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Posts posted by WickedImage

  1. PvP server i assumed that when you run around questing you will bump into other players that you can kill or be killed by. Well of course there will be high lvl characters around that can gank you and i have no problem with that.


    But to put "Warzones" into an open world game that have specific gear for killing other players is just lame. At least let the gear stay in the Warzones where it belongs.


    I enjoy open world PvP and an mmorpg is the best place for that. If you want to queue for battles that last for 15 min, there are alot of games that is suited for just that.


    I understand that once added its hard to remove game content so please just disable the expertise stat outside warzones so we can enjoy real PvP and not some gearbased ganking that requires 0 skill.


    and to the people that says, i can't do OPS with my gear so you can't kill me with your gear. Well then maybe the open world players should have an option to send in random NPC bosses to gank you when you are doing warzones.


    It's a PvP server. People use PvP gear.....*wait for it*....when they PvP on a PvP server. I think you are pissed about getting it handed to you. The gear had nothing to do with your loss. YOU chose not to wear pvp gear on a pvp server while engaging in pvp.

    The problem is in your decision making friend. ;)

    Get PvP gear and get on par with the other pvp'rs when you pvp.

  2. both those games are trash


    Thanks! Bye now....




    Motorcity, It's true, things haven't changed much, balance wise, in a couple years. Also part of the problem tbh.

    But, for me, it appears they will be widening an already wide gap, further empowering already op classes, further diminishing the value/worth of the others. Turning some of the classes or respective disciplines into experiences that are...less than fun. :o

    These changes, presently, make zero sense from a PvP standpoint and only breed frustration in the pvp community. Unless there is some sort of grand unveiling of new game mechanics, new maps, or both for pvp....and these new additions require these changes in order to work....then there is no way pvp gets anything except worse.

    If I have been driving a 7 series BMW and paying $500 a month to drive it, I certainly cannot be talked into a 3 series BMW for the same $500 per month.....not easily anyways. ;):p


    Camelot sounds interesting...good mention. EQ was also one I was waiting on and forgot about!:eek: Nice.

  3. Thankfully, Star Citizen isn't something I was counting on. I threw down the minimum I could, to get access.:D Wasn't all that impressed with game tbh. Tried messing with it a few times over the last year but it hasn't seemed to grab me yet? So if it fails it fails, no harm done here. I also tried elite dangerous and found it to be...not fun for very long? :o


    I played GW2, Secret World, for about 3 months and found myself somewhat bored with the PvE and never really gave their PvP much of a chance because of that. Just never grabbed me. Decent games, just not ones I can play for very long.


    It concerns me that I may have to strap in for a longer ride than anticipated though. Not much on the horizon after doing a few searches. Battlefront will certainly pull me away once it arrives though. Hoping it's worthy of playing for more than a month or two. I do enjoy FPS and may end up going back to play Planetside2 for a bit.

    I've taken several "breaks" from this game already only to find myself wanting to play again after having played some of the above mentioned games for short stints. :(

    Then I drag my sorry carcass back here....pay my fee at the door....log in....and saber, shoot, and shock stuff until I get irritated by some new changes they shove out the door that increases an already wide gap among class balance.

    Like now.


    So I log here and find out what others are playing before I go. :D


    Easy fix for those of you who do not enjoy threads like this....?

    Stop reading them and stop posting in them. Go about your day as if they don't even exist. That way, they won't bother you anymore? :p


    Thanks for some of the game suggestions....even you Mr. Strap in for a longer ride! :p

  4. looking for other game suggestions mostly, k *******? Thanks for all your...energy? :rolleyes:


    Pvp is not dead for everyone, Im sure. it will always have wanks like yourself to play it. Enjoy.

  5. Well, not that we ever had super awesome and balanced pvp....but still. These new changes are horrible and will likely kill pvp for me. So, sadly, I think when 4.0 drops I will be playing another game. I've read enough to believe it's time to move on and I have begun the process of looking for a new game.


    Any game suggestions for me to look into are welcomed. :(


    Currently waiting on Star Citizen and have bought into game....over a year ago now? Don't think it will be ready by the time 4.0 drops though. I suppose I could go play Planetside 2 again for a bit....?

  6. Hacking is not as bad as some people make it out to be and likewise there is more hacking going on than some folks like to acknowledge. Go to YouTube. There are endless videos of hackers/cheaters. That does not mean that every other game has a hacker in it.

    If you look hard enough and long enough for things like hackers, eventually, you're going to find them everywhere you look. ;)

    If the hacks aren't blatantly obvious to you and your entire team as they are happening? It's likely a case of L2P friend.

    Having video of these events helps your case and let's be honest, it's not that hard to fraps these things as they are happening. Minimize, open any programs required, start recording 30 seconds later, or less. Hackers, if actually hacking, will still be hacking 30 seconds later when you get back and are now equipped to record them. :)


    I do not consider hacking to be a major problem during pvp played in swtor.

  7. Dear fellow SWTOR Players,


    I pay for this game, just as everyone else does.


    -I'll snip you right there....


    Let's talk about that for a moment and see if I can help you out and let you get back to the happy place and still get your pvp in?


    Troll 'em back for goodness sakes, mister sensitive pants!:D You have a great angle to play, and it will likely tick them off more than you, in the end?

    Look friend, there are 2 different games going on at the same time in pvp. The **** talking mind games and the actual games. Enjoy the first one for what it is. A game. No different than actual pvp. You just use text instead of BW provided abilities in your tray.

    My recommendation-

    Major Meanie Face: "Well, the game is already over, he's a Jugg tank and we can't win with a Jugg tank.

    You: "Juggs are the top tanks in the game. If you can't win with a Jugg tank on the team you must be horrible players"

    Major Meanie Face: "You are the worst player ever"

    You: "Maybe....but lucky for you guys I'm the best Jugg tank on this server"

    Major *** Hat: "We just lost and it was your fault you *%$#%$#!!!!

    You: "Umm? Clearly the loss was your fault. I taunted yo. I told you already, I'm the best"

    Them: "Your deluded kid, go hang yourself"

    You: "I'm already hangin' with you guys....but I spose I prolly shouldn't hang out with bads. Hey maybe I can teach you guys how to play?"

    Them: "Are you serious? You're horrible, the wworst tank ever"

    You: "Actually, we've already establish the opposite is true. I am in fact the best tank on this server my friend. Your lucky to have me on the team. I'm a great listener and I love long taunts in the park".

    You: "You know what? For being 'bads', you guys are kind of fun to hang out with, thanks for inviting me to be part of the team"

    Them: "go die in a fire kid, you suck"

    You: "Nah, I'm having too much fun helping you guys become better players, plus I get a great sense of accomplishment showing you the ropes and how a real tank rolls!"


    See what fun you are missing out on kind sir? Embrace the hate, mate! It can give you unlimited powah!!!!(and lolz)

    Now go have fun "kid"! :p


    Just my $.02



  8. I too am finding Marauder to be ridiculously powerful. I haven't hit 60 yet but I have, as another stated, been destroying people since level 11. If I have 0 support I can be corralled. If I have support.....psh, it makes all the complaints a joke. This class absolutely destroys.

    I roll fury on Marauder and Ataru on Sentinel. Both are great. Heck, I rolled one spec in wrong stance for an entire night and never even noticed until was ready to log lol. So much DPS...

  9. Why has this not been introduced.

    In the 4 or so wz's i play each day at LEAST one will be me getting dropped into a game thats well on the way to being lost.

    The second a mistake is made or you run into some resistance you'll get minimum of one dropout.


    It should have been introduced years ago, its long, long overdue.


    No. It's my sub and I'll leave when I want to. In fact, I left matches repeatedly yesterday when WZ's kept popping with my team not having a full team. Constantly 2 and 3 players short vs a q-syncing premade of guildies.

    YEAAAAAA! I totally want to stay and do that.....:rolleyes:

    The desertion is a symptom of the actual problem, not the problem itself. Treat the problem not the symptom friend. :p

  10. Obsessed may be a bit of a strong word but read the responses of your support party in the previous 30 pages. Most are calling us, proponents of change whiners or l2p.


    Boomer? There is a pretty good reason for that friend. It's really not that hard to counter an operative if you, yourself, know how to play one. Seriously. There are several ways, all listed in this thread, that you seem to want to ignore, think you shouldn't have to do, or think is more than the class should have for you to deal with. Frankly, you haven't posted anything that makes us think you are right and change is needed. All you've said is the stats on the power and how you think its too powerful. That's it....

    I appreciate what your saying but I respectfully disagree with you. There is nothing to see here.

  11. A few points:


    To the person above: your post is so juvenile, so unrefined, and so baseless that it does not warrant a reply other than this.


    That's hilarious.

    Have you tried a root? Those help. Maybe a hard stun, snare, mez, or KB? Also....a nice help. Grenades? Has anyone mentioned that you can't be uber vs everybody? That nugget may also help you. :) Maybe focus targets w i t h o t h e r s instead of hero shooting? All helpful things for taking out an operative. If you make them flee for cover just to go heal, and they haven't killed you..... it's not "much" different than you killing them. Re-spawn times are minimal anyways. Is it the stat you need? Maybe you should set up your chain smarter when targeting an op? We have already learned the exact percentages the ops is able to be brought down to before they turn magical and evaporate into thin air?


    "But what do you mean oh baseless, juvenile, and unrefined one?"


    I mean don't unload your 70% burst until they are already under 70% health. K? Like instead of bursting them from 100% down to 30% and watching them walk out on you, try plinking at them until they are at 50-60% then unload your 70% burst or whatever your number is. If they still get away then you know you're going to have to sneak a stun or root in at about 20% health or so to insure they stay put.


    Also, "Juvenile, unrefined and baseless"? You're a hoot dude/dudette. And also wrong.


    Operatives are very killable when team work, tactics, and gameplay are superior. maybe their teamwork, tactics or gameplay was superior to yours? If they didn't die and you didn't die then maybe the gameplay level was similar?(we call this a tie ;) ) Either way, everyone has kryptonite I suppose.

    Again, go roll an operative then come back here and tell us how overpowered the roll is. Without that roll Operatives would be useless and drop to the bottom of the totem pole like a brick. Without the roll they are the easiest kill in the game.

  12. O...m...g...the whine....go make an op if they are so overpowered....lol. The next thread will be about your op getting owned by this class or that one.

    The "poor me" garbage is so laughable here. The operatives roll is too strong, the BH is so weak, the Marauder is defenseless, blah, blah, blah....

    I also just made a BH(Merc) and Marauder to finally see what all the fuss was about? You folks crying about those two classes are a joke too. I destroy people on those characters ( Saiko, you were right my sentinel and marauder are Beastie!. ) What takes me 10 cool downs on my operative...I can do in 4 or 5 CD's on those two characters. Yes I can get owned without support. So what? I DESTROY people in a few CD's, what else can I cry about?


    This is clearly becoming a L2P issue afa I see. Don't want to full resolve them? Use a root. (although this school of thought is so stupid its ridiculous. Don't use your cc? cuz you may give them resolve? lol ok....lets cry about things we don't want to do. No, no, no....we have the ability to stop them, we just don't think we should have to use that power to do it. HILARIOUS!)

    Don't have the reflexes to react? Think farther than 2 inches in front of your face. Learn to anticipate like the rest of us do. If I see an operative at 10%? I'm thinking stun & done. If they get away from you there is no one to blame but you. If they burn all they have in order to get away from me, well, then good on them.


    If you seriously, NO BS cannot stop an operative then I suggest you go make one and play one up to at least valor 60 or higher. Then come back here and tell us all how overpowered you are. :rolleyes:

  13. I am currently playing on 3 different servers and there is not a ton of difference between them as far as this topic is concerned. All the people who complain of ranked not popping....? Well, it's become abundantly clear to me that THEY, themselves do not Q for ranked either lol. They get their 4 players together like they are gonna Q. Oh, they certainly take the time to pop a few messages in general about how they are needing folks to Q with them in ranked and such but they, themselves actually do not Q ranked. They Q regs and faceroll pugs. Fun.

    The worst experience of the 3 has been on Harbinger thus far. I recently transferred an imperial char over there and every play session has been virtually the same. My pug vs 2 groups of 4 guildies or what is commonly known as a pre-mades. Pretty sad gameplay experience on this server. I was monumentally disappointed in how unbalanced the matches were on Harbinger. To be fair, I have only had a character there for a week and only played about 20 matches......but the entire week has been about 90% of my matches being very definitive losses. Not competitive at all.



    Groups of 3 or more should not be allowed to Q for Pugs. Q'ing as a premade is not the intended spirit of the unranked Q.


    This is no different than ranked folks asking for preventative measures to be put in place to keep competition high. Likewise, there should also be measures in place for pugs, in order to keep the level of competitiveness high. Both the player quality and match quality would go up significantly if a few simple measures were to be put into place....


    I have previously advocated for pre-mades to be left alone to Q wherever they need to in order to get some gameplay in. I am starting to change my mind as it is becoming clear that Ranked players aren't actually trying to create or participate in ranked matches....but moreso forming up to dominate in reg gameplay. Lazy.


    While I'm sure some of you are doing your due diligence to get ranked matches in the proper way, I think the vast majority are not, at this point. Sad. :(

    What are your metrics saying about this BW? :o

  14. You don't see it because:

    1. You're lying


    2. You're not smart enough to realize it


    Since this ability is obviously unbalanced and doesn't take much intelligence to realize it must be 1.


    It sounds like you are #2 lol....

    For goodness sakes people. Use your cc and the roll stops. Amazing....:eek::rolleyes:

    Roll is fine. Nothing to see here. If roll is deemed unfit then ALL mobility should be removed. Force leap, Force speed, predation, hydraulic overrides, ANYTHING, anything at all that allows someone to move faster than a walk.

    Boy...that sounds like fun, huh?

  15. First off, I don't "rage quit". Not really, not anymore I don't. I no longer allow myself to get to that point before I leave a match. Generally (not always of course) you can see what you're in store for within the first 1 to 2 minutes.

    If I think I'm going to be banging my head against a wall getting the team to play objectives, yup I leave. Bye.

    I didn't join a dueling contest. I joined a "team" pvp match. If I find I'm NOT part of an objective oriented "team", I leave if it makes sense to do so.

    I play to have fun, not get angry at people who do not choose to play the game the same way I do. It's their choice to stay and duel. It's my choice to leave and begin the Q-dodging dance or outright switch factions in order to avoid those "duel me nub" type players! :D

    I'm into playing objectives. I can duel when I'm not in a WZ.

  16. Just pointing out that the matchmaking system is really flawed to let this happen in the first place


    I think that's reaching a bit but you have the right to believe that I suppose....but really it was only a single slot that differed. One team had an extra dps. *shrugs*

  17. lol about people all up in arms about some folks who were accidentally rewarded something that should have been earned. Big whoop. Stop hating, sheesh. Jealousy and envy are very ugly indeed...:D



    No I did not get a Nexu or whatever it's called lol.

  18. Yup, 'Q' times have been down. I too was on vacation for most of July, Saiko. Cam back to longer Q times. :(


    Still better than what PoT5 had before I transferred to Bastion though. By a lot actually. I almost moved my 60 Sin from PoT5 to Harbinger today but after some thought I elected to move him to Bastion and give it more time.

    I had to keep in mind that while I did feel Q times were down.....I was also just on a long vacation. It would stand to reason that, being July/mid summer, many others are doing the same things I am doing? Q's always get worse during summer months my brother, especially July. ;)

    I "maaaaay" still move a single level 60 over there just to see for myself what their 60 bracket is like.

    For now I think Im gonna hold off a few more weeks until summer starts winding down.........which will be mid to late August, when all of the festivals/concerts and such begin to start wrapping up their respective seasons.


    Reg Q's, fortunately, still pop fast. :)

  19. To the o.p-

    Seems you have a good handle on what these classes are up to. Why not head them off and disrupt them before they can hurt your team?

    You seem to know where they are, what they do, and how they do it.....

    So it would only seem logical that stopping something you are so informed about should be somewhat pedestrian?:rolleyes:


    Bring the right class/es and team comp and woes go away?


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