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Posts posted by Sigmund_Drake

  1. Vanish is your gap closer, your escape mechanism and your in-combat burst, or double frontload, ambush > backstab > vanish > ambush.


    Like vanish, and later cos/vanish, it is basically you're one button that you need in half a dozen situations


    I think you quoted the wrong person. I know what Vanish is used for.

  2. And every dps spec in the game has 1001 ways to prevent us from healing, if people would think to keybind their interrupt, stuns, knockbacks, etc.


    Battling a competent healer in a 1v1 is one of the most difficult PvP encounters for an operative. It is a given that we consistently use properly placed interrupts and CCs.


    Catching a healer when he is preoccupied is a different matter; I think you're referring to this type of situation when you imply killing a healer is or should be easy.

  3. There's quite a few of you that see vanish as an offensive maneuver when a majority of the time, at the upper echelons of pvp, it is solely an escape mechanism.


    Why? Because people aren't instagibbed like what happens in your fantasy land. You're struggling to kill a adequately geared 50 and something goes awry.

  4. I play a sage and i have no problem at all killing Operatives if they don't vanish. If they vanish and i have my CC-break up, i will still win a 1v1 100% of the time. Usually they get me to about 40% hp from their 3 second opener (that's without my bubble up, it's more like 60% with bubble), i then knock them back and then root them (if i'm full balance i'll root them, or they become rooted from the knockback if i'm hybrid), if they use dodge to remove the root, i use my 50% ranged snare and then i kite them 100-0 without them every touching me again. I don't have to use force lift, i don't have to use my 4 second stun, i usually don't have to use sprint (only need sprint if i whiff the knockback because of lag). Operatives are the easiest class in the game to kill and the easiest class in the game to kite. The only thing they have worth a damn is their 3 second stun opener and burst damage.


    I like your honesty. A competent sage is one of the hardest classes to kill as an operative. You're going to be on cloud nine after this patch is deployed.

  5. The likelihood of the people getting insta-gibbed now standing a channce after patch: slim to none.



    The likelihood of operatives killing people who currently are difficult: slim to none.



    Job well done, ****tards.






    "Hardmode LF 2 DPS"

    "Operative here"



    "**** off"

  6. Right yes we the casual noobs are in charge and you the l33t whatever you call yourself is a sore loser. Suck it up and stop being bitter. ITs been nerfed live with it .


    I'll live with it in the world of Sanctuary.

  7. You obviously havent seen a sorc or sniper brutalised over and over and over in random warzone. With a group stuff like that obviously might not happen if another person can help in time which they arent even fast enough sometimes but in a random no chance. Op would be long gone before anyone realised what happened.


    Ive went up against pre mades that were focused with 2 people a healer and tank keeping operative alive people would just explode in their path. Now the tanks will at least be able to not die straight away.


    Sure, I agree with your fictional story. A lot of you are still hinting that you haven't had enough experience in organized level 50 PvP combat. This puts your credibility into question. And who wants you guys calling the shots? Oh.. that's right, BioWare does.

  8. I don't get it. Why did you need to ignore 50% of an NPCs armor in the first place? It's not like most other classes had anywhere close to that, yet their abilities pre-mitigation don't hit as hard.


    Concealment operatives were on the verge of being unviable melee dps in PvE. We don't have the damage sustainability as most of our damage is burst. We are very limited on how many times we can use our bread and butter ability as it has to be enacted from stealth. Not to mention there is no shortage of melee DPS and your slot could have gone and now WILL go to ranged DPS.

  9. The point was that the sorcs or whoever had these were so terrified theyd spend all the time recasting the shields rather than contributing to the team, now the shields wont be up as much actually making it easier for the op/scoundrel to get some kills in as well as other classes.


    Horse ****.

  10. 1) Way to sound like a 4 year old.

    2) I'm pretty sure Snipers and Gunslingers are less played than Scoundrels or Operatives.


    You like bullet points and sequenced outlines don't you. I'm surprised you didn't

    1)Pop a trinket

    2)Take a medpac

    3)Kill an operative



    1)Roll with friends

    2)Kill an operative



    1)infinite counters

    2)kill an operative

  11. -Is that character still playable?


    Not anymore. I've unsubscribed if you didn't get the implication just as you don't understand the nerf was excessive.


    It seems that BioWare is pandering to salvage their subscriptions.


    "Well Jim, let's nerf the scoundrels and operatives as they are statistically the least played classes in the game in order to make great benefit to the glorious nation of everyone else. These complaints have been sitting on my desk for a while.. perfect timing. You see, we'll lose some subscriptions but retain more in the long run. Brilliant, huh?"


    "Great idea, Mike. Let's work on more Romance features.'

  12. You just trollin bro? Operatives were grossly overpowered. You just sound like "waahhhhh they nerfed me" They were 100% right to nerf ops, even on my tank they could drop me to half in an opener and then stun me for most of the rest. If my trinket was down it was practically instagib. Was total BS, catered to skilless players and was properly nerfed. L2P.






    You're out of your league here buddy. As in, you have no idea what you're talking about. Get to 50 and get your expertise up. An opportunistic class that requires more mental variables than any other to successfully complete his or her task is skilless? You're ignorant.

  13. Operative nerf. It was only fair... honestly guys... if you can't see why then just... oh my god...:eek:


    This patch is def a winner for me w/ bioware.


    So crippling a class and rendering time invested by thousands of players worthless is your definition of winning? "honestly guys..."

  14. Any scoundrel or operative agreeing that we were/are overpowered have never dealt with the challenging scenario of facing a savvy enemy or well organized combatants. Newbie operatives if you will.


    So tell us, mighty whiners, what is our role now?


    If you guessed being /danced at while you give it everything you have to unsuccessfully try to kill someone you win.

  15. Ri-***********-diculous. Just jump into the freezing Atlantic waters like everyone else. The lifeboats are full. This is a despicable nerf with such weight as to cripple a class from achieving its intended role.


    Operatives and Scoundrels will no longer be desired in PvE and will underperform in PvP.


    We exposed our secrets and handed you counter strategies on a silver platter but you weren't happy, you didn't want to adapt. You wanted the sheer malevolent action of a nerf because of past grievances.


    Your whining brought about more than a crushing nerf, it brought death.

  16. Whining about. It being able to burst tanks down in 3 seconds while they may on the ground is good for some Lols, thanks. I Believe they compensated you in other ways. Get over it.


    I'd love to see the other "compensation." A class destroyed because of the ignorance of other players. I hope you're recognizing a pattern here. Cut your losses and pull out like any other sane human being.

  17. What a surprise... well, perhaps you will now learn to play your class instead of press 2 I WIN buttons to roll over everyone, tanks included?


    Thats coming from dirty tricks gunslinger that when using all possible CC I've got can get operative to 80% before death.


    Admitting you're terrible at the game. Well done.

  18. Ever heard of the dev tracker forum? Luls


    Good thing I unsubbed. More incentive to stay unsubbed as a 50/64 Operative. Another poor decision on the developer's part.


    Edit: Knee jerk reaction nerf to pre 1.1 without a 50 bracket. Sleep soundly operatives and scoundrels.

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