire grate and about to get toasted. How does the raid frames help you then? Sadly it doesn't its more of a hinderance in these situations. When everyone is grouped together then perhaps the raid frame is a better solution and you dont need to look at whats actually happening. But don't worry you always have target friendly... oh *** it selected him, no he's not nearest to me. I know tab through friendlies.. ah crap he's dead.


    Don't think and don't assume that I only used it as my only target option. It wasn't, however it was very much one of my main options and I liked it the way it was (both friendly and enemies on one keybind) and freindlies targetted center of screen (far more accurate and quick than any other targetting option once you get used to it)


    Sadly I think we need to be concerned about you. Seeing as you have a very limited view of how a healer can be played (perhaps you only do PVE where all you need is the raid frame and to stare at your feet to check your not about to be toast). But its ok if everyone is topped off your a great healer. You keep playing that way and I'll keep preempting the damage by sticking a hot on a person about to get toasted, or a bubble on a person stuck in the fire. Or perhaps a little cleanse to get them over the line or out of the fire.

  4. good thing, easier to get away from all these pesky maros/jugger beating on my sawbone.


    also raid frame > 180° view in most cases. As long as you have line-of-sight (which also applies to your back apparently) you can heal people behind you which you wouldn't have seen otherwise while still keeping an eye on the objective and running away from that dd on your heels.

    Have you resized your raidframe btw?


    Yeah its resized, I just find it irritating to spend most of my pvp time staring at the raid bars rather than playing the game.


    Meh with this and the lack of any decent resolve system I'm slowly going off the game. I spend so much time not looking at whats going on on screen now I might as well be playing a text based adventure. I like healing but if we are just going to be continually sidelined (and lets be honest, any full time healer in pvp, knows how rubbish it is when trying to heal) I won't be resubbing. They should just drop the healing classes altogether and give us a free respec. Drop the healing trees and just admit they had no intention for healing classes to be healers.

  5. To get back on track...


    Played several more warzones as healer. Got frustrated everytime someone standing near me died, because I was too slow using all the random ways of targetting them.. gonna take some serious practice.


    But what frustrated me the most was I'm just like other healers in pvp now. The on screen action is something that goes on outside my game as I have to spend so much time "monitoring the raid frame" which is boring as hell.


    I'm totally disconnected from the game playing like this, before I targetted by looking around at who was low, getting them in my field of vision and then targetting them, perhaps swinging away to look for the next heal target at the same time. It flowed, it felt great. Now it feels clumsy again.

  6. I highlighted this on the test server forums, and it looks like it totally got ignored.


    For me this is a game breaker. Tab targetting is woeful in this game, grid healing less than sub par in pvp.


    Target center was a really useful option when I could target friendlies. Now it only targets enemies. Healers have to resort to either


    1. Click player in front of you about to die (too slow and can miss click)

    2. Read player name and then find that player in the grid and click (good luck with the stupidly long pre and post titles)

    3. Use target friendly (good luck with it actually targetting the player you want)

    4. Revert to sub standard healer using only the raid frame.


    Sadden by this as I play mostly healers. Cancelling sub for now and will let it run out.


    Cannot understand why they didnt just add a new feature for target center enemy, rather than remove a feature some of us were happily using.


    And really bioware you need to be reading your test server forums. No point having feedback being totally ignored.

  7. Far too many in pvp, we have every type of stun mezz root from every other mmo in existence.


    Changes would be


    Reduce the lenght of the longer ones. I dont mind cleverly used stuns and mezz but 6 seconds is far too long in pvp. Thats death for most people.


    Remove proccing stuns, that stun off the end static barrier for example, yes its from a specced tree but its just another to add to too many already.


    Roots and snares need to add to resolve and be affected by resolve.


    Reduce the breaker time. 1m 30 and allow speccing for shorter.

  8. Its never going to change. DD outnumber healers therefore DD qq about healers is greater than healer QQ about anything.


    I've pratically stopped playing all my healing toons in warzones. There are so few healers now even on my extremely busy server its laughable.


    I wouldnt mind the interrupts so much if they did away with the pushback mechanic. The whole pushback system just makes healing pointless. Having both, and so much CC that also interrupts heals, and interrupts on such a short cool down makes healing utterly pointless in this game. Shield healing and hots is about all you can really rely on to be much use. Outside that unless you want to stack alacrity to stupidly high levels then the Cast time heals are fairly pointless as all of them can be outdone by a single DPS, and all take far too long to heal and most will get interrupted. (I will say you can still heal in warzones but you need to be playing some terribads, or have found the perfect hiding spot :) As soon as you are spotted you might as well start looking for a low opposition to take down or pull the enemy to the worst place possible positionally for them which in turn helps your team.


    Roll a DD and go with the flow. There is no point healing its not a healer friendly game in PvP. If you really want to heal now PvE is your game.

  9. They could have quiet simply hidden the tick box or button to queue for ranked warzones with all the code related to ranked warzones sitting behind it.


    Its totally possibly to develop multiple parts of an engine at the same time and to have to remove one whole chunk of coding without affecting other parts of the engine.


    Have a little faith, they obviously spotted something major (I'm betting its the leaving the warzones when losing not affecting rank or similar) and decided to pull it.


    Enjoy the massive remaining patch we have.

  10. OP : Your assumption would be fine if there was any kind of credit for healers that distinguished how many people on our team hadn't died as part of our actions. Sadly this is a totally impossible statistic to track as it would involve replaying infinite numbers of parallel outcomes to determine if each heal was of any use.


    As healers are missing out of this possibility it then falls back to getting assists. The system works.


    It doesnt bother me either way as I'm one of those healers that will happily turn around and spank the last 2% of an enemies health bar knowing that if all my team are above 50% its better I do that than an enemy healer gets him back up to full. So I get kill credits anyway, with or without the system.

  11. Marking healers is a good tactic. Makes for good team play and helps with dps nubs who keep hitting tanks all warzones, but one little change please


    The marks on non-group members should reset and drop on the death of that target..


    Being marked for the whole warzone is a major pain. If people want to keep marking me after each death then fair play to them for being that organised and on the ball, but having a perma mark over me from the start of the warzone that says kill this player first for guaranteed win is not fun.

  12. HUttball is down to the number of sorcerors on your team (and I am not talking ones specced for damage)


    When there are no sorcerors on either team you can then have a skill game, and those are the fun ones where position and team work really do count.

  13. Processor bottlenecking is nonsense... I get the same issues and my all 4 cores never go above 60%.


    The engine just doesnt work for certain machines irrespective of having an elite rig or not. I know several people with far worse rigs than me that average twice as much fps.

  14. The resolve bar does work, and I've used it to great effect in huttball several times to get a ball over the line, even in rubbish operative healer spec, but for me there is still way too much cc and some that is just daft.


    Knockback with root, seriously?

    Very long stuns (seriously, 2 seconds tops for all stuns, and that should be specced into to acquire)

    Roots / snares not affected by resolve? Its cc, it should all count.


    Personally there is way too much cc, I want to play a game, not spend half a match looking at a stun countdown. Along with interrupts it makes for a very frustrating game.


    I like the resolve system, I just think the amount of cc needs an across the board reduction.

  15. Last night I had a one of my all time favourite huttball games. It finished 1-1, we lost because the other side had the ball at the end, there was a load of close goals, and you know what...


    There wasnt a single force sprint to be found in the warzone....


    So many huttball games are utterly pointless because one side has no force sprint whilst the other side does. Either way, on the benefitting side or losing side, I hate it, because the better games are those where it becomes an absolute fight / passing game and much more tactical.


    You can have your force sprint during the warzone but just like my operative with stealth you cant have it whilst holding the ball. That utterly negates the entire point of the whole warzone just as stealth would on the operative.

  16. It is rather frustrating to play as a healer operative in Huttball.


    Whilst I can heal people, can get enough medals by mixing it up, about the only utility I have to offer, is sneaking ahead of the ball carrier to be ready for a pass, but thats totally reliant on people actually passing the ball and not getting seen.


    It's doubly frustrating when you start to help either the carrier or team mates only to get knocked back to the pit, see someone force jump from one platform to another, or get grappled into fire / acid and finally see someone force sprint over fire and over the line whilst you stand there thinking what is the point of my class in huttball?


    The one ability you have is stealth and its fairly useless, apart from combat stealth to reset the ball, or infiltrate to reset the ball (had to use a couple of times on team mates going the wrong way!)


    For me, force sprint and jump whilst carrying the ball really shouldnt be possible, without the ball fine, but with it is totally broken. Grapple or pulling a team mate I'm fine with even if they are carrying the ball. Knockbacks I can live with, but for the love of god at least give us something of value to use in huttball or give us the option to not queue for it.

  17. I can understand them regulating it but its current rate combined with the Random Number Generator is screwing over a lot of people


    Giving champion commendations as a reward for failing to get the right item is such a kick in the teeth..... it might as well display a message saying


    "haha you loser, you failed again"


    My suggestion


    50 Champion Commendations buys you 1 Battlemaster commendation (also think the same conversion for centurion as well wold be nice)


    So at 16 bags per week, = 48 commendations, so just over two weeks of fails you at least get to buy something.


    Currently 0/12 and wondering why I bother.

  18. Several times in the past few days, once 4 times in a row, I was put into warzone matches that were very near completion or practically finished anyway. Please could you implement some rules to stop this happening as it ends up being an utter waste of loading times.


    One warzone was so bad there was 20+ players listed on the empire side, with 0 damage / 0 healing.


    Please do not add players to zones if :


    If there are less than 2 minutes to go.

    If its huttball and there is a greater than 3 goal difference between the teams.

    If it is alderaan and there is less than 80 defence points on either ship.

    If it is void star and a team has already won (on stage 2 and got further than the stage 1 attackers)


    and finally if someone leaves a warzone before the end, implement a 30 minute cooldown on joining another warzone.

  19. Ok so for a while now a lot of people have been having the issue of when they solo queue for warzones they get an instant pop and when they click on enter warzone it throws them to the Character Select Screen.


    To combat this you can of course group up and queue as a group, however this isn't always practical.


    Here is a workaround for this until Bioware gets round to sorting it.


    It appears the issue revolves around zoning and certain zones not being valid to enter the warzone when you get the pop.


    If you get an instant pop, decline it.

    Board your ship.

    Fly to a new area.

    Queue for the warzone again (This may fix it)

    If it instant pops again, decline it.

    Zone off ship and queue from the hanger (this may fix it)

    If it instant pops again

    Board your ship again and fly to a new zone and queue again (this should always fix it)


    This does sometimes work if you zone into a new area but seems to be far more reliable on your ship than anywhere else.

  20. Thankfully I haven't redeemed my retail code. And to be fair I'm not going to until they sort it. I want to play with my guild mates, getting 100 people to change server plus all the alliances we are with really isnt an option (and probably will screw the next server we move to)


    Really can't understand why you can't raise the population cap and lock the server from any new characters (perhaps for a month). I know its a pain for those wanting to play with their friends already on those servers but at the moment that means everyone already having played a week is suffering because of these artificially low pops. A one hour queue at 8am on a weekday... seriously?


    Alternatively you need to get the free char move in very soon.


    Yet another great game spoiled by one issue. When I actually get to play I am amazed at how nice the game is and somewhat saddenened that its going to be a nail in the coffin in the short run because these sorts of issues have killed pervious mmos dead.

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