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Posts posted by Urko

  1. Ive meant to post my view on this for quite a while and have now decided to....


    As a healer i find it far too often where players are relying on just going to a node to heal rather than looking for a healer. (or at least staying put while a healer heals them)


    Gets me frustrated when im trying my best to run after someone to heal (not all the time ill grant) because they are rushing for the node.

  2. would you rather have a game that FORCES people to group together?


    Not exactly force, but it definately shouldnt veer the other way where you dont virtually have to at all.


    Maybe im one of a minority that even bothers to buff other players outside of FPs or PvP ?


    Even the talk of NOT grouping saddens me as a veteran MMOer, this not wanting to group for instances/flashpoints in games wouldnt have even been thought of 3 odd years back.


    We could all have our own personal internets the way its going with all the "others" online being AI :rolleyes:

  3. MMO = a persistant world being shared by hundreds if not thousands of players.


    Hate to burst your bubble but even with single player end game content this would still be classified as an mmo, thanks to warzones, general chat, GTN, and just the fact your not the only player on the server.


    To burst your bubble then, whats the POINT of HAVING the thousands of people if say 70% of the game allows you to not bother interacting with them , i dont see the logic.


    Why doesnt everyone just use companions in pvp too, and just say have 4 approx real players in a warzone ^^.... yes sarcasm was meant but you see my point i hope.


    MMO to me (and ive played years) DOESNT just mean loads of players IN ESSENCE , theres far more to it.


    Like saying spaghetti bolognese is just pasta , far more ingredients within.

  4. Good question, many players have been asking it for well over 2 months now. Some players have even gone as far as suggesting solo versions of flashpoints & operations that you could run with 3-5 companions out.


    But from what I can gather is that BW are jealously guarding their 5 pillar system, the 5th pillar being community. Somewhere along the way somebody has confused community with forced grouping so we are left with a system that requires players to group for all end game content. Companions arent players so they dont count


    Being able to use companions as the rest of the team in a flashpoint isnt to do with trying to force group, if you could do that it would totally destroy any form of grouping period.

  5. Some people (myself included) have machines that for whatever reason are more then capable of handling the shaders in the game. Some do not. I'm assuming that this would be a stop gap fix to some people's FPS woes while they stream line the coding.


    For the record, I'm not defending, nor a "Fanboi", but just providing a thought out reasonable explination as to why they would do something like this.


    Star Trek Online (and lots of other games) have something that are called graphic sliders , so the USER can alter the graphics to match their hardware, why is this game so different.


    I really think the engine cant handle high textures, and for 2012 this is a no no.

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