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Posts posted by Herrstarr

  1. So for those whom have been playing at 50 who's your favorite companion and why?


    scorpio, fitted her out with lvl 50 epic droid parts and she tanks like a boss, also she reminds me of Glados and her voice acting is chilling, vector & loken as a couple come in a close 2nd with their discussions off imperial theater

  2. Snipers/Slingers are vulnerable to melee, but aside from Los'ing, how does a ranged class beat them?


    I play Commando - and Ive tried closing the gap to melee range as I have a couple of close up abilities, but with no dead zone the sniper can kill me just as easily close in, and his damage is not mitigated in any way.


    The only thing that seems to knock them out of cover from range is Cryo grenade - but that on its own isnt going to buy me much time. Knockback also works, but also creates range for him so its a double edged sword..


    So far my only effective tactic has been to los and heal myself.


    spam grav round... 1....2 .... 3.... everything is dead, good job!

  3. its a extremely terrible system, i have gotten FOUR unassembled relics, YES FOUR, and nothing else. I must've opened atleast 50-60+ bags now and am starting to think of just getting the battlemaster bags.


    YET, i see people that are half my valor rank running around in 4/5 sets, 3/5, even 5/5. Lucky people are being rewarded for minimal effort, my friend got 50 literally 2 hours ago, and upon doing the pvp weekly and dailys for the FIRST TIME(hes like valor rank 14) he got main hand lightsaber and then the pants. Its one of those situations where i don't know to laugh or cry, do i bother wasting my time to keep pvping and getting ****** relics(they have no endurance so blue 50 > pvp relic hands down), and everyday fighting more and more geared people who just literally get "Lucky". If you don't get lucky either and say you never got any gear from the bags, have fun grinding either 15 hours a day in pvp or playing for several months before even getting the first set of gear ( ofc though people who luck out get straight to tier 2 pvp gear, free hand outs are pro kk)



    tl'dr : Bag system is *********** retarded RNG ****, giving players who are lucky more rewards then people who actually put the time in.

  4. Sniper is pretty easy in solo pve, even without a companion. You can burst down a same level strong mob before it reaches you/in a few seconds at the start of the fight (counting on YOU starting the fight that is), wek mobs are nothing...snipe and 1-2 auto attacks. People say Kaliyo isn't tanky ? I dunno whats up with your companion, i am lvl 36 and she has almost 9k HP, decked her out with commendation gear i had spare and she does almost as much dmg as me.


    Only thing i don't like about her is that sometimes she's quite slow to get into combat and she also sometimes just stands at the back with me shooting(still tanking a few mobs tho) but manages to maybe let 1 or 2 mobs to the sides of a pack slip thru her aggro cos she didn't jump into melee.

  5. any proof of this? or did you just make it up?


    I have a friend in a guild that has well over 400-500 players if not more(won't name them on here), they were assigned to a server where there was a few other "large zerg" guilds but were mainly Russian, so they decided to re roll onto this server, which had already been "designated" as the unofficial spainish server AND a server where a large community of guilds had decided to roll on who enjoy "RvR" and have played last few MMO's doing this, personally i hate this whole mentality of lets roll all on same server to make an awesome community, if anything it just premotes elitistm or nationalism(the bad side of it), wish ppl would just go with their guild and just pick a server and play ^^



    p.s i'm now 1.1k in the queue, maybe i'll get to play 1hr tonight before shutdown \o/

  6. yeah i am queued atm 1.3k in queue and my net d/ced for about 2-4 seconds and im back at 1.7k... won't be getting in for 3-4 hours, the estimation is waaaaaaaaaaaaay off.


    guild was assigned here too, before other very large guilds(who weren't assigned here) decided to move here. free transfer off would be nice, or taking guilds not initially placed here and moving them somewhere else.

  7. 1st time u fight he's super charged and u need to stand at max range and literally use EVERYTHING u got to nuke the ***** out of him, every fight after (2 or 3 more cant remeber) gets easier and easier as u use the computer terminals. U can always bring a friend too, and let them popcorn and watch the show but help on fight
  8. been q;ed to tomb of free for over 3 hours also, estimated was just over 2hr, obviously i know i'm going to be in queue for atleast 4-5 hours as its the weekend and no1 is gonna be logging off in a hurry once they are on.


    Would like free server transfer or a server clone if possible, pls don't tell me to re roll as i'm already close to 30,i would've re rolled in an instance if i was below 10 though and guild would come.

  9. you want a shield atleast to get benefit as she is afterall a tank companion, even in sniper stance. As for pistil / blaster rifle, I just used whatever level appropriate i had at the time, but i prefer her with pistol anyway. She is good companion and prob use her till 50, others are little lackluster.
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