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Posts posted by Luxora

  1. Yes but are they quality games or are the faction imbalanced one side always wins matches? Cause I really don't count that as a community. A community is a mix of random players and premades on both sides.

    I agree. I would support a merge, particularly to benefit GSF. I enjoy GSF, but it only pops at specific times of the day, and it's always the same few people unless you're lucky enough to hit it exactly at peak hour and then you might see fresh faces... some of the known "veteran flyers" are rude elitist jerks who repeatedly come over to my faction to whisper hate messages for no reason, because that'll get more people to queue up or solve anything.


    It's very clear on my server that most people (particularly most of the serious Starfighter players) go Imperial. They don't want an actual challenge, and enjoy just picking on whoever's left pubside. Even though ironically they seem to think it's the other way around.


    Just because I recognize and see many of the same names doesn't make it "community" or positive. It's actually an experience I'd rather avoid, when I have no real problems with the mechanics of GSF by itself.

  2. Thanks for the heads up, I will pass this on.

    Will there be any info or follow-up as to whether Bind to Legacy was intended or unintentional for these decors? Or a general ETA as to if/when it may be changed?


    I'm trying to decide if I'm going to spend my certificates on stuff like outfits/mounts for me, when I would've rather gotten some decor to donate to my guild. If I can't do that, I'll just burn 'em on lower-priority stuff that I didn't really want.

  3. "We will regularly look to offer more customization improvements such as adding Weapon Tuning enhancements to player collections."

    I like how that's a thing (and it should be), but after most dualwielders have already been screwed into paying double what any other class did if you wanted to enjoy those.


    The fair thing to do would be to check:

    Is dualwielder? Has tunings equipped in both?

    Then mail them a token to cash in for their equipped tuning so they can sell it back. But I doubt you'd do anything like that, and we'll just have to eat the lost credits.

  4. Happens all the time to me, too, it's very annoying.


    But the worst is that (unlike SWTOR years ago) I can't summon companions from the small crafting menu (which is sorted by highest influence, which are probably your favorites)... Instead you have to block your vision and pull up the huge Contacts window, minimize or scroll past any Alerts you haven't finished or whatever else, to get to the companion you want.


    For example, Xalek, he's way in the bottom-most category, past Alerts, Main Characters, Companions (Malavai or Elara depending) and then at the bottom of "Other Followers". I happen to like several of the "Other Followers" even though you sadly can't customize a lot of them, and this makes using them a hassle.


    Having to do that every single time I use an elevator... really annoying.

  5. Huge support for an "auto on" feature, or at least that ON be the default setting and if somebody dislikes them, you can turn them off.


    This includes things like the Bounty Board, the Imperial or Republic Starfighter Displays, and Ambient Machines. They all default to "off" if the stronghold is reset/nobody was in it while they were turned on. It's annoying as heck coming back and having to manually do it all if I want to see my fancy things doing what they should be doing.


    Seriously deserves a quick fix, Bioware.

  6. While we're discussing Malavai... Why the heck would they make it possible for a Pub to choose to side with the Empire on Iokath (and thus pick Malavai over Elara), but you can't access any of the Imperial vendors who have Malavai's customizations? It's annoying as heck.


    See, I used to play a Sith Warrior, then my friends went pub, so I made a Jedi... and it's nostalgic to have Malavai again. But I can't customize him the way I previously did.


    Please just put a vendor in Iokath somewhere with Malavai/Elara factional customizations for whatever their usual prices are.

  7. I don't have this bug myself, but here to show support for you guys, since a friend of mine has the same issue and I'd be pretty irked if it were me.


    They've played since the beginning, have the Founder title and all, were not boosted... and because of the sporadic nature of how the KotFE chapters were released, there were patches inbetween which broke the romance and it was unable to be continued while eventually finishing KotFE as the chapters came out.

    Even trying the "go back to the cantina" thing apparently hasn't worked, and provided no Flirt options at all.


    The reality is that the fix is probably simple. Give people a choice to reset romances so they're treated just like a boosted character. You have an option to casually flirt with Lana or Theron in the cantina, and if you do, you begin a "new" romance with them (pretending to be a continuation of the old), continues with all the available options.

    I mean, it's not like they really talk about their past with you anyway, to my knowledge, or base any dialogue over past adventures with them. Most players would never realize the difference. Just that you have to do a little more flirting before they'll be more serious with you (again). This is still the laziest way to fix it, but it could be done, if they even gave a hoot.

  8. Wrote a ticket and received a reply.


    Apparently It is a Bug that is meant to be patched out soon.

    Ha. 2015 to 2017. C'mon, Bioware. I'm generally pretty understanding about allowing time for bugfixing, but there comes a point when it's just ridiculous.


    I've had this happen with numerous Star Fortress decors, most recently a Skytrooper Model Display Tube (also dropping from the first boss, the Skytrooper Praetorian.)

  9. Bump for justice!

    Completely gamebreaking when you're wearing something like Satele Shans outfit and your Cathar's head is blatantly obvious in not matching the rest of the body. I don't even want to play my cathar anymore.

    I agree. Was pointed over here after I made a bug report since I was so incensed about the issue and unable to enjoy playing my Cathar when I have to look at such an unsightly neck seam.


    I completely understand if more serious bugs take priority, but I'd also think something as basic in the game as what a character looks like is pretty dang important. Particularly when Cathar is something people pay extra cc for.


    It's annoying to me since I'm an artist and have worked on textures myself (including matching heads to bodies), I know I could fix this stuff in an expedient manner, and that includes every single female Cathar complexion/fur pattern (though it'd involve a lot of tiresome testing combinations to make sure a single one doesn't leave a seam.) It honestly shouldn't take this long to see it done. And whoever messed with them in the first place was rather careless with their unnecessary tweaking.

  10. I noticed when attempting to wear a Cyrene Aegis Vestment (or any outfit that shows the neckline), female Cathar (Haven't checked male) have a horrible seam line and the body texture is not seamless to the head texture.


    Kinda surprised that race unlock is 600cc and nobody has bothered to notice or fix this in a long time. Amateur texture work for stuff you charge money for.


    Screenshot 1

    Screenshot 2

  11. I think Bioware is missing the point regarding Biochem. You see people flocking en masse to Biochem, think it's OP and nerf the Rakata stuff. The reality is that even though you have nerfed it into equivalent power with Energized/Exotech stuff, I'd still never consider dropping Biochem for another profession, one quick glance is all I need to know that they're not even worth it.


    Free stims/medpack that I never need to keep crafting and can rebuff myself whenever I want? Yes please, I use that stuff so frequently I can't envision having a limited quantity.


    Craft myself some epics when I'm already decked out in Columi or Champion gear that I can't mod (and wouldn't want to, since the mods in it are far superior)? No thanks. There's no comparison.


    And that is what Bioware should be looking at. Why do players show a disinterest in the other crafting professions? It's not because Biochem offers "so much more" power... It's because it's the only one that does.


    The solution was not to further nerf Biochem, but to improve the other crafting professions and give them some kind of gimmick/gadget/stuff that can be used to increase your combat effectiveness. People like that sort of thing. If you want to craft things, it's going to be on a crafter alt, your main gets the good professions that have useful combat-related stuff. You'd think you would've known this, since WoW (much as I loathe it) already did it in the form of things like letting Blacksmiths put extra sockets in their gear, Engineering gadgets, Leatherworking embossing, and so forth. This means all professions are useful in combat in different ways, making players decide which is the most useful to them and their role in the game. It's a more tactical decision, but all of them offer a surprisingly equal stat bonus.


    Players can already get gear through so many other avenues, and that epic gear naturally has mods in it. Currently we can't replace the Armoring in those epics (but that sounds like it'll be changing in the next major content patch, which while awesome will further compound this issue)... but the big problem is that players can't create BETTER mods.


    So for example, when I was a new 50 and didn't have any good PvE or PvP leggings, I took a duplicate Champion chest token and ripped out the epic (56) Mod and Enhancement, bought a Belsavis Daily Commendation epic Armoring off the vendor for an easy 8 commendations, and put all that in some orange legs. It was better than Tionese, and only lacking in the Expertise found on Champions -- and it was better than anything a player could craft for me, so I never bothered to go seek someone out to pay them to craft something for me. And that right there is the problem, Bioware.


    Other than making a little money selling stuff on the GTN (and I think it's a no-brainer that while money is nice, credits have nothing over a boost in combat effectiveness), people don't really want much of what those crafting professions produce, therefore people have a poor opinion of them and don't take those professions as often on their primary characters and don't recommend them to guildmates. Therefore all that's left is "How is this profession useful at endgame, then?" And the professions other than Biochem (and Cybertech for the grenades, despite the ridiculous 5min cooldown)... are simply not useful.

  12. The OP is genius... excellent comparison. Honestly, whoever came up with this loot system for PvP gear at Bioware needs to be replaced. It's a very simple concept that people like to know that when they put time and effort into something, they will receive adequate compensation. As customers paying for a game, we should feel that our time was well spent, that we enjoyed it.


    When players reach the point of purchasing something, they want to get what they worked for. To be robbed of that by a factor of randomness does not make your customers happy... quite the opposite.

  13. I agree. The sad thing is, even though I love doing everything an MMO has to offer, a lot of the HM's are buggy as hell, so I mostly just PvP. And then there's the bug where your Warzone wins don't count for the daily... and last but not least, the fact that I've gotten like 6+ Offhand Weapons.


    Most of the time it's just Centurion Commendations, but when a player sees purple in the bag's loot window, they get their hopes up, and then -- suckerpunch to the gut! You just got a duplicate piece. Maybe Bioware doesn't realize how absolutely stupid this system is.


    How it should be:

    Time spent in a warzone = some kind of earned currency.

    People should be able to take that earned currency, and buy what they want with it. That way they feel they are directly acquiring something with what they earned, instead of this convoluted system of get commendations to turn them into merc commendations, to get a bag and get more commendations, and maybe a piece of gear that is most likely a duplicate.


    If they wanted to make it a lengthy grind so badly, they should've just made the Champion Bags cost 800 Warzone commendations. Hell, they should've made Champ Bags require Valor 30, and make Centurion Bags that cost 400 Warzone comms with no Valor requirement, so that people will acquire what they can or have the option to save up (and ditch the cap of 1k commendations.) I mean, really, the only way you get Merc comms is by converting them anyway, you don't get them from kills on Ilum or anything like was initially suspected.


    The whole system is far more convoluted and complex than it needs to be. I hate WoW with a passion, but that is something they got right.

  14. I have to agree that cross-server PvP will ruin the server community. Having come from WoW where you usually don't run into anybody from your own server, it was extremely refreshing to queue up in SWTOR and see people from my own server, and get to know them and how well they did in PvP. You acquire a certain appreciation for the premades you know are tough to beat, and everybody loves recognition. This is something that WoW didn't have, and if you go through with cross-server PvP, you will lose it.


    I realize that cross-server PvP is looked at as a solution for low-pop servers or those with imbalanced factions, but the reality there is the game is young, and they will fill up with time. Just don't open new servers of those types for a while. It's up to Bioware to balance their servers, and if need be, eventually offer server transfers like Blizzard did to help with balancing populations.


    Taking the easy way out by implementing cross-server PvP will only hurt server communities in the long run, and it's already more difficult to have a server identity in SWTOR than in past open-world MMO's where you might randomly encounter someone, due to less instancing (*cough* Not a big fan of the fact that there's usually always a 2nd instance of a given planet, when there's not that many people in the first one.)


    In short, it's fun getting to know people and guilds on your server. I don't want to see anything that would diminish this.

  15. I support an AC respec. When people make this choice, unless they're an alt or already experienced SWTOR player, they usually don't know anything about how this class will feel later on. And SWTOR is definitely a game where many classes only come into their own at later levels. Considering that either AC receives the same exact class storyline, that would remain unaffected by an AC change.


    I see no downsides to this, only the upside that if a person has played their AC to a high enough level for them to realize they probably should've chosen the other AC and regrets that decision, it would make a customer happier to be able to switch. Instead of making them replay all those levels, doing the exact same story over again. In many cases, this would entirely turn a player away from doing so.


    I believe a responsible method to implementing this to prevent fears of "FOTM" would be to have a per-character AC respec timer. As in, this character can only be AC-respecced once a month, or longer, with a warning popup before you click to confirm your choice.


    This lets people who are serious about changing do so, but prevents any on-the-fly changing that might cause any perceived population imbalances and such.

  16. The reality is that many people plan for endgame content. There are two choices, PvP or PvE (or both). The traditional gear grind for either route you take will provide epics better than anything that can be currently crafted, whether it's bought from a vendor or an Operation drop.


    Therefore, you have people who see all the armor/weapon-crafting professions as relatively useless, except perhaps as moneymakers for the fools who actually buy that stuff.


    So much like in WoW where you had people picking Engineering for the gadgets, Blacksmithing for its sockets and Jewelcrafting for the epic gems to go in those, people are going to look for professions that can continue to offer some benefits post-50. The best professions are those which keep offering something other than gear, which (as I said, though vendor/commendations or Op drops) you will continually replace.


    Or, once Bioware implements the awesome system (that they had in beta and people loved) which lets us pull the Armorings out of raid gear/PvP gear, people will be able to look how they want to look instead of being stuck in something like the godawful Inquisitor PvP outfit with the feather hat.


    In short, people will do the grinds not to get the actual gear (unless it looks cool), but to get the mods out of them. Which I personally think is a better system, but it will make even more apparent the already existing problem that crafters are not able to produce any mods above grade 22 right now (unless Operations drop schematics, but I haven't seen any yet.) Whereas even the Belsavis Daily Commendation vendor lets you buy the grade 23 Armoring/Hilts. The other crafting professions are simply not "keeping up." The solution was to buff them appropriately and realize that you didn't make them competitive in the first place, not to kneejerk nerf.


    Either way, being that I play a class with no self-heals, I'm sticking with Biochem unless Bioware decides to actually make the other professions have a useful gadget in some way. And it's ridiculous that they nerfed Cybertech too; the grenades were already on a 5 minute cooldown, compared to Biochem's 90-second medpac.

  17. Posting my thoughts here, since they closed the other thread... I'm usually not a forum poster since I spend more of my time actually playing the game, but sometimes there's things important enough to bring me here.


    Firstly, I realize that Bioware thinks people are stupid and that if you enable high-res textures which would only be usable by top-end PC's, people might whine and complain that their crappy computer can't run the game and they'll feel entitled to just slap their settings on High and say it's the game that's poorly optimized, not them being idiots.


    "The development team is exploring options to improve the fidelity of the game, particularly for those of you with high-spec PCs. It will be a significant piece of development work and it won't be an overnight change"


    This is nonsense. You already have high-res textures, we've all seen the cutscenes and then wince as we go back to blurry crap. They're already in the game, all you need to do is let us select the setting.


    Instead of simply denying the feature to all of us, how about I offer a suggestion...


    If you really feel that people are too stupid to be trusted to select their own settings, here's a solution. Have the launcher run a scan at the first time you launch the game, let it detect what a PC's specs are and then set Low/Medium/High/whatever accordingly, and gray out any higher options that they cannot run without severe framerate loss.


    This accomplishes the same thing you're trying to achieve, without punishing those who actually have good enough computers to run the game pretty much maxed out.


    You think this suggestion would cause people to rage about being prevented from doing what they want? Oh, hey, well you might want to re-read this thread (and the other threads) and consider what you've already done.

  18. Juggernauts get a mobility buff but Marauders are fine ? What ? Juggernauts have much more CC and a great knockback, Marauders don't.

    I came to this thread to pretty much rage about this. I can't believe Bioware would make an announcement about helping Guardians/Jugs but say nothing for Sentinels/Marauders.


    Anybody who's seen one in Huttball knows exactly how mobile they are, even moreso if they specced right and picked up Zealous Leap or Obliterate. While I'm sure this change isn't made entirely because of PvP, Huttball is an excellent way to look at how mobile a given class is.


    Marauders have absolutely nothing: Is your Huttball carrier up on a walkway and needs your help? Leap up to immobilize the enemy chasing him, and... osht, his buddy just knocked you off the walkway. Now you have to chill down below for the 15s cooldown, or go try your luck with the random vents that could send you flying any which way, or possibly bug you to where you're stuck in a falling animation which prevents you from using any channeled ability.


    In contrast, let's say you're a Juggernaut on a Huttball premade. You're pretty survivable, so you wade in there and grab the ball. You see a slower enemy coming down the lower front ramp behind the green pit, and you Force Charge to them. The enemy thinks you're still on the ground floor, so they're not trying to get up high, like how they usually chase ball carriers. Your Inquisitor buddy has stealthed further back behind the fire on an upper walkway, and you Intercede up there. You've got height, you've got the fire to keep them at bay from giving chase, you've put a lot of distance between yourself and the enemy team. Even a sprinting Consular couldn't catch you. Only a lucky Vanguard using Harpoon to reel you back in could stop you from scoring, and even then, one of possibly three leap moves could get you out of their reach again.


    And if an enemy Jedi leaps up after you, you can always Force Push him off the ramp. While this isn't directly mobility-related, it shows that they have a defensive option to keep others from lessening your mobility.


    That scenario didn't even make use of Obliterate/Zealous Leap, which is a popular build most take, considering the crazy numbers the auto-critting AOE Smash/Force Sweep can put out.


    Like I said, Sentinels and Marauders have nothing for mobility by comparison.


    I'm not saying don't buff Guardians/Juggernauts if Bioware somehow believes they need it -- but jesus, it's insane not to take a look at the other Advanced Class which is far more lacking.

  19. While the OP was not as articulate about this as I would've liked, I have to agree.


    I'm not opposed to grinding for gear (and I know this is why they implemented it this way), but the fact that the system involved RNG is just ridiculous. Getting bagfuls of Centurion Comms over and over (Updated for weekly cash-in: 9 in a row is my record, so far) and then getting a duplicate piece of one you already had... it's just awful.


    I hate WoW for many different reasons, so don't get me wrong when I say this, but at least I was able to pick and choose the pieces of gear I wanted to buy with the points I had earned.


    There has to be an alternative method to keep gear acquisition as an appropriate grind, without making it this painful.


    And for the record, no, there is NO way to purchase the gear you want with regards to T3 Battlemasters. You can only acquire Battlemaster gear by exchanging a token, which comes out of the Battlemasters Bag and will be a random piece, if you even get one.


    It's a horrendous grind getting only 3 commendations per bag, if you want to use that as a way to selectively acquire certain pieces. For the time investment in acquiring 800 Warzone Commendations, you should be able to pick which piece you want to get.

  20. I agree with the OP. But then, I also predicted this would happen the moment they nerfed Slicing, a stupid kneejerk reaction to appease the childish whiners who don't understand a thing about economy.


    The prices of the things I try to sell on the GTN has been dropping -- today, I had to relist an item and lower the price by about 20k to remain competitive with other listings, which I've noticed are not selling. And for the first time, my mailbox has several items returned unsold, when they used to sell like hotcakes (when they were more expensive, no less.)


    It's all because the economy has less money to spend to buy what we craft; Slicers were the ones bringing in the extra credits and felt like they had enough that they could actually buy things on the GTN. Most other people are saving for their speeder training and expensive skill training, and don't have such a huge buffer for luxury expenses.


    And now so much unsold crafted gear is piling up, and the prices are plummeting. This means less money earned for the people who sank a lot into grinding up their professions. Considering the cost of gathering mats and how much I had to sink into grinding up to 400, I was hoping I'd be able to make a lot of that back sooner than later. As it is, level 50 dailies/questing is still far more profitable than my own crafting profession, which is silly.


    That aside, I also think it's wrong to have a profession that costs more than it brings in, and yet produces no real solid "gathering mat." Every time I send out my companions, while it may not always be the precise material I was looking for, they're definitely coming back with something that I can use, or if not, sell on the GTN. Slicers on the other hand were only occasionally rewarded with schematics, Mission items and so forth, none of which I'd say are amazingly valuable, you can acquire pretty much all of the schematics in a short amount of time. They weren't guaranteed to get crafting mats they could then use to produce something and slap it on the GTN.


    I'll admit it did bother me that they could so easily pull in 200k~ without much effort, when I had to deal with the hassle of sending companions out and hope they bring back the right kind of mats (especially the annoying epic ones), then spend time crafting it, hope it procs an Augment slot, and then go list it and compete with other similar crafters' prices. I'd almost say they did make more money, and more easily -- I am not denying that Bioware should have looked at Slicing.


    But they went far overboard with this, did not make the situation better for anyone, and it doesn't seem like they knew what else they would mess up as a result.

  21. OP is going about this the wrong way. Nerfing isn't the solution, buffing the other professions is.


    For example, Cybertech can only craft up to "rank 22" Armorings/Mods/etc for gear. By doing a few level 50 dailies, I can spend a cheap amount of like 8 Daily Commendations to get epic "rank 23" mods for my gear, which are by and far the best acquirable, beyond what any player can craft. There's no reason for players to undertake the huge moneysink to grind up these professions when they provide nothing unique or necessary in that regard. This should be changed.


    Similarly, almost all the PvP epics, all the epics from Corellia or Daily Commendation vendors and probably raid drops too, all come with their own slots/mods or stats on the actual gear which can't be removed. By comparison, I haven't yet seen a crafted item with Armoring/Mod/Enhancement plus Augment that can really compete statwise with these items. To me, this makes crafting such gear also pointless, unless you're willing to sacrifice that much in stats for a particular appearance. This should also be changed. I have never once felt compelled to seek out a Synthweaver/Armormech to spend my credits to acquire gear, and I can't imagine they make much money trying to sell stuff on the GTN.


    (Along with the fact that I don't like that, in order to get the best stats from those level 50 epics, I'm going to have to look identical to anyone else doing the same. The mod system is great, level 50's shouldn't be penalized for using it to have custom-looking gear. This is especially true with PvP epic gear that innately comes with Expertise, and you'll miss out a lot if you don't have any.)


    Destroying the professions that actually have a use is not the way to handle this. Fixing the uselessness of other professions is.

  22. I'm kindof horrified that this is like this. I just helped my Inquisitor friend acquire 2 more red shards (she had one from Korriban, then we grabbed one easily on Hoth, and she stealthed to get the one on Ilum, which I myself was able to get without much difficulty too.) It took less than an hour, if that.


    But here I am as a Sith Warrior trying to get 3 greens for my relic, and it's going to take days of searching for Rakata Cubes. Makes me feel like my time would be better spent farming Warzones.


    For the record, I did see one Rakata Energy Cube. But an Agent grabbed it before I got to it. Which makes it all the more annoying than anyone else's relic hunt, because people who don't need the level 50 Strength relic from 3 green shards can also take the Rakata cubes. (Not saying there aren't other recipes that use greens, but this one forces you to acquire all three available greens.)

  23. I can see how this would only apply to lightsabers.


    I, too, haven't seen any orange armor items that have Augment slots, and believe those only come from crafting... but I've not seen anyone able to craft gear with any slots other than the Augment one, which is a terrible tradeoff (and makes me wonder why anybody would ever buy crafted gear?)

  24. Even Revan is without hood.. That is a bit too much

    Yeah, this. (Spoiler warning) But the cutscene when Revan puts his mask on and his hood magically disappears... Sheesh, what were they thinking. It's classic for most Sith to have a hood and a mask (excluding baldy Malgus.) That they built the game without finding a way to make that work is just mindblowing.

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