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Posts posted by shadowgnome

  1. Guild: Egress

    Ship Name: The Bebop

    Unlocks: 1/15

    Completion: 27%

    Link: http://imgur.com/a/DqlOy#0

    Bank Tabs: 4


    Some notable items: Krayt Dragon Skull, Rakata Herald Statue, Rakata Mind Trap, Statue of the Emperor, ...


    Looking for 35 mil willing to negotiate on price.


    PST or PM (Pub) Títtles (T{alt+0237}ttles) / (Imp) Meluna or leave a message here.


    Edit: Added Bank tab count.

  2. As a Full Heal spec healer I would say I am not very squishy in most cases I can survive 2 mara's without much issue. As hybrid Heals I become incredibly hard to kill and annoying and get focused up that arse. On my shadow I focus sorc/sage because I know what they can do. If I see they have blind bubbles I will kill you the moment yours is gone. As far as healing any healer is a prime target.


    I wouldn't go as far to say your always #1 but maybe out of all the healers you are either the most annoying or you are more squishy then the others.

  3. The simple solution against premades is to allow Group que only for Ranked while making solo que for ranked also possible..

    The normal WZ should be solo PuGed only.


    So then people who want to play with others in PVP be they want to pvp or only pvp have to then solo que because people cry'd about getting beat by better and/or better geared people teamed up with the rest of their guild or friends who are again better and/or better geared.


    The part it seems people do not understand is having a competent team in the first place. Pug groups have beaten premades before. 3/4 of the team was out geared but we played smart and won. But more people in pvp making all these QQ threads are people who do not know the class or other classes well enough to survive.


    Play. Learn. Adapt. - the team that has members that can do that and work together will win.


    P.S. Valor rank does not mean skill by any means it just means time spent PVPing. So this idea is already void of any benefit to new or inexperienced players.

  4. Yeah..getting a 15 m kb is totally a nerf!!!

    The top sorcs in my guild say this change is a buff to good players and a nerf to noobs..


    I agree, I love the change to all of the abilities, Overload is a free knockback of 15m giving much to survivability, plus I use it too time to time as a free damage attack to help do some damage and yes I have killed people with it. It is now much more versatile than before giving me as a healer in PvP. The problem most are facing is learning how to use its utility to its fullest.

  5. also another post, lets see if ppl agree with me on this, as server firsts kills should be considered from time taken on killing a boss, wish they had a way to do that, would be awesome, cus sometimes first just meant someone who started earlier and / or spent10 hours raiding, when other prob did in 5 hours less, starting late night lol >_<


    so yeah, wish there should be a method for that in game, that would be kick ***, anyway its too exploitable and prob impossible to do.


    Anyways bioware should deploy a hardest ops from nim denova or w/e comes next, so many guilds progressing thru most of it alredy in hm, is rly dissapointing after waiting 4-5 months for it



    go to bed so we can raid tomorrow!!!!!!!

  6. Guild Name: Hatred

    Boss Downed: Operator XI

    Difficulty & Raid Size: 8m HM

    Screenshot: [Link]

    Time: 12:01AM EDT - 09/28/2012


    Guild Name:Hatred

    Boss Downed: Kephess the Undying HM

    Difficulty & Raid Size: 8m HM

    Screenshot: [Link]

    Time: 1:23AM EDT - 09/28/2012


    We killed Keph a few minutes before but as you can tell from the picture some of use just don't now how to face the right way...


    **TFB - Best Ops by far in terms of look and feel all the way to the difficulty of the fights! Terror!!! Look out! You clock is a ticking! >:D



    ***PS - Carl learn patience. Nough Said. :)

  7. Guild Name: Hatred


    Boss Downed: The Writhing Horror

    Difficulty & Raid Size: 8m HM

    Screenshot: [Link]

    Time: 9:45PM EDT 09/26/2012


    Boss Downed: The Dread Guard

    Difficulty & Raid size: 8m HM

    Screenshot: [Link]

    Time: 11:13:34 PM EDT 09/26/2012


    Carls post below was to correct a mistake of mine assuming he was (CsT). He is actually (EDT).

  8. You know instead of complaining about not getting BM gear in a day why not do what most of the other that pvp and lvl at the same time do. At Valor rank 40 you can change reg comms into ranked comms. that way when you reach 50 buy a piece or 2 of BM and change it right away in to WH or if you really wanted to which I have no idea why but convert the ranked comms back into regular comms and get more BM gear.


    My agent is only 45 now and is maxed on ranked comms and nearly hitting the regular comms cap daily. When she gets to 50 she will have a good stocked amount of adrenals and some good gear right at 50. No it wont be a full set but between the adrenals and the few pieces I will be able to buy I will do just fine.

  9. The first thing you did is talked about how your guild didn't group and when they did they where Undergeared. Then you talked about how groups in General chat wanted people in close to full(If not Full) War Hero. This is the part where a red flag pops up and says maybe these people don't want Undergeared people?


    Rated Warzones groups are mostly full BM if not full WH geared out and on top of that most of them PVP'd all the time meaning they have experience which is why people look for more WH geared players in hope they have common sense to play the game together smartly. You complain about not being able to do it but if you did get a group into a Ranked match odds are you would get wrecked by full WH geared players that have played with each other in PVP a lot of times.


    As to obtaining the gear like others have said, do the same grind others did and before you complain about that its now 10 times easier to get the gear then before. They removed the valor reqs. and changed the dailies to give more comms and if you get a good group going to pull of a bunch of wins you can earn 800 wz comms in about an hour so in about 4-5 hrs if you are winning on a regular basis you got a piece of WH gear.


    And before anyone comments the math its debatable on the exact numbers due to medals earned and how fast the games are finished. It is merely a rough estimate

  10. It's still poorly designed, regardless of what you try to argue.


    Money sinks are pathetically useless. It's almost cynical that they would introduce such a flawed system such as this.


    I'm tired of being punished for not playing the game as 'The flavor of the month'. This is the least balanced MMO I've ever played, and it's just awful.


    Anywho, I just unsubbed. Peace.


    You just do not know how to play, lean the Auction house. I can make over 1.5m credits a day from just sitting at the ah for maybe an hour and see whats selling or planning ahead. Dailies take about 2hrs to do on there own which I do not even do minus the BH dailies for the comms but that's only once a week. It is nothing to do with the Design of the game compared to the players playing it. the PLAYERS make the prices on the AH not the Devs. If I want to sell something for 1m credits I can. Does it mean it will sell? No. I can sell mk-6 augments for 50k a pop now further increasing the amount I can make. This is not the Devs doing its the PLAYERS doing.


    Instead of complaining pick up a crew skill that can makes augments and augmentation kits or 3 gathering skills and sell the major items that sell for $$$$. Mando Iron sells for usually around 20k a pop and also if you spend a hr doing space missions you can make money by doing them plus every 2 days you can buy a grade 8 box from the fleet comm vendors and sell those grade 8 mats for a ton of credits too.


    You also said you played WoW... are you sure? SWTOR has augments but JC was just as bad in terms of pricing. I would know I capitalized on it. Or just because you did not have to pay to socket its different?


    The Devs are trying to combat the ah with money sinks so a thing called inflation doesn't happen. If every player on this game had 10M credits plus guess what prices would go higher so they added perks that costed 2m like the rocket boots.


    Another note I happen to make a bunch of augmented custom sabers pre 1.3 that are now useless without a mk-6 kit but you don't see me complaining to how its not fair I spent the effort tot get them and now I have to put more effort into it.


    Just get new crew skills or find out what makes money with yours that's all t comes down too, if you don't play as much you shouldn't make as much as others and thats common sense and the same thing in the real world.

  11. The OP needs to pvp more and do some research on classes then come here and cry. As a Sith Sorc Healer I do not find half of his arguments valid.


    Warzones are not 1v1 its 8v8 and odds are you will be outnumbered time and time again learn to live with it and find ways to survive. As a healer I am on the brunt of it consistently. Yes I tend to die but I have lived through it to with a thing called teamwork.


    First off their "God Mode" is short lived and you can either A. Stun them B. Knockback C. Use your own Survive Abilities or D. All of the Above.


    Then there is the OP Force choke claim, The only thing it does to me is stop me from healing unless I use my CC break which I might add I save for those moments I know I will dead without it. (Learn to plan ahead) Second point how is the damage OP? My Bubble as a healer can absorb all the damage plus an outside dot tick If I had cast it before, if not they either caught me without by luck or by planning.(There is a thing called skill, learn the other classes so you know what to expect to happen.)


    There is the main 2 things that are so OP about the marauders which can be avoided. They are personally my bane of existing but not because of just one though. There has to be 2 to effectivlly stun me otherwise I will just heal right through all there damage until A. I run out of force and die. or B. My TEAMATES help me.


    So in closing remarks to this QQ thread OP get a friend to play with before you sit and complain about how another class is OP. I am sure I have made my share of each class annoyed with the fact that 8/10 times they can't kill me solo. I play the wz matches like they are meant to be played with a team and as a team. Also learn to expect what is going to happen many times when I try to run I get slowed, CC'd, Stunned, etc but saying that any of the warrior classes are op is far from truth. They have their uses and are amazing healer killers when they can effectively stop my own use of surviving skills.

  12. Here is some numbers for the absorption amount on Static Barrier and the Jedi equivalent spell.

    **This does not include the extra % you can gain through talents.**


    Healing Bonus No talents Lightning Barrier

    100 1488.94 1786.728

    150 1652.44 1982.928

    200 1815.94 2179.128

    250 1979.44 2375.328

    300 2142.94 2571.528

    350 2306.44 2767.728

    400 2469.94 2963.928

    450 2633.44 3160.128

    500 2796.94 3356.328

    550 2960.44 3552.528

    600 3123.94 3748.728

    650 3287.44 3944.928

    700 3450.94 4141.128

  13. As a Female Sith Inq. I hated her not because of her one liners or crying about being a Jedi etc but the fact of getting her affection up was complete horse crap. Thankfully through dailys you can slowly get it up, otherwise I don't really mind her. I think people are forgetting that she is still a kid at heart even though she is like what 20ish?


    Half the reason she try'd so hard to be the best was probably just to get some attention and her master kept shrugging her off. Thinking of it that way it kind of explains why she is so whiny all the time. Overtime I would either assume she we mature and learn to manage it either by totally being corrupted or by growing up in general.

  14. Is it just me or when a Warzone ends it locks out screen shots time to time? I have gotten screen shots before but then sometimes it wont let me take a screenshot for the life of me. If anyone knows how to avoid this I would appreciate it.
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