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Posts posted by orryko

  1. i'm honestly surprised 99% of you can tie your own shoes


    i will never understand why there are only 20 or so people per server capable of breaking 1 mil in the average wz, regardless of their class


    just basic, straight forward knowledge of all the classes, how to burst, how to kite, how to survive


    like it's literally no harder than tying your shoes. amazing that you people aren't on life support

  2. what a *********** joke musco. i know you're just the messenger boy...


    you could have saved a lot of typing by just saying "Do we care about anything pvp related? - NO"


    all these answers are canned and scream "we are too retarded to know how to balance or implement anything"


    you guys just hold the company line of milking all these rp and pve *******s


    what is the point of the stream today? all that guy will say is "we don't have any plans at this time" or "we can't implement that because it's too technically challenging"


    there is a thread on the pts forums that i made that has actual, detailed questions that need to be addressed. i have also offered numerous suggestions on how to fix your abysmal system since your devs are too awful and clueless.


    by the way...do you guys have paid testers? i would love to meet the s keying and keyboard turning downies you pay to balance and push changes through.


    inb4 random bads, pvers, gsf people, or casuals try to challenge me

  3. No, the matchmaking system really doesn't work. I can't really comment on group queue, since there are only like 4-5 teams in it at a time, but solo queue matchmaking is horrible. It's a complete joke instead of just a joke when they allow one team to have a 700 rated member when the other has a 2000 rated member.


    Sure, if you REALLY want to do competitive PvP in SWTOR, you'll suffer through the absolute stompings that you take. But 99% of people are going to say eff it and queue regs (like they already do). You don't need the top tier gear to queue 4 competent people into regs and destroy everyone, so anyone not interested in losing games all night still has no incentive to do 4s with your changes.


    yeah but the fact some people would have the best gear is what would drive the others to get it. not sure if you've ever played wow, but that's how it works there.


    i agree solo queue is horrid. but that shouldn't be a ranked thing anyway.


    for group queue, matchmaking appears to work. if our average group has a 2k rating and another team is 1300ish, even if we're the only two teams in queue, it will take up to 10 mins sometimes to pop. to me, it seems that they system is desperately trying to match people

  4. I'm not sure this will motivate anyone to do anything. If I don't want to do 4s, then I don't need Obroan gear. So why would I start queuing for 4s to get gear that I don't need? It also creates a barrier to entry for 4s, since I'm already facing more experienced teams and now they have better gear (even if it's only slightly better) because I couldn't get it prior to competiting.


    They need to increase the queue population and the major factor keeping people from queuing is skill differential. A new team should have 0 chance to face the teams that are playing consistently. BW needs to fix the matchmaking (for both queues) so that ratings are actually close and there needs to be a maximum rating difference in order for a game to happen. If 1000 rated teams know they won't face a 2000 rated team, they will be far more likely to queue up. As it is now, they will face whoever is available first, even if there was a closer rated team in queue.


    TL;DR comms aren't the way to do it, just use the actual ratings to make the games better.




    there is no matchmaking because people are too scared to queue


    if people could only get the best gear from 4s, then overnight there would be 100+ teams


    yes, you have to play and get stomped by the best teams sometimes. boohoo.

  5. PVP stands for player vs player. Last i check the ships in GS aren't flying themselves. It takes skill and practice to get good at it, just like how ground PVP does. I understand that there are 2 different types of PVP and the point of this thread is that PVP isn't dead, beacuse of the now 2 forms of PVP we have that are recieving support from bioware. To say that PVP is dead in SWTOR is ridiculous cause you are basically saying bioware doesn't care about it when all the informtion we have recieved in the previous months begs to differ. They are giving us more content and are improving the experience.


    you play gs. you are just some random bad. your opinion = 0

  6. this is an old thread, thanks rejin lol


    the only way to increase participation is to force it upon the playerbase. if the best gear can only be obtained by doing team ranked 4s, then guess what the majority of players will figure out how to participate in?


    99% of players will take the path of least resistance, whether they just farm regs all day until they have obroan, or they do solo queue all day til they have obroan.


    this game's pvp received its final nail in the coffin today anyway. with the housing and rp xpac coming out at the same time as wildstar, coupled with the fact they have no idea how or what to balance, the majority of good pvpers will be gone. it's not that people leave swtor for other games, it's that every time a new game comes out (because of the lack of direction and proper decision making), people leave and never come back.

  7. I was one of the people who said 1 stack is way too strong and to put it at 3. The majority of you can't think outside of the box or for the greater good of the game. You just want to dominate in your regstar matches.


    For those of us who actually participate and do well in 4s on multiple classes/comps, we know exactly what the balance issues are and what classes need to remain viable or not.


    I don't want us to get overbuffed to where the few sorcs i know who actually know how to play completely dominate 4s and make it bad for everyone else who plays other classes/comps


    ...which will lead to massive nerfs for sorcs in future patches.


    please be forward thinking.

  8. It means that the obviously limited amount of content they've released since 2011 will be further slowed by features inherently designed just to funnel $$ into the cartel market, rather than actually give players substantial content worthy of the $15 they still expect us to pay every month.


    Besides, if you're picturing sprawling landscapes of unique houses you are going to be disappointed. It will very likely just be an instance on coruscant and dk (a green wall), e.g, the same for everybody, unless you want to group with someone, go inside their zone, and see whatever crap they chose to buy from the cartel market.


    exactly what it will be


    lol@people who think they'll get to plop down a house on their favorite mountaintop

  9. For once, you actually make some sense. Unfortunately, when they were doing that the game almost did tank. Changing directions now won't solve a thing. It's too late. End of story.


    uhh it almost tanked because they're bad at their own game. they have no idea how to balance or what to focus on. on top of that, they ignore advice from all their best players. i would love to see a stream of them doing a nightmare raid or team 4s.


    hint: they couldn't hang

  10. you casuals are unbelievable


    the only thing spending money on the cartel market does is encourage them to develop more stuff for it


    if no one fell for their milking, then they'd have to develop an actual game to make money


    anyone who is a sub at this point clearly loves star wars and is holding onto a tiny sliver of hope before their friends/the remaining population worth playing with, leaves for another game or quits altogether

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