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Posts posted by ShiryouOni

  1. Recently re-subbed for 6 months... Wish I would have logged in first. It's not "almost" it "is", game breaking. Played for several hours the last few days and the lag seems totally random but it most noticeable in combat because of skills not casting, or randomly being at full health and then being dead.


    Trying to do the arena is really frustrating or maybe that's why I can't beat the final 10th boss. Anyways I'm glad the issue is being addressed and am mainly just venting my frustrations.


    I know stuff happens that's out of your hands sometimes "devs", but a lot of people in game are quitting temporarily until the problem is resolved and it's bringing about a lot of negativity in the chat about the game as a whole.

  2. Hmm, I guess I am just different. Same reason I always get mods that disable fast travel in most open world games. I like to be immersed as much as possible.


    I'll have to check out strongholds soon they sound pretty neat. Wonder which location I would like best.


    Maybe I was a bit too hasty in making this thread, I haven't really got to experience any endgame, hopefully I will understand better at later levels.

  3. It would be nice to do other things with the ships we have besides combat. There are other useful jobs we could use them for; Exploration, mining, being an actual living area, logistics, the possibilities are endless.


    If that were to ever happen, it would be swg all over again for me. You would never ever see me on any planet ever again.


    Forever SWG will be missed.

  4. I agree with mostly everything in this thread. There should be an item or an option that slows xp back down.


    I came back to the game recently and was having a blast until i noticed there was no challenge to playing the core game story, which is what I came back to finish, I am always way over leveled and right now the only way I can seem to somewhat fix it is by skipping the planet quest lines the purple quests, which I very much enjoyed.


    I am still having fun but I miss actually having to play my character and learn my skills rather than how it is now where you really cant lose a fight or even die with how op companion healers are. I guess ill hold on to hoping that once i get to the newer content the challenge will return.

  5. now?


    thats a good one....they are useless since we got strongholds and guild ships. that alliance thing gave them the rest.....


    I mostly play solo and haven't really touched strongholds, So I am completely unaware of how those affected ships.

  6. I have been mostly tolerant of changes to the game, but your ship was a core part of the game in KOTOR and it had a similar feeling in SWTOR until now, what is the point of them ? I understand people wanting more convenience but this seems a little overkill. Still enjoying the story along with my negative xp buff from the White Acute Module. Sigh... /end rant.


    Edit: I still have my negative xp buff, but the White Acute Module is no longer functional. I am hoping that means the bonus xp is gone too.

  7. I concur with the majority of things discussed in this thread. Would love a new KOTOR of any kind really, but if EA is involved in the rights to something its pretty much done. Probably why most of the BioWare team left EA, they kill good teams. That aside who knows maybe well all get a surprise someday, I sincerely hope so.
  8. I was hoping for KOTOR Online when I got into this game back in release. Bluntly put what I got was WoW with a better setting and an amazing story line, for the most part. That aside I still think its a decent game and holds a lot of potential. With most of the core of old BioWare gone though, I'm honestly a little frightened to think about the games future. I really hope to see it succeed in the long run. Hell I'm still playing for some reason.


    I agree about Pazaak, loved playing it and getting new cards for it. I don't know why it never got implemented, It sure would make cantinas seem like they existed for a reason.


    I was never a big fan of swoop racing mostly did them for the prize money. But I could definitely enjoy it as another minigame of sorts.


    Guild Ships have been talked about since before release, and as much as everyone would love to see it, If something as simple as Pazaak isn't in the game yet I don't think Guild Ships will be anytime soon. Hope I'll be wrong though.


    I remember an underwater zone in one of the KOTOR games and It was pretty enjoyable. I definitely wouldn't mind it, I always like underwater places in games.


    On a closing note I think I'm going to try and be more active in the community and see if I can do my part to try and find ways to add some longevity to the game in some way.

  9. I would just like to show my support for saying this nerf was a bad idea. I can understand nerfing something to balance it out but this made the entire skill pointless to have.


    When I first started to play I was crafting occasionally and training skills every level, I was always out of money and when I hit level 25 there was no way I was going to be able to get a speeder anytime soon, nor could I even train all my skills. At that point I was not having much fun with the game.


    I ended up starting a new character and got slicing, all I did was slice constantly while playing, after a couple days I had enough money for my speeder and sent it to my main and then the game was fun again.


    So next time I need money for training and what not I honestly don't know what I will do because on my server most people don't use the Trade Market so selling items on it is almost pointless.



    TL;DR Slicing made the game allot funner, this nerf destroyed its usefulness completely and made the game less fun.

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