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Posts posted by the_banana

  1. Note: I am not quoting anyone verbatim. I am simply paraphrasing the various arguments put forward by the pro-macro crowd.

    You can already do macros via 3rd-party keyboards and other miscellaneous peripherals. Therefore, there's no reason to not have in-game combat macro functionality.

    Yeah, there's a bit of a difference there. First, those sorts of out-of-game macros cannot use in-game states the way an in-game macro function could, so they're inferior in that way. Second, as mentioned multiple times, encounters do not have to be balanced around people using macros since they are not a supported functionality and those who complain that something is too easy when they are macro-ing can be dutifully ignored. This also makes macros less valuable since they are not needed to successfully complete any content and therefore only the most uptight guilds/groups will select a player who uses macros over one who doesn't.

    Not having an in-game macro function creates a "play-to-win" scenario where those who can afford to blow money on 3rd party peripherals with macro functions have an advantage over those who can't or won't.

    Maybe, but who cares? As I already pointed out, using macros when there is no in-game macro function is less valuable since it's not necessary to successfully complete content due to the encounters being balanced around not having macros. Only really uptight guilds/groups and those looking for PvP e-peen will care. Nobody cares about them anyway.


    Also, if you really want to use macros, you don't have to buy expensive hardware (another thing that has already been pointed out multiple times). There are freeware macro solutions that can be downloaded and will work just as well, really.


    The rest of the population who can't be bothered to buy expensive hardware or download freeware macro programs probably aren't going to be bothered to put time into writing macros via an in-game function either, except if it becomes required to complete content. Which would only happen if encounters were balanced around macros. Which would only happen if an in-game macro function was implemented. See where I'm going here?

    Bioware/EA sponsors a SWtOR-themed peripheral that can do macros and they are therefore being hypocritical by opposing an in-game macro function... herp derp.

    Uh, no. What the marketing department does has zero bearing on anything the design team thinks or does. This is an asinine line of reasoning. Please, shut up.

    There are too many buttons, therefore macros are necessary.

    I wouldn't disagree that certain classes have far too many skills to juggle compared to others and this is something they should look at addressing. I don't buy that it makes it necessary to have an in-game macro function, however. Even on my Sentinel, who, from my experience and from what I've heard others say, has an almost obscene number of buttons to keep track of, it is far from impossible to stay on top of a rotation and situational skills if you're paying attention. If that is simply something you don't enjoy, then perhaps you should roll a different class? Not ideal, but just saying. Again, I do agree they should look into that as there is definitely a large discrepancy between classes as far as that issue goes.

  2. Okay, so my rig is as follows:


    i5-2500k @ ~4.5GHz

    Radeon 6950 2GB w/ unlocked shaders and slight overclock

    8GB RAM

    Windows 7

    SWtOR installed on Corsair F80 SSD


    Now, I had the issue where I wasn't getting the sort of performance I should have with this setup (shadows at high in particular would kill FPS), although it was decent. At one point, I followed the advice of a poster, went into my C:\users\[username]\appdata\local\swtor\swtor\settings folder (different filepath for Win XP users, and this folder is hidden by default), changed the extensions on the client_settings.ini and graphics_mirror.ini files to .old, thus forcing SWtOR to generate new ones since they basically didn't exist anymore as far as the program is concerned.


    This took me from a low of 25 FPS (in fleet) up to maybe 60 FPS tops, to getting 60-110 FPS (with an occasional dip into the 40s on fleet) with *all* settings at max (including shadows) as well as forced 8x AA through the control panel (in-game AA doesn't work with my GPU yet).


    Now, since the patch that updated when I logged in just about 30 minutes ago, my FPS tanked horribly. I was getting maybe 20-30 FPS on Tython, even with graphics settings on low. I redid the procedure I previously outlined to force SWtOR to generate new .ini files for the graphics settings, and lo and behold, FPS back up to 110 in the same area.


    So, the purpose of this ramble is two-fold:


    1) Bioware/EA, figure out what the heck you are doing that is causing something in the .ini files to make the game perform horribly which simply forcing the program to generate new ones seems to fix.


    2) If you are experiencing the same issue after this patch or any other patch, or simply have never tried this before, see if it helps you.


    Thanks. That is all.


    DISCLAIMER: I am not claiming this is a fix-all for everyone everywhere.

  3. So, non-guilded people get no voice? :cool:

    Holy crap, why do people like to skip over parts of the conversation and then complain? There will be a way for those not attending in person to participate, and it will not be closed to those who aren't in a guild.


    Also, serious question: why do you want to be anti-social in a social game? Unless you have a group of unguilded people you play with regularly. In which case... why don't you form a guild with them?

  4. If you don't like the space combat mini-game, don't play it. It's completely, 100% optional. Why anyone thought space combat was going to be some huge, free-form thing is beyond me. SWtOR was never about space combat, it's a little something extra they added to the game. I, personally, think it's pretty fun, although there are certainly improvements that could be made.


    They're not ever going to devote huge resources into the space combat, as well they shouldn't. It's a gosh darn mini-game. It's not the game.


    As to the OP's point... I haven't noticed destroying the engines of a ship having any real impact, no.


    Edit: LOL at word filter changing "g0ddamn" to "gosh darn".

  5. It's not about Jedi wearing brown/white robes. That's fine. No one (who is reasonable) is asking for Jedi gear that looks super ornate and fancy. The gear available is still of appalling poor variety, with maybe 3 sets for each class and a few pallette swaps. Unless you include the hideous PVP gear with obscene shoulder pads and other weird design choices. I'm still wearing the brown, hooded robes I've had since Coruscant because no better hooded robe designs seem to exist. (I prefer hooded robes, myself, apparently contrary to many in this thread).
  6. This is one thread I can actually get on board with. Why the heck are there *any* quests you can't abandon (except for class-quests I suppose)? It's silly in the first place. I want the damn things out of my quest log so I have room for quests I actually want to do.


    And no, it's not just bonus-series quests. I have plenty of others with a nice, gray, unusable abandon button.

  7. Tuesdays are the maintenance day and they're sticking to that schedule. But, if a patch has an issue and needs to be delayed a couple days, I'd much rather they release it as soon as it's ready rather than delay it to the next Tuesday. I don't want to have to wait for content/bug fixes because it inconveniences a few people.


    No matter when they do maintenance, somebody somewhere is going to be inconvenienced. Sucks if you're one of those, but they can't accomodate a single individual's schedule. Sorry.

  8. If you're having FPS issues with a high end card, again, the problem isn't the game. Unless you can tell me that everyone with the same identical video card you have is experiencing the same FPS issue OR everyone using a certain incompatible driver is experiencing the same issue... then the problem is with your rig, not the game. What, the game somehow just decided to pick on you and a couple other people?

    No. Your experience with the game with crossfired 6970s/6950s does not give you authority to claim other people's issues are definitely with their rigs. You shouldn't need freaking crossfire high end cards to run this game smoothly.


    Shadows look awful and are way too resource intensive. I suppose that's an issue with people's machines? This game needs some work, and Bioware has in fact acknowledged the issue and stated they are looking into it.

  9. [...] If you couldn't handle the content without dying repeatedly, then you were not meant to handle it by yourself.




    Fun is subjective, so I have no right to tell you when and when not to have fun. But the game shouldn't just let you "brute force" content or win by attrition. In other words, no one should be able to wear down a group of elite mobs by killing one of them, then dying, then getting right back up and killing the next, and repeating the process until the entire group is dead. There is no challenge to that whatsoever.


    When the challenge is too great for you to overcome, then it's time to look at alternatives, instead of saying, "Oh, I can't beat this content, so it must be the game's fault."

    This man speaks the truth. Stop trying to brute force content and then complaining that the game isn't letting you do so when the developers *do not want* you to do so.


    It's fine if you find attempting challenging content by yourself fun. I do too. I try to solo Heroic 2+'s and elites/champions all the time. I love doing so. But I'm not going to complain when I die so much in a short period of time that my timer goes up to 10 minutes. That means I'm faring poorly and I either need to:


    A) Suck it up.

    B) Ask for help.

    C) Come back later or skip it entirely.


    I don't need or want the game to enable me to brute force content I'm not meant to be able to take on solo. SWtOR is already straddling the line between MMO and MSO (massively single-player online), it doesn't need to enable people to solo everything and anything. No, not even if you're over leveled.


    It's not about some form of "masochism" or superiority-complex. It's about not wanting to play a game that offers no challenge, and penalties for failing *are* part of providing a challenging experience. The death penalty is already *highly* lenient.

  10. 100% in agreement. I'm still wearing the brown, hooded robes (as a Shadow) that I got from a freaking heroic on Coruscant, if I remember correctly, because I have not found a single moddable robe that I like since then. PvP sets are ugly, the gear from the Rakata/whatever vendors are ugly. I want hooded robes, but not ones with giant shoulder pads or with funny looking hoods or that are awkward in other ways. I'd like some nice looking black, silver/gray, or white robes but they just don't exist, that I've seen. Where's the damn gear variety?


    This plus the lack of removable violet lightsaber crystals is killing the aesthetic direction I want to take with my character.

  11. I totally agree with this thread, even though I'm actually okay with my companions. I'm a Balance Shadow, and I use Theran/Nadia on-and-off. I primarily stick with Nadia, as she's awesome. Yes, it's probably not "optimal" to use a DPS companion as DPS myself, but I do just fine killing normal/strong mob groups of even level with her, and I can down most elites as well. I switch to Theran for healing when I'm up against a tougher elite or a champ, but that's fine because I like Theran as well. Both Zenith and Iresso are kind of "whatever" for me, not really interested in them but I don't hate them either. Qyzen I don't hate as much as others, but I'd much rather keep Theran or Nadia out.


    But, like I said, if I could give Nadia some healing abilities that would be great, and I was disappointed when I got her to find out she was strictly DPS (and that she uses double-saber, wish she could dual-wield or do equal DPS with a single saber instead so we're not both running around with double-sabers, although I guess I could give her an electrostaff...). I was also *highly* disappointed that I couldn't romance her as a female toon. I'm certainly not getting involved with any of the male companions. I like Theran, but not like that (I'm a G.I.R.L.), and I'm not even sure he's the romance option for female Consulars (haven't really looked into it, since if it's not Nadia I'm not interested).

  12. Disclaimer: I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything. I seriously mean this as trying to be helpful.


    If you don't use the forums much, at *least* check the Dev Tracker section, especially if you have questions about patch contents or anything like that. I knew the answer to this question because there have been multiple posts by devs/mods about the 1.1 patch. Just saying. =)

  13. I don't think they're going to remove the orbital stations entirely.


    All they really need to do to make it less tedious though is:


    1) Allow speeder use on them, for the love of all that is holy.


    2) Eliminate the 100% entirely pointless running through an airlock just to get to the elevator that takes you to the orbital station. Just put the room with the ship directly behind the phase barrier, or, if that's a problem for some reason, then put the airlock door directly behind it, or even just make the elevator button take you directly to the ship. There's no need for an intermediate step here.


    3) Add GTN terminals, class trainers, crew skill vendors, etc. to make the orbital stations at least not a big waste of empty space.


    Mainly, just freaking allow speeder use.

  14. Geez, what a bunch of whiny babies.


    You got a detailed, reasonable response to the issue and still you complain and threaten to cancel your sub.


    I like high-resolution graphics options as much as anyone, but I'm not going to throw a fit when there's a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why they're absent for general gameplay. Here's a thought: they don't care what *your* particular thought is on whether or not your "beastly" machine can handle it or not. They have a lot more data on the issue than you and they decided it was in the best interest to use texture atlasing. Deal with it, or go ahead and cancel, don't let the door hit you and all that. You really think they deliberately removed something that worked just hunky dory for what? To piss their customers off? No, they removed the option because they had good reason to believe it would negatively impact most customers.


    I totally agree that there are issues negatively affecting performance and some other issues that need clearing up, and they should look into ways to implement the better textures while not negatively affecting customer experience. Luckily, as Reid said, they are already doing so? What more do you want? Instant gratifacation? Good luck with that.


    Anyway, the textures in-game look pretty good even by today's standards, as long as you're not comparing it to Crysis or something completely ludicrous like that. Some of the screenshots you guys are posting have textures that I have never seen and I think there's an issue with low-res textures sneaking in when the medium-level ones should be there.

  15. I'm not looking to spend that much, what I should have said is.. what's the cheapest i can go and still be happy with the graphics quality? Right now I'm running on a GTS 250 and I have the settings all on low because of latency and fps issues (which I'm presuming is software related), but I hear people with these higher end cards are having better luck, so I figure why not go out and get an upgrade.

    Well really you have to have a budget to make a recommendation. I have no idea what constitutes cheap for you or what graphics quality you require to be happy.


    Off the top of my head I'd say AMD 6950 1GB and nVidia 560ti are the best bang-for-your-buck options available at the moment. Both can be had for around the $250 price point, and cheaper if you find a good deal. Both can run this game at the highest settings smoothly (for the most part) at 1920x1080, assuming nothing else in your rig (e.g. CPU, memory) are a bottleneck.

  16. What graphics card would you recommend to play with high settings and not have to go overboard? (i.e. would the GTX 590 be any better then 580?)

    A 590 would be better, but it's not anywhere near worth the price premium. Really, if you're looking to spend that much on a graphics card, I'd wait for AMD's new 7xxx series to come out or wait for nVidia's new Kepler architecture cards if you're a die-hard nVidia type.


    Or just triple-SLI/Xfire some 6950s or 560ti's if you can't wait.

  17. Not really sure how my CPU could be holding me up, I have the new AMD FX Series (The 4100). It's only the quad-core and not the 8 but it runs at 3.6GHz and can boost up to 3.8.

    Wat? Have you read any reviews anywhere of the AMD FX series? It's performance-per-clock is actually a bit worse than the previous AMD series, and it can actually very seriously bottleneck a high-end GFX card like the 6950. Of course, the higher your resolution the less reliant you should be on CPU performance, and at 1920x1080 and up it should make pretty little difference. However, as has been stated, SW:tOR seems to be poorly optimized and relies too heavily on the CPU even at high resolutions, and doesn't seem to even take advantage of more than one core, let alone four.


    For what it's worth, I run a 6950 2GB with unlocked shaders (only unlocked shaders, not a full 6970 BIOS) at a slight over clock paired with an i5-2500k @ 4.6GHz and 8GB of RAM, and my numbers are about the same as yours.

  18. A lot of people seem to forget (or not understand in the first place) that the Jedi you see on-screen in the movies are generally the most experienced and powerful warrior Jedi in the galaxy. Most warrior Jedi struggle to get even to the level of Luke when he was training with Yoda on Dagobah, let alone deflect blaster bolts with their bare hands ala Darth Vader. And not all Jedi are warriors in the first place (though of course the player character Jedi are).


    And of course... it'd be real lame if Jedi were immune to anything except other Jedi and Sith in gameplay terms.

  19. I'm actually normally the type to be answering questions rather than asking in these types of threads, but I could use a little feedback with something.


    I'm running SW:TOR on:


    CPU: i5-2500K @ 4.6GHz

    MEM: 8 GB

    GPU: Radeon 6950 2GB w/ unlocked shaders and slight over clock


    Installed to an SSD.


    So, with that, with all settings max @ 1920x1080 and 4x MSAA forced in Catalyst, I generally run 40-60FPS, but can dip as low as the mid-20s in some areas. Is that normal or is my FPS lower than what one would expect from this rig in this game? I've turned off the forced MSAA to see what impact it has, but it doesn't seem to cost me more than 5-10 FPS in most areas.

  20. You do know the space combat is basically a mini-game, right? You're not meant to spend most of your time doing space missions and flying around aimlessly.


    Besides, on-rails shooters are fun. Reminds me of Panzer Dragoon (though it's not quite as awesome, of course, since it's just a mini-game and not the actual game).


    I do hope they get more challenging besides just throwing enemies that do more damage and can soak up more damage at you as they go on, but otherwise they're fine. Better ship customization would be nice too, but I hear that's coming down the pipe.

  21. That doesn't make any sense though. Essentially the gear comes from the people who are reacting to your alignment. You do good things, you get gear basically from the Republic. You do bad things you get gear from the Empire. You don't do anything significant for either side you get what everyone else gets.

    No, people. These aren't Republic-side and Empire-side points. You choose what side you're working for when you make your character.


    Light-side and dark-side choices have nothing to do with working for one side or another. If I kill a Sith instead of sparing him and giving him a chance for redemption, that's dark-side, but it sure as hell isn't helping the Empire out.


    "Neutral gear" should have the same restrictions as color crystals (i.e. "forbidden to Light Side I and above" and vice versa) but on both sides, so you can't use it if you've achieved a tier either way. Of course, you can still have issues with a person's natural choices resulting in straying into tier I dark-/light-side, but there's not much of a way around that without completely changing how the mechanic works or just giving people access to light-/dark-side gear based on only the tally of one-side or another instead of the net total (which I am against).

  22. I'm in this boat as well. I really can't see the sense in a system where you get to make decisions... but are then, essentially, penalized for your decisions unless you go ALL light or ALL dark. I prefer for my character to make decisions based on the particular situation rather than the moral absolutes represented by the light-/dark-side extremes. Also, playing a "grey" Jedi, a not entirely-psychotic Sith, or not completely selfish but not goody-two-shoes either non-Force user, should be a viable choice without locking you out of gear.


    The dark-/light-side mechanic is fine as long as it doesn't lock people who choose not to go to one extreme or other to be locked out of gear. That's all.

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