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Posts posted by Skyhigh

  1. I'm saying that with the current leveling system in place people should adjust their expectations of unranked pvp. Anybody that pre-ordered the expansion is not going to bother leveling in Warzones when it is 12x faster to level by story missions. As a result, there are lots of level 55 players who have 0 pvp commendations to spend on gear and relatively low cash reserves to buy gear from the GTN. Sure, they COULD take time away from leveling via story missions to grind pvp but I doubt many people are doing that.


    After hitting 55, the fastest way to get pvp gear is by playing in unranked warzones, so that's what they're doing. I don't expect any serious PVP player to like it but they are going to have to realize that there isn't any preventing it right now. Hopefully these people will fully gear one of their toons and then use legacy gear for their alts but I doubt all of them will.



    Me? I do nothing in WZs currently because I haven't done any pvp since rejoining, the last time I did any pvp was in 2012 before I quit playing for a year and a half. Even then I was grouping with friends and playing to have fun. I'd have to go check my old character to figure out how geared he was but I had a full pvp set.


    I have been to Outlaw's den a few times since coming back, it has always been dead when I was there.



    There is a difference between ranked and unranked PVP. I agree that ranked PVP should be all about competition but I don't agree that unranked PVP should be all about competition. Unranked should be more relaxed with fewer expectations. As I said above, right now people are using the 12x boost for xp and have no incentive to play pvp before hitting 55. That's just the current state of the game. I don't disagree that ranked pvp is endgame at 55 but don't try to take the one option away that a casual has to pvp.


    Also, keep in mind that some of these people have never pvp'd. Are you going to drop a ton of cash on something you don't know if you're going to enjoy? You'll probably just hop in at the lowest level available and see what it's like before committing time and energy to getting what's necessary. At this time that is unranked pvp.


    I read none of this because you will never understand. I like to "just have fun" too, and healing a worthless numb skull isn't part of the plans. Go do your PvE with no buffs or anything and see how long they let you "have fun". Thx for playing, have a nice day.

  2. if you want to tout your epeen then go into ranked, that's what it's for, but don't assume that because you consider that to be fun that everyone else in the gen pop does. Some people want to PVP in a relaxed environment where winning and losing isn't such a big deal, that's what unranked is for. Setting the expectation that everyone in UNRANKED is going to be or wants to be highly competitive is stupid and you're going to have a bad time if that is your expectation while solo queuing.


    So, tell me what you do in wz's? Please explain.....Also: The type of PvP you say is "PvP in a relaxed environment where winning and losing isn't such a big deal" is what Outlaw's den is for. ;)

  3. So, you're justification to leveling slower is that you can buy stims? Wow, that's brilliant, I will happily level 12x slower simply so that I can buy some stims at 55. If you can't figure out that grinding levels in a few days and then using a month of 55 WZs to gear up is preferable to grinding pvp for a month then perhaps I'm not the one that is clueless.


    If you can't get lvl 54 purp crafted gear (derp) and some mk-9 kits (so hard) and some augs (what's an aug?) and some nano stims (OH I CAN MAKE THEM) and some pvp stims(omg this is too much) then just don't wz....because the point is to fight to win smart guy. Explain to me the logic of the point that YOU are trying to make? Other than the fact that you admit to be a unprepared lazy person.

  4. You do realize that even people with max PvP Gear get bolstered, right? People walking in with 22-24k health (bolstered) are a waste of queue space. Try healing these squishies and see how you feel about it. People should do warzones as you level so they can max comms on the way up. Then they can get PvP gear AND learn how to play their class, and learn the strategy of the warzones. It's not hard to grasp.




  5. I would like to extend me sincere apology to all the people on POT5 that have been dirty kicked by me. I am truly sorry for being so cheap. Next time you see my name in a WZ please just announce your forum handle and I shall stand still until you don't kill me.
  6. Truth be told, there isn't much difference between PvP & PvE servers anymore in TOR.


    Oh I know. These forums need swg style drama and activity though. :rak_04:Edit: Picture sigs would be great too. They policed this way to strictly from the start. I think that I have more warnings than I do posts on these forums.

  7. Internet make you feel warm and fuzzy bro? Lol what a stupid statement considering Pot5 is barely hanging in there before it's deemed a ghost town. Nice promotional skills...you have no clue on my skills and yet troll the fact....very enticing:P


    But hey you were kind of funny though. Best wishes:)


    I guess I will check Bastion out instead.


    If you already have an answer then why would you ask the question? Who said I was promoting? Your original inquiry tells me all I need to know about your "skills". Enjoy your pve server you end up on. Log on and show your skills or QQ and go to the coddle server where your sensitive side can be caressed.

  8. I don't know you or care about you but from reading your post you should probably just grind up an empire char. You will find many more on that side that are able to carry you and allow you to continue your career as a top notch nut-hugger. Best wishes.
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