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Posts posted by linbel

  1. I did go to preferred for a while, I was too busy to play, but a couple of months ago I decided to start playing on the occasions when my partner was working late nights and I got hooked on the class stories I hadn't finished, so here I am again and planning on being a very casual but subbed player.
  2. A limit is not a bad thing, though I think that limiting it to 10X is silly, if you went for the best deal you could spend £230 a month, far better to cap how much real money you can spend.


    If there is a limit then it would be good to post what the limit is and why,

  3. lol yea im sure they werent i was watching him run around and heal himself and im sorry burst? lol thats a joke when im seeing over 1mil points in healing done ,hell me alone i could sit there and do well over 50k dmg to him and never get him down . The only class maybe that wouldnt have issues with it would probably be mara/sents and perhaps a good sniper but other then that noone else can. Now im saying this talking about people who actually know how to play a healer because there are soem that are just retarded at healing.


    Well if they were running around healing themselves then they weren't healing anyone else and stopping a healer healing teammates is always a good idea!

  4. I think you only get one mission after 2.0 that's just teaching you how to join warzone, after that I don't think you get anything until 55. I could be wrong though.


    You do get quests after 50, I know my level 50 republic toon has the quest after the intro quest. The problem with this bug is that we are loosing out on warzone comms.


    I know my L48 toon is now getting a daily and weekly pvp quest with warzone comms.


    Therefore any bugged Imp L50's are loosing out on coms as well as med packs etc and that is annoying, please fix this ASAP, I hate to think how much we are loosing out on as a result and the advantage to Republic toons.


    I got the starter quest on my L50 Imo and nothing since, there is not even a triangle on the terminal, I am a sad panda

  5. No I don't agree, you get far more points for holding a pylon, so a valid tatic can be to fight to prevent the other side from taking a pylon, a lot of fun in a close match. So it is valid for both sides to get points for kills.
  6. No to this, it is a bad idea, i think the solution is to ensure that players who backfill a spot with no chance of earning comms are awarded some comms as it is not their fault that the joined a warzone that was just about over.
  7. I play a healer on a couple of toons and when it comes to votes, well if there was a guidie in there I vote for them, I then look to see who protected other teammates and then healers then objectives.


    Lets not forget the players who take time to cast shield on the healer or ball carrier, they often get no MvP votes and they deserve them as well.


    Finally when you have someone who is a good leader ina warzone!

  8. Honestly I woudl say open the boxes for the warzone medpacks, see if you can use the gear for your alts and get gear from the PVP vendor.


    When you can start using coms to buy ranked warzone comms and start saving for when you hit L50:):)

  9. I think 6 seconds is fine because of how open it is on hypergate, to be honest I am not sure that you should ever leave one person guarding a node., I endjoy the different midnset it requires when attacking or defending.


    One guard in any map is often an easy win for the other team if they know what they are doing. That includes the non stealth player just carefully walking to the node and capping while the defender, or defenders aren't watching all directions.


    Though not as easy when your team decides that no one will defend and everyone leaves the node they hold.


    If I am attacking the node and eveyone one has left well, the other team has made my day.


    If I am on the team that holds that node, well then it depends what toon I am playing, if it is a healer and we have no other healers, do I stay and heal the players who deserted our node or do I give up healing and attempt to defend??

  10. I didn't like AH to start with, I think because I wasn't sure what to do (I had been away and missed the update and so everyone had played it for about 2 weeks). Then I got into a group with someone who was a good leader and made sure that everyone knew what they were supposed to do, by the end of that I got how the zone worked and have enjoyed playing it ever since.


    It can be a lot of fun, win or loose.

  11. If waiting for a warzone or flashpoint group finder to pop I ilike to browse the web. When a warzone pops there is an audible sound so I can pop back into game and accept the warzone.


    Groupfinder has no audible tone so I believe it would be good if this could be added.

  12. Hi,


    I have two requests, I hope that bioware would consider them:


    1) More PVP quest terminals on all planets (above level 10). The reason why is I like to PVP, but it is a pain when I am on a different planet to have to travel to fleet and pick up the daily and or the weekly. Then I have to decide, stay on fleet or go back to what I was doing. If I stay on fleet but warzones are not popping it can be a long wait. If I go back to a planet I may get warzones, complete the daily or weekly, I then have to travel back to fleet to turn it in. If I don't and leave it a day I then can't pick up a daily. So PVP quest terminals on planets will make it easier for just not me but a lot of people.


    2) Joining a loosing warzone late, this is happened twice to me today, I join too late to change the end and because we are talking seconds until the end of the warzone I get zero comms. I would like to suggest that when a warzone is in say the last 1 to 3 minute it is locked, no one can join and no one can leave the warzone. That way people don't join a warzone where they will gain nothing.

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