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Posts posted by Lolokio

  1. I imagine this has been covered before somewhere in the preceding pages, but there's one thing I just do not understand about the new bolster:


    Why is there an expertise bolster AT ALL in the 10-29 queue?


    If anything, the bolster should ensure there's NO expertise in the low tier. Sure it's fun for those of us that have been around for a while, I giggle when my shadow gets off a 9k crit at level 25. But considering the 10-29 queue will be the first PvP experience for most new players it seems unreasonably harsh.


    I understand it would make PvP feel a lot different moving from 29 to 30, but it would provide a "training wheels" period. Which is what the lower tier should be used for, imho.


    Either way, glad to see there's a fix for naked bolster and I appreciate all the hard work that has gone into this latest patch ;)

  2. I've gathered the +10 datacron a few times on my republic characters.


    Now I try it for the first time on my Sorcerer and I run into this bug, when trying to loot the "blue" shard.


    "More Experience is Required to Use This"


    Starting to think I'm a fake 50, lol.


    No response from in-game CS yet, any suggestions?

  3. Juyo FTW!!


    I don't know how something like this could be organized though. Folks have moved around quite a bit, or just stopped playing.


    I know many folks who look back on the smaller server pvp with warm fuzzy nostalgia. I miss the camaraderie of the smaller crowd, but I certainly don't miss the long queues.


    Anyways, if this gets off the ground I'd be game to try out for the Juyo team ;)

  4. I'm a huge fan of operations in Star Wars: The Old Republic. So many great encounters, memories spent laughing through troublesome fights and cheering victories.


    Soa is still an amazing fight, I really hope to see EV/KP get some love moving forward. No matter where the game goes I'll never get tired of those fights (Except Fabricator). Albeit, they're a lot more enjoyable now with many of the quality of life improvements.


    But I have to say, Terror from Beyond is the new high point for me. Whereas the previous operations had standout fights, TFB is from start to finish a roller coaster. While it doesn't quite nail the personality of Karagga's Palace, it instills a sense of "Epic" challenge and fun on a scale not seen since Soa was the big kid on the block.


    TFB also brings some of the most "polished " content that you guys have put out. While hiccups do occur, it is so far and beyond what Eternity Vault was on launch, or any of the previous ops really.


    The standout has to be Operator IX, where the other "puzzle" fights always put a lull in the action, this one was just over the top. Even now on the weekly grind, I run into that room with a huge grin ;)

  5. So there's been a few times I've broken the 1 Million Healing Ceiling. The first was a few months ago back on Juyo:




    More recently there was last night:




    Then there's this sentinel from our guild, Sierr'a, who broke 1.1 Million Damage last night too:




    Now if only we could have pulled a win out, maybe next time when we bring a full team rather than just 3 Pillars to an uncensored match :p

  6. Pillars of Ashla and Apostates on the Republic side were looking to kill the pilgrim on Fridays @ 9:00PM. I see, however, that some Imperials already have 7:30 as their start time. I wish them the best of luck and will request a new time as soon as I talk it over with our raiders.


    Hopefully that future update to bring the respawn timer to a half hour comes soon and this will be easier for all of us to organize.


    Thanks again to the OP for taking the time to set this up ;)

  7. Greetings from your Friendly Neighborhood Raid Officer!


    If you folks have any questions and can't seem to find us in-game; feel free to PM us on the forums as well or just stop by our website in my Signature.


    When I'm not huggling around on Lok'ii you could also find me on my Guardian, Haymoda or my Sorcerer, Lillipad.


    Glad to be a part of an (even) larger server community. I can't wait to sit down and talk with you folks whilst delivering some dirty kicks to boss crotches everywhere :cool:

  8. I first signed up in 2009 when I heard Beta Applications started but I was reading these forums and checking the website quite often starting in 2008.


    I'm here for the long haul. That said I'll probably still find things to nitpick 10 years after the lights go off lol.


    I'm still having fun. I think it's a solid game that just needs some TLC, and I'm sure BioWare will pull through. To sum it up:


    "Don't worry, she'll hold together... You hear me, baby? Hold together!"

  9. KOTOR 2's story definitely affects this game. Here's an article to sum up what the pre-release conversation looked like.


    Back on topic with the OP, Yes I would love to see more character creation options and better yet, appearance modifications later on. Bring me a barber shop and an appearance tab, some of the best looking gear in the game is low level greens.


    I imagine this will come in time. There's already one new species in the pipeline and with F2P on the horizon this will be one of the easier incentives to introduce. Pay 50 cartel coins for an appearance pack of tattoos, cosmetics, droid limbs, etc. would probably rake in a lot of money. Folks see 15$ as a high price point for entry, but when entry is "free" and you get shiny stuff for a few bucks, then suddenly they're paying a lot more.


    I'm leery of this model, but there's ways to really dress it up. For instance, if these packs could be traded like hats in TF2 or if there's some activity to use them as stakes, Pazaak anyone? You could easily transform the "big bad cash shop" into the lifeblood of this game.


    And now I've managed to spin off into my own ranting topic lol. Long story short, I doubt we'll see Bao-Dur's arm, but maybe something like it and hopefully for cheap :)

  10. I think Fungi summed up the issues very nicely.


    I've also submitted a ticket on this issue and was asked to provide logs / diagnostics, not the most relevant troubleshooting step for an obvious server side issue but I did email them this morning.


    My guild mates and I really hope these issues are resolved as quickly as possible, particularly the 5-10 minute "freeze" which inevitably dumps you to server select. It seems to always coincide with "transitions" as Fungi and others pointed out, for instance:


    Entering / Exiting a Warzone, Flashpoint, Operation, Ship/Planet/Fleet. Anything that would normally trigger a load screen hangs before hand, resulting in a frozen environment with invisible walls. Or in the case of your ship, just staring at a lot of space.


    Again as others have said this is new behavior that started cropping up with the new event. There's still other issues in addition to this one. Probably the most annoying is the PvP queue bug where the entire group is forced to relog after we've lost our place in queue. Getting no warzones after 30-45 minutes when "Who" obviously shows new warzones being started.


    Please fix our beloved game BioWare, you're our only hope!

  11. In terms of utility, which I define as abilities that can aid you or your party without dealing direct damage, healing or threat management, the scoundrel wins in my humble opinion.


    First and foremost, Scoundrels have Stealth / Sneak and the ability to Smuggle their party members.


    Scoundrels get an out-of-combat organic only crowd control: Tranquilizer


    Scoundrels also get an in-combat resurrection, regardless of being healy or DPS: Heartrigger Patch


    Whereas Gunslingers utility really only comes down to cover and for their allies, one ability: Scrambling Field


    Also, Gunslingers get a knockback which is the one type of ability that scoundrels have no access to: Pulse Detonator


    Granted, I have a bit of a bias since my main is a Sawbones Scoundrel. But Scoundrel to me is definitely a support class in this game, we have crowd control, stealth and combat resurrection.


    Gunslingers have a bit more ways to bolster their defenses and can take advantage of the cover mechanic anywhere in the game, but, it becomes a double edged sword as most of their abilities require them to be in cover and this really diminishes their mobility.


    Scoundrel DPS is very much melee DPS, if you ever played a rogue, you'll be at home and with a shotgun for a bonus!


    Gunslingers can only be DPS, and regardless of the talent path you take, you'll be spending a lot of time hunkered down behind cover either blasting away or throwing grenades. From a pure damage dealing perspective, it's a dream come true. Unless you get into some of the endgame fights that really require you to move around a lot and avoid environmental damage.

  12. Tons of great information in this thread already, I just wanted to point out one thing that I may have missed:


    Don't forget to use your Crowd Control Abilities!!


    You should be starting every fight from stealth using tranq dart on one of the stronger mobs. Slice Droid when applicable. I think we're the only class that gets both, granted we don't have an in-combat organic CC like Commandos or Sages, but if you plan it out well at the start of the fight you can much better manage the outcome.


    This was the only reason I liked the Harpoon on Pre-1.2 Corso: Run in CC, run back and drag the rest to Corso so you're free to AoE. But I'm sawbones and not great with micro managing companion abilities so my opinion is probably in the minority lol.


    Also, like someone said earlier: Interrupts are key to all classes, but especially so for the "squishier" classes like Scoundrel. Tatooine is when you really start to see mean cast abilities like "Spinning Strikes".

  13. Also keep in mind that there is more than one security key vendor and they do sell different things. For instance, the one in the Ilum orbital station offers companion customizations that I haven't seen anywhere else in the game.


    As to when we'll get more CE Vendor stuff? Soon, I hope, but we'll just have to wait and see.

  14. I agree with Stryker on this one, it's simply a logistics issue and we should be glad that Bioware has been so open discussing pros and cons based on their design. We got a clear answer here which is certainly not the norm for most MMO companies.


    I think to say that the themepark style and story are stifling to your sandbox hopes for the game are a little counterproductive. Either you like this type of game or you don't, simple as that. There is room here for more customization as time goes on, but at the end of the day, it's a themepark. An excellently designed on-rails experience, in my humble opinion, but only that. Never, not a once, did BioWare claim it was otherwise.


    That's my two credits anyway ;)

  15. I honestly can say I doubt any kind of network latency issue will prevent a player from successfully completing the datacron hunt. I've collected all 67 + The Fleet Datacron, mostly on a laptop using a 3G Connection with average 300ms latency.


    It's not PvP here, latency isn't a huge issue. Facing off against a static object with a laggy connection is pretty straightforward, in this instance, jump earlier.


    Regardless, having jumps in the game for an exploration carrot is not unreasonable, it's expected IMHO. I can see where many players are frustrated with it though, especially because of the permanent stat bonuses. Me, I love platforming games and see it as a fun diversion, folks who don't may not find it so enjoyable.


    The jumps are not the issue here. If you can't make the jumps, there are ways around that in almost every instance, bring a friend who can Rescue you or Harpoon Shot via duel for instance.


    I think the platforming aspect is really well designed, I was always thrilled to find datacrons on my own and willing to swallow my pride and look it up when one stumped me. Only part of the hunt that bothered me were the ones requiring use of the MGSS. That thing is so unreliable right now. I hope that's a bug waiting to be squashed at some point and not intended behavior.

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