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Posts posted by MidnyteTragedy

  1. I was there at 7pm, and waited 2 hours to get in. I was about 20 people behind the first wave that got to go in.


    Honestly, it was a huge let down. Too crowded, the Q&A was done poorly, seriously needed a better venue.


    I don't know if they weren't expecting so many people to show up, or if they picked the Garage because it was the only place that was left after all the bigger venues were rented... but standing for 2 hours for a pet and flash drive wasn't worth it IMO. I wanted to be able to actually just hang and talk with the community team and devs. Didn't get a chance to simply relax and chat.


    Also, next year, please have SW:TOR panels at the BioWare Base. Sure, I am looking forward to DA: Inq, but it would be nice to see SW:TOR represented better at PAX.

  2. Cap Hill is a great place to live, and it's not all hipsters up here.


    I like to remember Cap Hill the way it was when I moved there. Artists, musicians, various sub-cultures, and a lovely LGBT community. Now it's getting to be gentrified beyond recognition, but eh, not much can be done about it.


    I live and work on the hill, and there is wonderful diversity, if you choose to see it.

  3. Oooh, within driving distance of Tacoma! :D


    Is there a way to RSVP other than through Facebook? I'm one of those Luddites who refuses to use Facebook because of their history of privacy abuses.


    RSVPing through FB doesn't guarantee you a spot, just gives them an idea of how many I think. You'll still need to show up early to get in line to get in.


    Keep in mind this is during PAX weekend, so there will be 70,000 geeks in town, and a portion may be attempting to attend this little shindig.

  4. If it is indeed 30 days for the entire account or legacy...


    You could rename the current character, then make a placeholder character with that name, and then in 30 days, delete the placeholder and rename the character you want to have the name.


    Not perfect, but it would work.

  5. Actually it does. Why anyone would spend hundreds of dollars per month on cartel packs is beyond me. Most of the crap in those boxes sell for barely anything on the gtn, would be easier to just buy it with in game currency. Not only does it make them suckers but it screws over future games because other companies will see that EA gets away with adding micro transactions to all their games so now everyone else will do it too.


    Other games have had micro transactions for years before this game. They wouldn't be going F2P with the Cartel Shop if it wasn't a viable business model based on the experience of other gaming franchises.


    If someone wants to spend their disposable income on Cartel Coins and buy things in the shop, more power to them. These 'suckers' as they have been called are actually helping the survivability of this game.

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