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Posts posted by Daveros

  1. It's not your CPU, nor is it your GPU. Your HDD will bottleneck your system, but won't bottleneck your game. Don't let people tell you otherwise.


    Check all drivers, and perform clean installs of them just to be sure. Benchmark a couple of other games and compare those results to common online results. Other than that, I have no idea. That's about as much as I can offer.

  2. Hi Daveros,


    The fact is that you have a choice in the matter and that is what we in APAC are asking for. I created a toon last week on Begeren conlony and had standing Lagh of 170ms. While in PVE that was ok, but it blew out to over 200 in combat. When you PVP in a warzone against US based playrs it will not be fun.

    Realistically, I'm just glad they're doing something. I have three toons that are dead to me (though only one of any substantial level) because they're stuck on a dead server.


    At this point, I don't care what they do, but I want something done. From my point of view, the best solution would be to merge all APAC servers and offer free transfers for those that want out. If the APAC server dies at that point, people would understand.

  3. I, for one, welcome the news of this merger. Something's been needed to be done for a long, long time.


    I've played since Beta, set up originally on WC US and then transferred my toons over to APAC when the option became available (after months of waiting). Server populations may be (slightly) better here now, but Gav Daragon was so dead prior to F2P that I stopped playing (what's the point in an MMO if you are the only one on a planet?), and when they announced F2P I took it as a personal insult (yes, I realise it wasn't... now) and got so angry I quit the game.


    I logged on and re-subbed for the first time in many months this past weekend, re-rolled on Begeren Colony, and had a great time. I am looking forward to actually playing my previous toons again on a populated server.

  4. Yeah, well, back when the game had the opportunity for growth and a decent population, three servers in APAC was a fantastic idea. Not so anymore.


    Consolidate or transfer, it's basically the only option left. I don't log in anymore because there is no-one to play with - I don't really know why I keep my sub.

  5. Having pre-ordered this game, I was very excited when it came out and was doing so well. Analysts claimed 4 million subscribers by the end of 2012 and I was pleased. Except I stopped playing in February. And so did everyone else.


    I logged on to see how my free transfer to the Australian servers was going, and noticed no more than twenty people online, so I logged off. I logged in two weeks ago, and there were eleven. It was a Friday night.


    I still kept subscribing, because, silly person that I am, I felt that if they engaged the playerbase over time, the playerbase would start to grow again and it would be an MMO worth investing in. I love this game, and I wanted it to do well.


    Will F2P fix all the problems with the game? No, I don't believe so. I think they've cut their own throats with this one, and the negativity that surrounded the game didn't help.


    I don't see this doing well, and I don't see myself being around by year's end. I may give it a bit more time to fully understand the ramifications, but frankly, if I don't get a transfer or if my servers don't pick up, I'm done anyway.

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