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Posts posted by kenoten

  1. Before SWTOR, friends and I would commonly level in other games like AoC,WH, and WoW through mostly PVP with an occasional dip into instances for that awesome piece of gear that is Best in slot for that level on your class.


    Is doing something like this possible with SWTOR? Would I be missing out on too much gear if we just crafted stuff from our mains and just did class quests? Is the leveling super slow in WZ only? What do you guys think?

  2. Does anyone remember Night Elf hunters with Aim Shot? You would have every other AC whining until they removed that ability. While in PVE it makes sense, in PVP, the ability to shoot someone from the max range any AC has before they even know where you are would just be OP.

    I thought after I rescued Torian that I was going to Voss for some rest and relaxation. Now my quest log says that I was sent there for another target from Darth Torman. I never got any such assignment.




    How did I go from talking about a vaction to agreeing to a bounty?

  4. When your wife tells you to throw away your holy jeans and you look for a med droid to repair them.


    When you wife tells you your wardrobe is out of date and needs to be updated, and you start counting how many mods, armorings and enhancements you will need to do that.


    When you start realizing how awesome Kirk had it sleeping with green girls.


    When your wife is telling you to do the same chores you do every day and all you want to do is hit space-bar so she will shut up and let you go do it.


    When you wish you could give your kids 95 credits so they will shut up and go do something productive for at least 3 minutes.


    When you kill a friends cat and then buy them a polished gall stone and hope to make up for it. (See this if you dont get it.)


    When your wife asks you if your sister in law can stay the weekend and you ask which answer gives you dark side points?

  5. If you want to hurry up and get through the game than this isnt the game for you. If you spacebar through everything then this isnt the game for you. Places like Tatooine are SUPPOSED to feel big. (Although I agree that there should be a speeder by the spaceport). Riding the elevator up out of the base into the tundra on Hoth really gives you a feel for how epic this all is. And it is SUPPOSED to be that way. Do I want to sacrifice that feeling I get when I am speeding around the mountains of Alderaan just to get to that quest giver 2 minutes sooner? Nope, not in the least.


    "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once in a while, you just might miss it." Its a life philosophy but it applies to MMOs as well. Especially those of the epic scale that is TOR.

  6. Midichlorians are like crayfish; they are indicators. They show that a particular individual has high Force sensitivity. Oh they grow in every person, but they need high levels of Force sensitivity to really propagate and reach high numbers. So what; Anakin had a level of over 20,000? An average Jedi would probably have something like 5-10 thousand, while a non-Force sensitive would have more like a few hundred or, at most 1,000.


    Anakins Midichlorian count was over NINE THOUSAND!!


    Sorry, couldn't resist.


    That being said. I like this explanation.

  7. I would just like another bar in the middle. Supposedly this is coming this month. At release, BW said that UI customization is very high on their to do list and we should see changes by February.


    In other MMOs I typically have all my buttons stacked close together and smaller than usual to allow smaller mouse movements.


    In regards to blaster fire being just as good as flame burst because of the ion charge difference, I would have to disagree. At level 40, Ion charge is 300 damage with a 15% proc chance averaging out to 45 damage per blaster shot. The difference between flame burst is 50 - 200. That would mean you are losing 5-155 damage per shot by never using flame burst. That and for tanking there is the additional 4% damage reduction.

  8. Not sure if there is a bug or a really long cool down, but I have learned some of the 340 slicing missions but after I sent my companions on them once, they never came back. Is this intentional?
  9. Light side is balance, which is why Jedi strive for no emotions. 0 emotions is balance. 0 rage = 0 happiness. 0 = 0. Its harder to achieve balance when you add emotions. If you have 100 love, then to balance you would need 100 hate. 100 = 100. Such a balance is so difficult, that Jedi strive for 0 = 0.


    This would mean that ANY emotion would lead to the dark side. Someone super compassionate and loving, but never angry would in fact be Dark side due to the lack of balance. 100 =/= 0. Much like lightning is created by an imbalance in the amount of charge the planet has and the sky has, Dark Side is created by that imbalance. Sith simply channel that lightning (sometimes literally) outside of the imbalance of emotions into a manifestation of the Force.

  10. So many people are spoiled by WoW, a game that has been out for 7 years. This game hasn't even been out for 7 weeks. If you don't like playing a game that is being worked on, don't play a game at release. Wait a few weeks/months, then try it out.



    Dual specs didnt come out for the first 5 years of WoW. I know you're arguement is that "they should have known we would want that". Of course they do. HOWEVER, you are talking about 10+ years of dev time for WoW to get where it is today. With less man hours spent, you really expect Tor to have all the same features?

  11. It's designed that way on purpose. At level 50, you need a money sink. Somewhere all your credits go that isnt repairs or speeder training. That somewhere is spending a ton on crew skills for random chance at mats to make something and randomly get an RE pattern. Sometimes this is a quick process. Sometimes it takes 50+ tries (like it did for me with Skill mod 14A). It averages out and in the long term you end up burning a ton of credits just trying to get that purple recipe, just as they intended.
  12. To address the OP:


    Yes getting orange gear and modding it with cyber tech or commendations is a great way to go. Its not as popular because people under estimate how awesome orange gear can be. With orange gear and blue mods, you can have gear that is 4 or 5 levels ahead of the gear from the sources above.


    It is apparent now one knows how cool orange gear is because mods and orange gear on the GTN sells for 1k when it should really be going for the max price because you can equip it at any level and make it just as good/better than the other stuff you can get.

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