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Posts posted by DoctorMozG

  1. It's not fair! There is only guns and the all bound to legacy, but there is not s single lightsaber! Now all other classes will be able to transfer barrels across their account but we Sith Marauders won't be able it's a fail, please add hilts ASAP!
  2. Greetings swtor, The Rancor in Karragas operation on Hard mode is a pain to kill! Can take u whole week and u still don't get a kill of it, the who system with changing his targets is ridicilous, plus his target is so big u can't target red mobs in time... Bioware make him tauntable, save us nervous we lose trying to kill it!
  3. Greetings swtor, after recent patch 1.1.2. The new quickskill bar animation is ridiciously annoying and consfusing. It's too write and too bright, it get u distracted, u don't know what skills to use, and what skills ready ( out of cd). The previous version before the patch was hundreds time better. Now it's almost impossible to play at the highest performance u did before in fight. Therefore game become unplayable. Remove the new animation.
  4. Greetings swtor, after last patch 1.1.2. Ilum lost any interest to me, by playing Sith Warrior, Marauder it's already hard to fight a crowd in melee, and now with this cannons, it's PVP no longer, It's PV CANNON because Republic sit on cannon 24/7. And it's long any fun there was left before from pvping at ilum with that new patch. Remove the cannons! It's become terrible now u don't fight wall at wall of players but u go againts a lifeless cannon which deal 2.5k and kills everybody. Remove the cannons, it's no good, it's bad. Ilum before was already questionable fun, but now it lost all interest to it. Now after u done daily 30 armaments u just want to leave and never return, because republic sit at their cannons' for al lthe time and farm the imperial non stop. This is NOT PVP! PERIOD!!! This is pvcannon and therefor FAIL!
  5. Oh right, thanks so much for info, so I wanted to know what the diff between annih , carnage and the 3rd one rage or smth ,and annihilator is better in long run, while carnage kill faster is it? Could u be so kind and explain me the three different skills tress plus and minuses that would be most appreciated.
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