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Posts posted by Bloodbane

  1. Why are you rehashing the Gree Event? I'd be surprised if there are many people that haven't max rep for this event and wonder what it brings to the game that we see it rehashed every few months. If you have to rehash content can't we have the rakghoul plague back or even a rebranded acquisitions race?


    The last time the Gree event was live I didn't make it to level 50 in time to try it out. I, for one, have been waiting anxiously for it to come back so I can see it and start leveling that rep. So be surprised if you must, but I have yet to even see the Gree event, better yet to max it. Thank you, Devs, for bringing it back!

  2. Just remember:


    Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.


    We may be waiting a while for it to get revamped.


    Ok, yes, the Guide is right. But remember, the most import thing:



    But I still want space combat to be revamped! :D

  3. I would agree that keeping the existing space system would be a good thing. Some people like it. Someone on another thread suggested keeping the existing system as a "space simulator". I like that idea. To a true flight sim fan the exixting system is more of a "space combat with training wheels" set up.


    I loved X-Wing vs TIE Fighter. I loved Jump to Lightspeed. I love SWTOR, just wish it had a decent space flight sim.


    I miss being able to mod my ship - equipment, paint jobs, . . . furniture! My YT-1300 was my home. And the best part was that I could invite my friends over to visit!


    Group space missions. PvP, modable ships . . . ah the good ole days!


    BioWare, I would even pay for an expansion to have this experience back.

  4. It's been over 3 months since the last post on this thread. I want to keep it alive. I played SWG primarily for Jump to Lightspeed. X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter is one of my all time favorite PC games.


    For the current iteration of SWTOR the easiest thing (it seems to me) to implement would be the Guild Capitol Ships. They could even be a standard Destroyer type ship for Imps and . . . what are the Rep capitol ships called???


    Once in a guild the Capitol Ship for that guild could show up as another way point on your galaxy map, like the Fleet Station. It could have a simple arrival video clip, again like flying to the Fleet.


    I'm not suggesting that the guild ship would be combat capable or even flyable, but just as a guild hall with trainers and mailboxes and such. It would be AWESOME for RPing!


    Keep the pressure on. Let the Devs know this topic is important.

  5. Has anyone mentioned Guild Calendars? Some guild specific functions would be nice to see. I don't much care about DPS meters or NOX/MOX/blah blah. Don't really know what most people here are even talking about. I went on a search for SWTOR add-ons because my guild is trying to organize in-game events like organized Warzones, Datacron hunting, RP events, and Flash Points. Other then Guild Chat, there is practically NO guild interface.


    The calendar I am looking for can be done via an external web site but Alt-Tabing out of the game to check for updates and double-check time schedules is a pain.


    Anyway, my 2 creds on this subject of add-ons is a request for an in game interactive guild calendar.

  6. There are book series that cover everything from 5 min after the end of Episode VI all the way through at least 2 generations of the Skywalker and Solo families and almost every minute in between. There are books that cover the spaces between the movies and books that take place during the movies. There are literally hundreds of Star Wars books out there.


    That being said, we will have to wait and see.

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