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Posts posted by -Faison-

  1. You shouldn't be having that much trouble if you're 3-4 levels above the MOBs.

    Are some strong and elites getting into the fight? Sometimes having 2-3 of those can make you go down pretty quick (depending on skill level).


    And you mentioned using gear from quest and drops. You are using comm gear? It should be replaced every 5-10 levels. And make sure you're statting right.

  2. Stealth mez is 8 sec. cap time is 6 sec. Stand far enough away so that they can't get to the pylon in 2 seconds.


    When you get mezzed from stealth DO NOT USE YOUR STUN BREAK, call inc, target them, wait till you're free then attack/interupt them, when they mezz you again use your stunbreak and kill them.


    Alternatively be a powertech, stand on top of the pylon, giggle when they mezz you and fire your shoulder cannon.


    Or be a sorcerer, stand on top of the pylon, giggle when they mezz you and use stunbreak, giggle even more on second mezz and use godbubble.


    And for the Emperor's sake, don't run away from your pylon at 10s (My favorite :))


    This is pretty good advice. When I first got into PvP, I would get frustrated at this tactic but I learned how to adapt.


    I guess I actually L2P.

  3. The main reason I get so frustrated with PvP is the "me first" attitude.

    Someone doesn't want to try and win.

    The massive trash talk to anyone and everyone.

    And people taking it waaay to seriously.


    Like someone said earlier, I enjoy PvP. It's the players that I don't. Unfortunately, it's hard to have PvP without the P.

  4. no idea how to go about the naming aspect of things for this tbh so whatever, mayn.


    1. disappointment - your team clearly has no idea what the huttball is and focuses on killing players

    2. disaster - you were cc'd in fire and died

    3. fraud - your teammate takes the ball and promptly runs in the wrong direction and scores for the opposing team. twice.

    4. violence - you spent the entire match out to decimate a single player on the enemy team because they are constantly scoring and what is life

    5. wrath - you consistently pick up the ball and run to score and are completely annihilated by yourself while your team farms kills

    6. rejection - you have the ball, you are two steps from scoring, you are pulled back onto the rafters and knocked into fire, or into the pit full of enemy players. death is imminent.

    7. defeat - you were not cc'd and still died to fire, you champ you


    This. So much this. Loved it.

  5. I've heard these questions and read the complaints about the learning curve and new players are scared away...but...

    I just buckled in and learned it. I read guides, played, died, killed, died some more, and learned.


    I'm just now getting to the point where I can upgrade the components. Has it been frustrating? Yes but no more than PvP anywhere else.


    I guess I also have experience some young players don't and that's PvP in Jump to Lightspeed which is more of a learning curve (IMO) than GSF.


    But I guess I'm not a normal "new player to GSF" huh?


    But I can see pros and cons to both sides.

  6. 35 myself and I too started with Star Wars Galaxies.

    I've tried several others but I guess what they say is true, all others will never live up to your first.


    Been playing games since the old Atari 2600 and 8-bit NES consoles. I haven't quite graduated to a One or PS4 because as a father of 2 and a small business owner, my time is very limited. I actually don't even get to play this one as much as I would like but I squeeze it in when I can, that's for sure.

  7. I started making these a couple days ago.Im eventually gonna have one for every class so when some ask I can just go to my word document and copy pasta.People really like em because it really connects with who the character really is and I believe that to be the most important factor in choosing a class.


    Do it. I (obviously) enjoyed your other one in the thread a couple of days ago.

    I've actually grown attached to this Smuggler one.


    This may end up being the defacto answer anytime these type questions are asked.

  8. Hello there peasant, I'm a Sith Juggernaut! :sy_darkside:

    I am an advanced sith warrior that uses one of these ----> :wea_01:

    I am a master of single saber combat and bashing in the brains of my enemies

    I specialize in 3 fields

    I can utilize my hate and the force to transform myself into an unkillable Immortal

    I can become one with my rage and seek out vengeance for the empire,becoming a master at the shien form in the process.

    And finally I can take that rage and become it,I can be the physical living embodiment of rage and am more versatile than vengeance but in turn am more prone to dying.


    I fight without mercy and I will carry the empire on my saber.



    NONSENSE! I am one of many elite Trooper Commando!:sy_havoc:

    I am an advanced trooper that uses one of these babies -----> :wea_06: (b4d 4ss right?)

    I have the best training in the galaxy and use my cannon and superior technology to obliterate my enemies in a quick and timely manner

    I also specialize in 3 fields

    For when the blows become to much to bear, I am trained as a combat medic and make sure no soldier is left behind

    When the going gets tough my assault cannon gets to decimating every living thing that opposes it, because after all those trained in gunnery can dispatch groups of empire scum like a "knife through butta!"

    And finally when I see one of the really big ugly mother****ers I thank the republic Im trained as an assault specialist because nothing is going to be alive after burning for 10 minutes in a nice hot bath of incendiary projectiles and covered in scraps of assault plastiques (btw my favorite candy is DOTS)


    I fight for the republic ,I fight for honor ,I fight for justice and all those that deserve to live.....but most of all I fight because war does not decide who is right.....but who is left.


    This is probably the most entertaining, but yet informative, responses I have seen to a class choice question.

  9. Not a fan of Balmorra nor Alderaan because, like others have said, it's too large and travel times are insane.


    My favs would have to be Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa. I've always like the sprawling mega-opolis planets in the Star Wars universe and being able to "live" them is pretty enjoyable.

  10. Interesting thoughts.

    I saw the patch notes and thought that it wouldn't make much difference in larger fights anyway.

    I have just recently returned to the game and am still trying to adjust to the advanced class changes that happened while I was gone but it seems like these changes may just be small tweaks as opposed to the sweeping changes that most PvP'ers would like. Good to see some (if any) testing by a member of the community outside of test.

  11. Well thank you Capt Obvious. You really think you just said anything I didn't already know? Hint, you didnt.


    Yes, i bashed it, cause it was absurd. You lost any and all credibility saying we were fine. Were not. Not in ranked anyway and not in 4 mans in general. Why is it do you think everyone always says "target the Merc/Mando" first? Here's another hint, its because we will die the fastest.


    As for me, ask anyone that plays with me, i kite like my arse is on fire, I use LOS, ... i know my class... I'm a Merc that people call for backup against... and i have one of every advanced class.


    I stand by my previous statements.. its clear that while you may have a Merc, at most you've done a few reg war zones where you sat back and freecast pew pew'd and were completely ignored and though you knew something. Jump in some ranked then tell me were fine, i bet your view will change



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