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Posts posted by Hostyle

  1. It's fun in Void Star where you can stomp everyone at the door for 3k+ dmg aoe, or at the nodes in Alderaan. You get 100% up-time on transcendence as well.


    But somehow, I always return to Watchman spec. I feel like I'm helping my team out more by destroying their healers or the (small) heals that come off my burns. And in my opinion, Watchman is more interesting to play.


    It really depends on your playing style I guess. If you're looking for higher dps, I would say Focus gets the slight edge. But in terms of actually winning matches, I would say Watchman.


    See I totally disagree with this opinion. Killing the healers, while helping the team, isnt keeping people from capping turrets or planting a bomb. I win so many more WZs as focus than I ever did as Watchman. Being the bane of the others teams cappers is what focus is all about. With all my def abilities I can keep a node from being capped by 3+ people until help can arrive while taking then all down to below 50% hp with my aoe.

  2. Youre not going to get those huge numbers from sweep because youre not getting the 30% crit damage bonus from focused resonance, or the 20% armor penetration from shii-cho mastery.


    Personally I love focus. But then again, when Im in a WZ Im not going for damage or kills. Im trying to be the biggest annoyance on the BF. Im keeping people from capping turrets, speeding away with the huttball and planting bombs on doors. I can do all these long enough for 1-2 of the rest of my team to back me up. Im playing it as a utility class, not a pure damage dealer and Im having fun.

  3. Its not hard to see and read all the trouble 1.1 has caused. I dont need to go into great detail as its beating a dead horse. But if there is no rollback, I will not be re-upping my sub. Ive been to Ilum and Ive seen whats going on.
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