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Posts posted by Brewski

  1. I refuse to hug any developers until they fix the huge hug imbalance introduced in 4.6. Why should they get hugs when they haven't even acknowledged the issue exists? If we don't have a dev comment on the great hug disparity by the end of the day, I'm going to cancel my sub, and the game will be doomed.


    Furthermore, I'm struggling with figuring out why anyone would even try to get the hug-a-dev achievement when you know they are going to put hugs up on the CM in a month anyway. I mean, why work for a hug when you can just buy them?


    Hugs are OP! They are breaking the economy, raiding, PvP and my ability to meditate at the fleet without interruption.


    Bring balance to hugs or else!

  2. I contemplated not writing one of these, but decided to post in this thread after all. (At least I'm not making my own thread. :p )


    I've been here since the weekend betas, and played this game consistently for over three years now, starting my first character on the first day of early access about 15 minutes after I got home from work. I've survived the shaky launch, abandoned servers, mergers, FTP conversion and every patch since, and I've managed to find enjoyment in the game at every turn, but today is my last day as a subscriber.


    This isn't a rage quite. No single incident in recent or distant memory made me suddenly decide to stop paying and playing. It's more or less been a gradual build as I've finally exhausted my personal enjoyment. As I look through all the areas of the game, I just don't see one to move into to get the fun back.


    So although it doesn't exactly line up with the original "5 reasons" request, here are my "5 areas" of SWTOR I feel I've exhausted myself on.



    • Story, a big staple in SWTOR, has failed to keep up my interest due to the merging of 8 individual class stories into a single unified storyline across both factions and all 8 classes. I understand the reasons, and recognize the original vision was just not viable, but that doesn't change the fact that there's no longer enough content to keep even a dedicated casual like myself going.
    • PvP, although fun in short bursts, has never been deep enough in SWTOR to hold my interest. So although I've started many a toon on the valor grind, I never exceeded level 60, and instead get my PvP enjoyment mostly from other games.
    • GSF - Once a great hope of mine to rejuvenate the game, it's more or less dead due to neglect. I still enjoy matches when they pop, but I'm realistic enough to understand it is all it will ever be now, and I find that sad.
    • Raiding\Achievement grinding has always been a social thing for me, meaning I enjoy them only when playing with friends and/or guild mates. (See below for more.)
    • Social - Although this is more of a combination of all of the above, my current guild has more or less fallen apart recently, and I find I no longer have the energy to go looking for another active and fun guild I can play in.


    With no new major content or systems upcoming I just don't see any area worth my sub rate. I've always said I would continue to pay, and play, The Old Republic until it was no longer fun, and for me, that's now. I've enjoyed my three years, and begrudge Bioware not one cent I've spent on the game, but I think I'm done. I may still log in and play from time to time, and you never know, someday something might grab my attention and bring me back in, but I don't expect it to happen. Not this time anyway.


    Thanks to Bioware, all the great players I've met and even to the forum community (really!) for the fun and enjoyment. It's been a good ride.

  3. Since we've reached the "break each others posts down to respond to each line" phase...


    You have a strangely expansive definition of "raging."

    When you define someone as using "impotent venting" it's both insulting and belittling. Maybe raging isn't exactly right, but it's close enough in my book.



    Thus "If impotent venting makes you feel better, go for it." What will make them change their F2P/Preferred restrictions are indications (to them) that doing so will make more money, not forum complaints about how it's unfair or it makes no sense or baseless claims that loosening the restrictions will be good for the game.


    Such suggestions are clearly from people who are going to go Preferred and want more game for free.

    Baseless assumption on your part, and insulting to boot. Faster PvP queue pop times has been mentioned several times, and is a perfectly valid benefit to subscribers for loosening the restrictions. If you disagree that more people would queue up, or you don't think it's enough benefit, that's one thing. To make the assumption that it's an excuse and everyone is just trying to get out of paying is another.



    If you like the game, play it. If you don't like the game, stop playing it. If enough people quit subscribing (and don't continue to play as Preferred) and tell BWEA the reason is "The F2P/Preferred restrictions are too strict." they'll do something.


    If you don't like something about a product or service but continue to use it anyway, what incentive does the provider have to make any changes you suggest?

    You're assuming this is a hill to die on for everyone, and that's not really the case. This isn't a "must have or I'll unsub" kinda suggestion, at least not for me or some of the others in this thread. It's a "hey, wouldn't the game be better if" suggestion.


    If/when I decide to unsub, how many warzones I can do in a week will not be the deciding factor. Would having a higher cap increase the likely-hood that I would keep doing PvP as Preferred? Yes. It would also increase the likely-hood that I would stay engaged in the game, and consider resubbing at some point in the future. (Hey look, another incentive to loosen the restrictions!)


    Again, it's not a black and white, live or die, must change or unsub, suggestion. Once you accept that, the rest makes a lot more sense.


    Anyway, I'm done with the argument-about-the-argument portion of this discussion. To reiterate my point, I agree with the OP that loosening the restrictions is a good idea, as I believe it would:

    • Decrease queue times for subscribers, increasing their warzone enjoyment.
    • Make non-subscribers more likely to subscribe for the added benefits of quicker progression and better gear.
    • Potentially draw more former subscribers back into the game by allowing them to engage more in PvP.

  4. It's a computer game. If a person likes it, they should play it If they don't. they should stop playing it and go play something else. As they say "You play in the man's game, you play by his rules." That's pretty black and white. If impotent venting makes some players feel better, bully for them.


    Who's venting? A suggestion to improve the game is not venting. Nor is it a threat to unsub or general game hate, at least not on it's own. The only one raging here is you, and it's not even about the topic at hand, it's about behavior that the people you are quoting aren't showing.


    As you said, Bioware has the final say on what they do with the game, but that hardly negates the right of it's paying subscribers to make suggestions we think will improve the game.


    Not every thread in the forums has to be rage-hate-unsub-defender-troll fest. Please stop trying to push this one in that direction.

  5. Lift the cap for Preferred players. Get er dun.


    I like the idea of it being raised higher for preferred players over true FTP. The FTP accounts are primarily trial accounts by nature, whereas preferred are more or less the buy to play players. (Those who have paid something for the game.) If Bioware is no longer interested in just removing the restrictions altogether, I could see it being more like this.


    • FTP: 5 warzones per week.
    • Preferred: 15 regular warzones per week, 5 Ranked
    • Subs: Unlimited Warzones plus increased valor and commendation rates.


    That would provide preferred players with more incentive to sub if they want to take PvP seriously, while increasing the WZ populations overall, which makes PvP a better place.

  6. Ask away. What are you (and the OP and the others complaining about F2P restrictions) gonna do if they don't comply, unsubscribe?


    Well then what are you going to do? Keep playing despite your dissatisfaction? If so, what incentive do they have to change? "I hate the food at this restaurant, but I'm going to keep eating here."


    Why do you believe the world is so black and white? Why is anyone who makes a suggestion automatically hating on the game and threatening to unsubscribe? Is there no middle ground?


    This is a suggestion from a paying subscriber, backed up by other paying subscribers, and opposed by other paying subscribers. All have both a right to their opinion and the right to express it, but doing so does not mean they are automatically a hater or quitter, and making your argument silly at best.


    For my part, if I unsubscribe it will not be because they left, or keep, the current WZ restrictions on FTP/Preferred players. That doesn't prevent me from believing that they should consider loosening the restrictions, as I believe it will help the paying PvP community by increasing the number of active players who PvP, decreasing queue pop times, and maybe even gaining a few subscribers who decide they enjoy it enough to want the faster progression rate a subscription brings.


    Would they lose some subscribers who only pay a sub so they can PvP? Sure. But on balance I think the game would get more out of the change that it would lose.

  7. If you don't like it subscribe...


    You mean like he would have to in order to, oh I don't know, post on the forum? Obviously he's also a subscriber. Belittling his point with a false implication just comes off as childish.


    I agree that they should lift the restrictions. If not unlimited, they should be at least raised, as the current restrictions pretty much mean FTP and Preferred players have no real access to Warzones. The should at least be able to complete the unranked weekly mission if nothing else. The valor and commendation bonuses for subscribing are enough of a boost in my mind, although if they absolutely have to, they could keep the tighter restrictions on ranked play. Subscribers would have better access to the ranked rewards that way.


    Also, since it was specifically mentioned as something they intended to do, if they changed their mind for whatever reason, it at least deserves an answer.


    And for the record, I usually fall more on the "defender" side than the "hater" when it comes to this game and Bioware in general (quotes added to imply that I think both labels are kind of ridiculous), but on this issue I think they are missing the boat. PvP has enough uphill battles in the game as it is.

  8. To further clarify, I actually enjoy the hell out of tanking, but it becomes tiresome while in pugs because so many people don't want to take advice from others in the group, don't feel they should have to help others in the group with useful (and polite) advice, and feel it's okay to blame the tank for every wipe. (Well, 3 out of every 4 anyway, with the other one being blamed on the healer.)


    And don't get me wrong, I am far from the best tank in the world, but I'm good enough I can tank SM and, with practice, HM flashpoints and ops. However, since I play semi-casual, I sometimes need reminders of mechanics and such, which is never a problem in a guild group, but can be an issue in a pug for the reasons above.


    I was in a guild group once where we had a new tank doing HM Hammer Station, and we wiped like 5 times on the droid boss. In a PUG, that would have resulted in several players dropping, probably after insulting everyone else in the group. In our guild group, we just kept running it until he got it right. (Of course, the real funny part here is that the first three wipes were caused by our healer, who was forgetting the cleanse, which we all laughed off and moved on after finding out.)


    Not that there aren't good PUGs out there too. I was in one when 3.0 launched where all four of us were doing HM Manaan for the first time, and we wiped a whole boatload of times, but stuck it out anyway and managed to finish it in good humor. But that kind of thing is rare, and it's more likely a pug will break up after one to three wipes at most.


    tl;dr; Pugs are exhausting sometimes, and pugging as a tank or healer is doubly so in most cases, so people just get tired of it.

  9. they decided that the rancor mount is op so they are changing it to a drunk gungan. it will move the speed of the slow walk.


    I would pay cash for this mount.


    It would be fun to troll with in the PvP area of the fleet while waiting for a queue to pop.

  10. My main is a Jedi Guardian, and initially I tanked exclusively, but eventually I got tired of doing so for PUGs, and switched to only playing that toon for guild groups. However, I missed playing my guardian regularly, so now I DPS exclusively with that toon, and I use a Vanguard for tanking guild groups. I get to play my guardian on a more regular basis, and I still have a tank when my guild needs me.


    So that's why I exclusively DPS on a toon primarily intended for/thought of as a tank.

  11. Hey everyone,


    We have addressed some issues that we would have otherwise had to have an Emergency Patch for so, in order to avoid that, the release of 3.1 has been moved to Thursday, February 12th from 3AM PST (11:00 GMT) to 7AM PST (15:00 GMT).


    As such, the start of Season 4 and Bounty Contract Week will also be moved to the 12th. The other events scheduled for 3.1 will occur as planned.


    Thanks for your understanding!



    Thanks for the update Tait. Will the Bounty Contract week be extended by two days as well, or will it still end next Tuesday as it would have if it had begun tomorrow?

  12. 3) There is actually a difference between the physical authenticator and the app.


    The biggest one being that only subscribers can use the app.

    Preferred accounts can keep using it if they drop to preferred with the app attached to their account, but if they remove it, they will not be able to add it back and will only be able to use the keyfob.


    The lesser-known one is that the physical authenticator can be attached to up to 5 separate accounts but the app can only be used by 1.

    This means that if you've got multiple accounts, the keyfob is probably your better option.

    And yes, all 5 accounts will get the 100 extra coins per month.


    Unfortunately, the key fob is also no longer made or supported.




    That said, I was unaware of the fact that you can link it up to five times. That's good to know, as I still have my physical key from the collectors edition on my dresser at home just in case I ever need it. :)

  13. As much as I generally agree with you on this topic, and think that Bioware stumbled again in going from doing nothing on past exploits to dropping the hammer out of nowhere (likely in response to the disproportional outrage expressed by some players), I have to say this one thing: most people who did take advantage of the bug, did so knowing what they were doing, and it was their choice. They had to decide for themselves whether it was "right" or "wrong", regardless of whether they thought Bioware would ever do anything about it.


    This is what it really comes down to.


    I understand why people thought they could get away with this without punishment due to past experience where exploits were simply patched and forgotten, but it doesn't change the fact that the actions were against the TOS, and the punishment is within Bioware's rights given the situation.


    That said, it could most definitely have been handled better from start to end, and justified or not, it does feel like the change is coming out of left field. If this represents a new approach to how Bioware will handle future exploits, I'm okay with it, although I hope the communication and responsiveness gets better. If it turns out to be a one off, and the next exploit is not handled the same way, I will be greatly disappointed.

  14. I have searched some but I thought posting this hear would get me faster results. I have a few questions that are the following.


    1. I can not find anywhere about getting an extra 100 cartel coins anywhere on the website except in forum posts. Is this still going on?


    2. The authenticator market is what?


    3. Is there a difference between the mobile one and the keychain one?


    4. If the extra cartel coins are given per month still, does it matter which authenticator I get?


    Thank you


    1. Yes, you still get 100 bonus CC for having a security key.
    2. An in game vendor on each fleet that has a few exclusive items and only sells to people with a security key.
    3. One is an app on your mobile device, and the other is a physical device, other than that, they function the same. (The key chain is hard to find, so the mobile app is easier.)
    4. No.



  15. The only items on the market that could be considered P2W are the Crystals and the Ship Parts.


    But even then both don't give you a real advantage over other players.


    Agreed, although again, the former does impact the end game, as the advantage only lasts until level 50, and the later is only PTW if you consider the space game to be competitive. (Which most people don't, but a small community does.)

  16. I'm missing something in your definition of "Pay To Win".


    Pay To Win means I have to shell out real money or I will be non-competitive in some aspect of the game. The CM is not a direct competitor to crafting anymore than, say, getting armor drops from a raid is competitive with crafting. They provide different rewards for different activities, and the only real benefits from the CM are cosmetic in nature.


    Do they make some kick *** looking stuff for the CM that people buy and then sell for in game credits? Sure. But that's cosmetic only, and has no impact on game play. Crafting is still viable in terms of making in game currency, just like doing dailies, or buying and reselling items from the CM on the GTN.


    If your concern is that the CM is making crafting for cosmetics less useful, I would agree, but I don't see that as a major issue, and definitely not Pay To Win.

  17. gl making 1.7m points on queue crafting after one character login


    1.7 million is for the guild, not a single character.


    If you invade CZ you get 2500 per Invasion force. If you have 6 companions craft 5 each, you get an instant 75000 conquest points when you log in. Repeat for 8 characters and you have 600k on a single account. Three accounts and you surpass your 1.7 million easy.


    The 4 million is even easier since invading Voss doubles the Invasion force to 4000 each, meaning you get 4250 per, or 127,500 per character. 4 million then becomes 32 characters spread across however many accounts.


    In both case, keeping up the crafting is strictly a matter of money and willpower.


    tl;dr; The Trade Emporium is one of two conquest weeks that's intentionally owned by crafting, so there's nothing unexpected here.

  18. Don't be silly, there is totally something they can say:


    "We're sorry we screwed up the initial slot machine, then overnerffed it into near uselessness. We are moving it towards a middle ground that we hope will be more reasonable for all concerned"


    That would go a LONG way towards calming people down.


    It would just enrage a different set of people who are happy with the nerf or tired of the whole situation. A whole new set of people would complain that they sold all their slot machines at a reduced value while Bioware dinked around with it, and so they got hosed and deserve a refund. Others would decry them spending time and effort on a useless cartel item when they should be fixing bugs. etc. etc.


    After all, if one set of people can rage when they change direction initially, there's no reasons to expect another group wouldn't rage if they do so again. Which is exactly what would happen.

  19. No, I apologize...you are correct that you quoted in it's entirety. What I was seeing in the response window was not the whole post. I did not take it as an insult at all BTW. I tried to edit when I saw the actual post on the forum, but was too late. Just to be clear, I do not support or infer there is merit to any class action here. My belief is just that BW has acted irresponsibly and has demonstrated poor communication and customer service. Further, I believe that there is some potential liability on their part. As for me, I spent $40, got a slot machine and enough certificates to pick up a couple of items after reaching legend status. Fine...but I won't trust BW at this point with any additional money spent for cartel coins.

    Fair enough on all points.


    Personally, I think they made a few mistakes here, but nothing to warrant the level of rage we've seen, and certainly not enough to warrant a lawsuit of any kind.


    That said, I do agree they missed the boat on the communication side, which has only made the situation worse. Unfortunately its gotten to the point where there's really nothing they can say at this point that won't add fuel to the fire, so I expect nothing further to be said.


    This will flame out eventually, and we'll never see another slot machine added again. (And probably a good deal fewer new interactive items as well.)

  20. You've edited out the rest of my comment conveniently. The question was do these things ever get past the forum state, and the answer is yes. The point is there is liability here, and the poster above who speculates that BW legal is taking a close look at this is probably correct.


    Your post was quoted in its entirety, so I'm not sure what you are complaining about tin the first part.


    To the second point, my response was not a repudiation of your claims that there are lawsuits filed, as clearly there are. It was just a further clarification on my side that I'm not seeing any filed for something at this level, which is clearly nowhere near the successful examples you cited.


    My apologies if it was taken as an an insult. It wasn't intended that way.

  21. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/class-action-lawsuit-commenced-over-buggy-battlefield-4-ea-calls-it-meritless-update/1100-6416790/

    "materially false and misleading statements"



    Failure to offer appropriate refunds.



    Failure to protect consumer interests.


    There are many more. And no, none of these are for the exact situation, but still the answer to your question is yes.


    The first one was dismissed as "puffery".



    The second one is dealing with product refunds, which I put in a different class than the slot machine, and is still pending.



    The third one deals with a massive outage of service plus the loss of personal data (including credit cards) to a user base. It's more akin to a class action lawsuit against Target for their loss of customer credit card info than the current situation.



    I don't see these as particularly relevant to the situation we have here, but maybe that's just me.

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