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Posts posted by Hedge-Ex

  1. Droid guards! I would love to see some of the personnel have droid guards.


    I would love to see some Wall mounted waterfalls. Sort of like the ones on Manaan but they fit on the wall slots like Republic/Imperial banners.


    Pillars? Columns? Different kinds that you can put into your strongholds. Stone pillar's for Yavin 4, Steel for Kaas and what not.


    It would be pretty cool to get interior upgrades as well! The imperial agent's ship is just saw cool on the inside...the BH's is more gritty. Why can't we get some options to change the default skins of the walls/floors even if they are cosmetics you need to buy via the cartel?


    Lighting effects? For instance I would love to have the over all lighting in my Kaas City stronghold to be darker, so the Banners on the wall seem brighter and the lights give more of a glow.


    Last suggestion, LOCKERS lets get a row of wall/gear lockers one or two level's high!

  2. I don't think think Ops should be nerfed, and I play a BH pyrotech. I more than half the time recover and kill a Op/Sco when they are on me. Learn how to play your class and negotiate the obstacle.


    I tend to agree with this comment. However, this is the reason for most forum ************. When I play my op I never tend to go for people with full health. I wait till they are alone, or trying to heal and i pull off a roach kill. Stamping out a bothersome opponent before he can be a true threat again. Or I find another DPS on a target and throw the fight in their favor. I get tired of people thinking their class should beable to solo any other class in the game in a giant spam fest face to face.


    Learning your class is best way to actually win a fight. However I think some of the War zones aren't really built with this in mind. Civil War in particular has few places to hide from Tracer /grave round attacks, or sorc/sage DPS abilities. A little more cover placed around to make fights more interesting would go a long way in my opinion.

  3. I would like to add, if you find your class isn't enjoyably to play any more...play one you find more enjoyable! Just cuz you have a level 50 doesn't mean you HAVE to play them. This is a game, not a job. no one has a gun to your head telling you to play something. Chances are, if they are indeed "nerfed" and people don't play them any more...they will rebound in a following patch or two. Also, even after a nerf it typically takes a few days before people find a way to min-max the new builds into a new high DPS build that works just as well.
  4. I love when people threaten to leave the game because they see their class as being nerfed. This went on for years in WoW and it still goes strong. The community as a whole doesn't care if a person threatens to leave.


    I want to point out that these nerfs and or buffs don't come out of thin air as much as the professional complainers on the forums like to think they do. You ever consider the people who actually run the game have some statistics on their side? Ever think they can see the trend across ALL their servers? I've seen a pvp warzone match with 8 sages/sorc Roll the the other team due to CC/heal/DPS all from the same build. I've seen a roll due to lack of DPS I've seen a roll simply because one team can out pass the ball over the other.


    But I will for now trust the teams to use the statistics they get from doing their job over the emotional rants that come from people who tend to flock to the forums for no reason other than to complain. Before you throw out some "I'm not having an emotional rant" response. Actually even I get ******** when I play ... and see another class seemingly **** me out of no where. It's more due to heat of the moment then it is actual perception of the facts.


    To be honest if you want to balance PvP issues..take out expertise. PvP stat buffs are something that breaks balanced abilities than any other. Why reward people who pvp and know how to pvp better than others already with even more of an advantage by giving them extra stats against those who don't get to farm? The sub 50 bracket tends to be way more enjoyable for this very reason.

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