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Posts posted by Sabutai

  1. Will the weapons you can get from the cartel market/Collections be able to put into the outfitter. With the complete removal of weapon and gear mods you can't modify a cartel weapon for use. The only way to change the appearance is through the outfitter but currently on the PTS you can't place those items in the weapon slot of the outfitter.


    It would seem a silly design choice if you eliminated 1/3 of the cartel market.

  2. So funny story, I ran the Athiss Flashpoint with a Jedi Sentinel that rolled need on "Athiss Scout's Long Range Rifle". Being a soldier and finding this to be a HUGE upgrade compared to what I was using, I rolled need. (drum roll) and the rifle went to..... The Jedi Sentinel!


    Ok so why the fudge is a class that can't use that particular item able to roll NEED BioWare? Are you guys serious? You weren't able to have a five minute sit down and come to a conclusion that this might...oh...gee....be a bad idea?

    See it's not the fact that it's a hard flashpoint to run, but it's the TIME spent running these things with these rocket scientists.


    Long and sort of it, if you NEED because you CAN use it. Then by all means roll NEED. But if you can't use it, please just roll greed or pass.


    I put in a ticket about this and nothing was done to correct this....issue.


    Oh well, I guess better luck next time :rak_01:


    problems with other players are not the responsibility of the developer team nor the customer service department. Chalk the experience up and put the guy on ignore, its not hard or rocket science.


    I'm sorry if you think that the dev team should take another notch down the I'm a dummy tree just cause you had a bad experience. I'm sorry people think that this game needs to put in a feature that removes others from rolling on it if they can't use it. This is the same type of attitude that removed decent toy making from the US, or why we have to have labels for the absolute DUMBEST crap ever on common sense items, really I'm not supposed to drink this thing labeled POISON?.

  3. Dear BioWare,


    Would it be possible to tune the second boss in this flashpoint in such a way that it's equally punishing to both melee and ranged dps?


    Currently it's built in such a way that groups often refuse to bring melee dps.


    I am a melee dps. :o


    huh? you mean the FIRST boss? the 2nd one is the guy who jumps around is very melee friendly.

  4. Seriously, I'm soloing Corellia because there are only 15 people on (Juyo) and everyone in my guild is busy doing other things, and these damn elites are crawling the area where I'm at. I'm very careful where I walk but every now and then an elite finds me. BAM! 10m respawn timer and I have to either wait or run back and fight all the trash again.


    This is penalizing the player too much. At least have maybe 2-3 instances of 1m30s before the 10m timer. And who does the 10m timer benefit anyway?


    There isn't a single area I can think off the top of my head where this is an issue on corelia. Sorry, you are either in the heroic 4 area where you really shouldn't be solo and complaining about dying, or you've found a mystical new area nobody else has and you should be happy enough with that.


    Seriously you have to die 4 times to get that 10 min timer, and then you have to run back is it really that hard NOT to do? Depending on your level, and most people do most of corelia at 50 you are already 2-3 levels above everything here. Unless you sold every single piece of gear you had as a quest reward you should be ok, either way you will most likely not get any sympathy for it as the penalty is fine in most peoples opinions.

  5. Progressive quest unlock for the social gear set was a complete goof up.

    Whoever came up with that idea needs to be reprimanded.

    I understand the logic behind it, you want players to keep coming back through out the duration of the event.

    But don't force us to do this. There isn't a whole lot to see anyways.

    Also, I refuse to do the repeatable grind, I mean dailies. Because in my mind the moment you do them, it becomes a chore/work and no longer a game.


    the best way they could have handled this was a global unlock not a per person unlock. If you really wanted people to come back again and again have a quest unlock for EVERYBODY regardless of what they participated in previously each day.

  6. So today I noticed a new balloon that is flying above Jundland. The path it follows is roughly diagonal and starts at coordinates: X1380/Y820. It then proceeds diagonally to coordinates: X445/Y-500. I have seen it "land" at X1380/Y820 but this is an exhaustion zone. It then flies over a area currently blank on the Tatooine map. The balloon is named "balloon" and not "Jawa Balloon" like the one in the dune sea. So, if any of you would like to check it out, and post your results, please do so on this thread. Perhaps we can solve this mystery.


    this 'balloon' has always been there, as far as I know it doesn't do anything other than look pretty.

  7. Ahhh I see, so the crystals were on offer to drain some money and the white crystal was a sort of bonus item for those who had the money at the time.


    That kinda stinks though doesnt it. Doesnt it trivialise those who got the magenta crystal legitimately being as you could have just bought it.


    The white crystal makes sense I guess, those who have the money, get the reward. Thats fair enough.


    you couldn't buy the magenta crystal, you could buy the pattern for it which previously only dropped from world bosses.

  8. Not leveling my character very quickly, I seemed to have missed the high level stuff that happened before 1.2.


    Whats confused me most is the disappearance of the geologists in 1.2.


    I understand it was quite difficult/impossible to acquire some of the rare lightsaber colours (Like purp, mag, white etc.), planet hopping, bossing killing and so forth.


    Then (As far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong) the geologists suddenly had these on offer for credits instead? And now in 1.2, the geologists have vanished 0_0.



    I'm a little lost has to what the reasons behind all that were. Difficult to acquire crystals suddenly on offer for money, which kinda sucks imo. Then the vendor just as suddenly disappears.


    So confused right now, can someone explain all that to me?


    here are the reasons, some of those crystals are now going to be made by the respective crafters instead, these were a way to dump credits from the system prior to 1.2 coming out so that not all of the features available in the legacy window were immediately purchased.


    2nd, the white crystal was briefly added as a last hurrah/tease in the game as a dev had stated that the white crystal was going perma bye bye for a while. Not saying it won't make a comeback but don't expect to see them for at least 6months to a year.

  9. There's no way the 4 body type got the one on corellia and alderann, 3 definitely can't tried everything


    I believe the problem is with male characters not female.


    I have a type 3 female that got them all, but I have a type 3 male BH and can't

  10. So with all the classes getting changed in 1.2, how is it that assassins running 27 darkness, 14 madness are doing these kind of numbers http://i.imgur.com/MG0zO.jpg ? I find it hard to believe with the changes being made to the classes, assassins going deep into their tank tree should have that kind of damage output, or maybe I am missing something.


    That was a voidstar and the numbers are comparable in huttball





    sorry, but if you tried to even look at the numbers you posted from the voidstar warzone you'd see that the other team was complete crap. There was a healer on there with 102 kills, I'm sorry but even a tank in tank gear could get those numbers. the healing isn't all that surprising as well even though people are balking at it. If you are up and in combat the entire time you are seeing 300-500 heal every 1.5 secs, really not that hard.


    stop QQing and either play the class or move on.

  11. Getting tired of these posts, please read the OP.


    The point of this thread is not that crafting will not require raiding, it is that one has to craft in order to get best in slot gear. This is a tedious process of switching professions over and over to get BiS piceces, artifically extended raid content.


    You do realize that you don't actually have to make the orange gear right? You can, wait for the shocker here, BUY THEM. duh duh dun


    The only pieces you have to grind make yourself is already in game. Its already a part of what this game is about and hasn't changed with the onset of 1.2. Heck we might even have belts and wrists craftable in orange quality with the new patch.


    Doomsdayers beware.

  12. First off this is a fantastic game I really do enjoy playing it, there are however some minor things that need some changes.


    1. Why is it when I hit 50 some of the more enjoyable game mechanics up and disappear? For instance, I no longer receive codex notifications, why? 1-49 everytime I unlocked a codex entry the flashy banner would come up notifying me of such, now its gone. Please bring it back for the 50s.


    2. Also at 50 my legacy experience gain takes a nose dive. Why is it that at 49 a companion conversation yields legacy xp but at 50 that same conversation yields a whopping 1, ONE!?!


    3. This kinda ties into 2 but it didn't really change just needs attention. When I'm flying space missions there is zero incentive to shoot down enemy fighters once you reach the bonus, give us some legacy xp here or a minor credit gain. Its kinda dumb flying some missions with 3 mins to go put on shields and go afk till its over. I actually enjoy the space missions from time to time so give us some filler here please.


    4. Ilum PvP boxes. Seriously, why can't these be completed in a group. Is it really necessary to compete with both your allies as well as enemies for these things? Why not promote what this game is supposed to be, a MMO, and encourage grouping here. Make them group updates, up the count if you need to but stop making me be an A-hole to people on the same side.


    5. From the lack of attention I'm not sure you guys either care or know about it, but the Protecting shipment quest on ilum is broken, there I said it. Tho I'm sure you guys know about it, why hasn't anything been done about it? This seems the same bug that plagued a lot of the early beta quests with objects not resetting, seems you already know the fix why can't you implement it?


    6. The fleet pass you can buy as a result of having a security key is awesome I love it. Um why does it disappear before I actually transport? Can't remember how many times I've accidently hit esc or been interupted and since the ticket is gone now I'm forced to make the trek on foot. Can you make this item disappear after the transport arrives instead of on click?


    7. What is the point of raid crafting? I mean seriously, if everything is BoP why not just drop the actual item instead? Its really dumb to find a recipe while raiding only for that item to be intended for the person who loots it, and since the recipe itself is BoP you can't trade it from a accidental loot or trade it to somebody who can actually use it.


    8. can we cut down the amount of CC available in pvp? I enjoy pvping, maybe not as much as the hardcores do but I think its extremely stupid how a person can be stunlocked, killed, and then have to sit for 45 secs at a door that should just allow you to come back to the match. Some of these abilites are great for PvE, but have no place for competitive PvP. I already have a hard enough time as a jugg keeping up with sorcerors and snipers that it really isn't fair or fun.


    9. Can you point out the point of centurion armor? I don't see it. Looks great on companions I suppose but has no practical purpose that I can see. Yes you gain some expertise for pvp, but the stat loss just from what you can equip from the dailies mods is ridiculous. You can gain the survivability necessary just from 4 days of dailies that would take months of PvP for centurion gear. Can you make it actually worth while to upgrade to these pieces?

  13. Edit, Hmmm it seems I had several builds open and looked at the wrong one.Nor did I actually read everything you wrote correctly.


    NVM me. I am just being silly and not paying attention... But you do not need the AoE reduction...


    sorry every ounce of what I do needs this. Its a great open, its a great snap tool, you can have taunt up almost all the time with the reduction why would you not want it? The other things I've seen is the revenge talent, that's almost completely useless. first I have no rage problems whatsoever when I tank so why would I need to reduce the cost of something I use every 30 secs? The same goes for the free scream on force jump, you don't need it, its nice when you get the 33.3% chance but you don't need to go the full 100%


    Also the increase in base damage for those 3 abilities far outweighs what you would get out of the force scream rage reduction, but I see far too many builds with rage reduction abilities. If you are the main tank and are getting hit you are generating 1 rage per 3 secs without doing a thing. Its just not necessary.

  14. I still haven't passed that mission and I have grade 5 items and the purple ship armor. I think a tweaking is in order.


    no the mission is fine. If you're playing with grade 4 or higher upgrades and you're still failing you're doing something seriously wrong.


    The only really difficult part is that first group of ships coming at you after the first destroyer pass. Everything else if you watch the screen or play it enough you know where they come from. As has been suggested the damage immunity is a must, as well as upgrades. Even if you don't feel like being a twitch player which I am surely not, its still not overly difficult.


    Now the 2nd Polith mission you get is still challenging to me even with all purp crafted upgrades. Sometimes you just dodge wrong or are trying to hit the minelayer it happens. The game is already faceroll easy enough, stop taking away the challenge from those that enjoy it.

  15. 8. Deploy the armor colorization feature, where gear matches the chestpiece. We know you have it, stop delaying. Please.


    9. Refine the Galactic Trade Network. Even Tabula Rasa (lol) had a search option to browse items by type. I shouldn't have to scroll through 17 pages of bracers and belts to look for something to wear on my head. I respect you guys at BioWare, however let's be honest, the GTN interface as it stands is an epic failure for the amount of money and time you've had on this game.


    12. Why do I need to go to a cantina? Sure, there's rest XP for my low level toons, but what purpose do they really serve other than an inn? Can we get some quests, or maybe earn social XP, to push people into the cantinas to dance. Maybe a personal profession system, where we choose dancing or music or something similar that we can level in the cantinas. It would help get that second "m" in the "mmo". Just a thought.


    14. Get the in game CSR's to start cleaning up names now. Legacy names like "Rapetastic" and "Childmolestor" really shouldn't stand more than a few hours after being reported.


    16. Fix threat ratios between tanks, dps and healers. With Powertechs and Juggernauts we lose threat far too easily. Maybe better gear at 50 fixes this, but it's frustrating at the moment. Even my healer, under Guard, can peel mobs away with just a few heals. It feels broken right now.


    I've got more, but that's enough for now. Thanks for a great game, I'm looking forward to seeing it improve and grow over the months and years ahead. :D


    Some thoughts on these points. First I kinda understand the option for removing the match color option. While its slightly annoying, so would looking like every other person in the game. Through hard work and diligently searching the vendors in game I've found a really nice set of dark grey/red armor that actually matches but is not part of a set. It just takes a little more work.


    This is not SWG, we don't need dancing monkies in the cantinas. Sorry this is a feature that stuck with so many people but I really don't want to see this.


    the GTN is an awful mess, I think they know this but haven't had time to address it correctly. Its improved since BETA though :rolleyes:


    I agree on the names, its awful that these names are allowed to be used as long as they are.


    Threat isn't an issue for me really, the problem I would like to see maybe is some passive threat generation, so that I'm not constantly moving around. As long as the group isn't a bunch of morons and can relatively stay on 1 or 2 targets I'm pretty good with that. There are tricks and strategies you need to employ to setup a good pull but a healer with guard isn't going to pull agro after a few seconds if you are doing your job.

  16. DO u have to buy the lvl 2 license before lvl 3 or can i go from 1 to 3?


    you must buy 2 and 3. Its a tiered system you have to buy 1 thru 6 you can't buy 1 then wait till you are high enough level for 6. It doesn't work that way.

  17. Those of you over the 40 mark. Is the 10% increase worth the training cost? Or just skip it and wait for 50?


    1. You can't skip skills you have to buy every level to open the next higher one


    2. Each speeder training + the requisite speeder makes it harder for you to get knocked off, so its an upgrade either way.

  18. And if so, where does it start for Republic? Been searching in game and on search engines looking for a clue for well over 2 hours now but cannot find anything =/ Thanks


    There is not a bonus series for Corelia, the sheer number of quests on corelia offset it.


    There is a bonus series for Hoth, there used to be a quest guy on the space station that would direct you when you reached level, like the guys for Alderaan and Nar Shadaa do, but I don't know if he's removed or bugged at the moment.


    46-47 is when you can go to the planet and the quest starter should be there when you get off the shuttle.

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