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Posts posted by Xsorus

  1. I take it you have no open chapters? It's a bug that doesn't allow you to see the new AA. If that is the case, you can do "The alliance" chapter as it's quick, that should be able to solve your problem, if you let all the required criteria.



    did this real quick to clear them out


    Still isn't popping for me


    I'm a Bounty Hunter/I've Cleared Iokath/I've done all the new story lines and completed every chapter.

  2. Tried to run chapter IX, The Eternal Throne, again and it bugged out after killing Valkorian, Just standing there in front of the Eternal Command console. Not sure if it's bugged because of the 5.9 patch as the console gets blown up because that's what I'm standing in front of anyway. And the mission still does not show up in the contact board.


    Doing the same thing to do me as well

  3. I undercut everyone usually for 1 reason, I'm trying to sell my stuff as fast as possible right now before it eventually gets cheaper.


    Its the same way with Industrial Prefabs 3, I used my armstech and my crap ton of saved resources to make 100s and sell them for like 80k+ a piece, now they're like 15k.....


    So sell as much as possible before the market is overloaded with the item

  4. Heh, I have 1200+ Presence, and Mako had full 55 Basic Gear from the vendor + Alacrity, and while running DPS mode I was getting wrecked pretty hard (wasn't dying, but ending fights with like 20%)


    It was far faster for me to just go Shield Tech and use Torian with full DPS.....

  5. By that logic, many people miss the RP part of MMORPG as well. Unless you assume everyone actually role plays.


    Massively Multiplayer simply means people play in the same world together. It does not mean they necessarily have to play together as a group, although that is obviously one of the options and one of the draws to the model. I'm hoping one day this tired argument is put to rest, but my guess is that won't happen.


    Yea, I don't mind running the dungeons, But for the one time solo flash points, or story mode things, I think instead of summoning the Terminator we should use our Companions instead.

  6. Why not? It just needs an appropriate buff to bring the companions up to the required power, threat and healing levels. There would need to be a a few companion AI tweaks too so they work as a team. Perhaps some of the AI in the GSI bot could be re-purposed for this.


    I'd love to see solo story mode versions of all FPs in the game that you can re-run solo with a team of companions, preferably with the mobs scaling to your level so they are a fun challenge when run with your companion team.


    There doesn't need to be any significant loot attached to them, perhaps just a chance of some cosmetic items or a decoration or two, or a quest reward. But nothing which would discourage people from grouping properly for the full version where the real rewards are.


    And before anyone throws in the "it's a MMO" line, MMOs are different things to different people and even the most group-focused players don't want to group 24/7. It's good to play with a group some of the time, with your guild, friends or even PUG. But when it comes to getting immersed in the story it's better to go at your own pace without someone yelling "SPACEBAR" at you.


    Yea I'm not even concerned about loot from it, I just think it'd be cool to have some Story Mode flashpoints like this where you take 3 of your companions similar to Mass Effect and Dragon Age and the other Bioware titles.


    It could give no loot as all far as i'm concerned.. I just think it'd be something cool story wise they could do.

  7. So today, me and a bunch of guildies got together to test a theory of PT/Vanguards. Of course we aren't the only guild to work on testing this theory out. Our findings:


    4 powertechs, 3 of them shield specialist, 1 of them Advanced Prototype


    30/30 4vs4 Arena Matches steam rolled. Like not even 5 minutes per match steamrolled.


    Hypergate, with all four working together, we carried the team everytime and won without contest. same with Huttball, same with Voidstar, and same with Alderaan. It did not matter what we did as long as we worked together, our four PTs won 29 of 30 8vs8 matches.


    We lost ONE match, why? Because a republic guild was running a 4 man Vanguard Team with all maxed level 60 PVP gear. (We chatted a bit about their armors, they had the new end-game Vanguard PVP armors)


    Even the Jedi Order insta popping with 6 Jedi Guardians, our Powertechs wiped them out without contest.


    These results thus far haven't been replicated post 3.0 with any other class but powertechs.


    Long time ago before they nerfed Pyro Powertechs in the beginning, I was in a PvP guild in this game that ran 4 of us on Pyros. The burst was so obscene back then that we'd mow through an entire team of 8 within 10 seconds of coming into the fight....We instant killed a Vanguard Tank Guarding a Energy Shielded Commando Healer at the same time, Both were rank 90 back then....That's how silly the burst was. From what i've seen with the latest patch, You could run 3 or 4 Advanced Prototype PT's again and absolutely accomplish the same thing now a days.

  8. The irony of all of this is in Guild Wars 2, Players are absolutely begging for something like SWTOR's Arena's that are coming.


    GW2 was suppose to be a huge esport, but ended up being god awful cause of its copying of Civil War type maps.


    SWTOR comes along, and adds Actual Good Arena's, and people complain (Though Huttball is still the best Arena and regular pvp map of all time)

  9. That's an easy answer. For anyone who this is not their first MMO, this is a terrible MMO design.


    MMO means Massively Multiplayer Online


    Bioware makes a wonderful singleplayer game with the best voice acting in a game yet with a wonderfully complex, detailed and engaging storyline.


    But that's it. Nowhere do you get the "massively" part. Aside from begging for help on a few quests that I couldn't finish on my own, I've NEVER played with another human being. There's no reason to unless you're a nice guy and don't mind going out of your way to help someone with their quest. There's no reason to team up because the story is very very linear and the chances of you being on the same spot in that line is very very low.


    PVP is totally broken from what I hear so the only other chance of using "multiplayer" is out the window.


    I guess they got the online part right. Pay $15 a month to play along side other people enjoying a very wonderful single player game or engage in one of the worst FTP models on the market that form like pop ups in a browser so it's so annoying, you want to pay just to get rid of it. Oh, and once you pay, don't ever think about going FTP unless you like losing currency.


    Don't get me wrong, I like what is here and I'll happily plunk down some money every now and again to enjoy this game, but know that the hate is not totally unwarranted. It's not an MMO in my eyes.


    Umm, Ok I've played a lot of MMO's (been playing since UO), and for anyone out there to begin to claim SWTOR has no reason to group cracks me up....Cause you clearly haven't bothered grouping it seems.


    SWTOR is the only game in a very very long time to actually reward grouping more the soloing. When the game came out, I lvled up with 2 other friends, We did nothing but the Heroics and the Main story Quest, and we skipped entire WORLDs of quests...This XP you get for doing those Heroics is absolutely stunning in comparison to just running the fetch quest every time. This allowed me when i lvled alts, to actually do those quests and have them be new. In fact..I didn't fully see most of the content while leveling till I was on my 3rd Toon.


    SWTOR problem is it has a lot of butthurt SWG players who can't move on from that rotten game (and it was rotten..One of the worst MMO's i've played to date). Its also got the other problem of having Developers who blatantly lied about features.. As much as I like bioware games, and SWTOR as a game..Bioware bloody lied about some things.


    For example.. Illum and Outlaws den, they sold both of those as something they weren't. There is on way they could of not played both of them in testing and not figured out that they were uplayable due to lag. No way what so ever..Which means they went for it anyway to grab what few Warhammer Online players were left.


    SWTOR would of been far better off if they simply didn't have illum as the start, and simply focused on their strong area of PVP, which was Huttball, instead of adding more god awful versions of Civil War playstyle.

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