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Posts posted by vedderx

  1. Heya OP PVE healer here:


    2 Piece PVP (old war hero)

    2 Piece PVE (Arkanian)

    2 Piece PVE (Dread Guard)


    I've got these all sitting in my bank, just curious what other operative healers are using in pve and what you find effective?


    I took a break from my OP and wondering what you guys think. Not sure if the my old war hero armorings will stack with the arkanian armorings.

  2. What about when they close your origin server, merge you into the other server, your still going to have to change your name.


    Age of Conan did this to me, my Ranger/Hunter - with a name I have used for my Ranger/Hunters for nearly a decade - merged servers & I lost the name.


    There is nothing they could ever offer me that would bring me back now. I also lost the name of my assassin/rogue ... although I was not so attached to that name I still lost a name of a character whom I identified with that character ...


    When I logged in & discovered these name losses I immediately unsubbed & have never returned ... even the new 'Free-to-Play' would not bring me back. They permanently lost me as a paying customer due to their blasé decision to change my character's name.


    So many people blast World of Warcraft, yet they made a promise to never close/merge servers & we, as paying customers, would never lose our character names ... a promise they have managed to keep when all the other (failed) mmo's could not.


    If you make a decision to Transfer, you make a choice. It is clearly stated that if the name you have is already taken you will have to change your name. If you do not wish to change your name, don't Transfer. That is the ONLY 'Fair' way.

  3. Go figure - check my 1 transfer server, both my legacy and character names are taken. char name level 1 alt on a 3 day trial that never subscribed. Called CS to complain to no avail.


    Obviously his 0 dollars are more important then my 15 bucks a month. I'm stuck on my server guild is falling apart. 3 people are on fleet. The game feels like a single player game with a fee.


    So those that are left on the dead servers? Whats the plan? Whats the roadmap? Is it my fault Bioware opened too many servers? I picked a server, a day 1 server. And woe is me, I've used the same char name for 10 years. I'm not going to ragequit unsub. I'll see how this plays out.


    Would it not have been a better idea to have fresh servers so that we could get a shot to keep our char and legacy names?


    I would just like to know, whats the plan? Will there be more server transfer options? If i pay for a server transfer can I have my name back? I'm a bit attached to it. I doubt you would understand if you have used the same handle for MMOs and online games for a LONG time.

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