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Posts posted by yuchunyang

  1. lol 1399 is not very good at all, and I looked up your friend corrigan and I don't see him on any of these lists, and his dps was pretty bad when I looked him up. I'll upload my logs tomorrow and will be in the top 5 for all bosses on 8 man.


    btw potato almost cleared hm tfb 16 man in one night and it took you guys a month.



    Gratz on almost clearing tfb hm 16 man! It only took a month and a day. Every raider knows that fielding 16 from the same guild is difficult to do since real life gets in the way. I look forward to seeing Potato's screen shots on clearing 16 man NiM when it drops. Especially if Potato can field 16 players from its own guild. It is a triumph when 16 players cooperate in this game ;)


    Trashing other players is pretty pathetic. Let me do what you did. Here are some of your subpar logs for everyone to look at:

    1) 1368 dps - http://www.torparse.com/a/2216

    2) 0 dps- http://www.torparse.com/a/43425

    3) 0 dps - http://www.torparse.com/a/43423

    4) 1184 dps - http://www.torparse.com/a/41686


    Its easy to pick and choose parses. Not sure why you are trolling.


    - River

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