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Posts posted by Draloch

  1. Hi, I'm an experienced player who raids on republic side with the APAC people, but I live in California.


    I'm looking for an american time zone guild for my imperial characters.


    My time availability is any evening times on Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays.


    I have a well geared sniper, mercenary healer that's good enough for hard modes, and a marauder that is just story mode ready at this point.


    Send a mail to she'ira on empire side, or papatank on republic side, or reply to this thread if your guild would be a good fit for me.

  2. Weekly maintenance is at 3am PDT on tuesday morning if it's the short version, or midnight tuesday morning if it's the long version. I know it well because it has limited my raid opportunities for the past 2 years. Any reprieve is well appreciated since it gives me one more day on what is the weekend for me. It would be nice to get a heads up one way or the other from the devs if they read this.
  3. Thank you! The game isn't accessable to me at the moment. I'll edit my original post to say pulse cannon.


    I've looked and listened intently for any sort of clue I can use to not have to stare at my buff bar, and there's nothing happening that I can tell.

  4. I'm having a pretty tough time noticing when my free pulse cannon comes up.


    It's only up for a few seconds, and there's no visual or audible clue that it has happened other then the little buff icon that you get.


    Because of that, I find the only way I can take advantage of it is to basically stare at the buff bar, which is no way to play the game.


    Please give me an audible clue (like the giggle sound) when I get a free pulse cannon proc!

  5. Edited to reflect the need for a rdps.


    Our progression through nightmare EC was slower than we'd have liked, largely due to dps issues, so we're asking for people who are at the top of their game and sure that they can hit the target numbers required for top end gaming.


    We are a very skilled group of players who accomplish what few guilds in any game can, given the small amount of time we give to it. Applicants should be comfortable jumping in with a team of serious players looking for rapid progression.

  6. ^ 100% Agree if they boosted our monthly alottment to 15 bucks worth of Cartel Coins I would be satisfied.


    There's no such thing as 15 dollars worth of CC. It's an imaginary currency that they create and decide how much to charge for it and how much of it to charge for stuff.


    It costs $250 (on the low end) to cap out the reputation they created to make us feel like second class citizens if we don't shell out the cash. They've already said they're going to do it again and again with each new set of packs.


    If I sound bitter, it's really just the sound of this camels back breaking.

  7. I can see from reading over this thread (and some others) that there are some questions around this new Reputation


    There's a big difference between questions and complaints. What you're reading today is a heavy dose of the second, and for good reason.



    • Reputation is based on money spent! - Although to an extent this is certainly true as the Reputation is gained by opening Contraband Packs, keep in mind that if you do not want to spend Cartel Coins on packs you always have the option of purchasing them through the GTN from other players. I know this will not diffuse the notion that it is a "pay to Reputation" but it is an alternative to spending Cartel Coins if that was your primary concern.


    A CHEAP pack goes for 250K on my server. Let's say that I am the luckiest human being alive and I get a purple rep token from every pack that I buy (each pack comes with one rep token and it can be green, blue, or purple). So every 250k credits I spend, I get 1440 rep and it takes 70,000 to finish my rep. That's 12 million credits to be a completionist. It's also a completely unrealistic calculation because I'm going to get a bunch of greens and blues, so even if I get an even mix of greens, blues, and purple tokens I'm looking at 30 million credits to be a completionist. That's also assuming I can find over a hundred packs at the bargain basement price of 250k on the GTN.


    You've failed to alleviate my "concern."


    • Exclusive Items - As a part of this Reputation there are three vendors found on the fleet, only one of these vendors contains items exclusive to this organization (which again, has no stats on it). The other two vendors contain items which are either found in packs from Shipment One, or were previously a part of the Cartel Market (which are most likely all available from other players on the GTN). These items all cost credits, Cartel Market Certificates, or both.


    I have to say it's pretty tone deaf for you to talk about this. I've read the whole thread up to your post and this isn't what people are complaining about. We all know that the cartel market has "exclusive items." It's been that way since the start and if we're still subscribing, we've accepted it.


    The problem is that you've made it so that we can't be completionists without giving you a ton of extra money. It was the complaint of the original poster and it's the majority complaint echoed by your customers. The 2 items on your list that don't address that are at best you not understanding the problem and at worst an effort to build a pair of strawmen to distract from the real issue.


    Shame on you.


    Here's the the most important statement from EA/Bioware on this topic:


    I know these clarifications will certainly not alleviate all of your frustrations.




    This is about one thing: pushing the last of the 15 bucks-a-month freeloaders out the door. They want more money. They know full well we won't like having content gated behind a hundreds-of-dollars paywall and they don't care.


    This isn't the end, fellow customers. This is a new kind of game. They're interested in customers who will give them large chunks of money on a regular basis. If you wanted to play this game for 15 dollars a month, then you're going to have to settle for 2nd class citizen status.


    They won't fix this. Watch the thread grow. Watch them not change a thing. This is EA/Bioware. This is what the game has become. I'm just glad I didn't waste 10 dollars on the Makeb content patch.

  8. Most pure damage dealing companions have the choice of 15% armor penetration or a damage over time effect.


    When I'm doing solo content, I prefer the 15% armor penetration because often times enemies die before the DoT effect has a chance to do much damage. I'd rather my companion just hit harder all the time.


    When I'm fighting gold star enemies (like major class story arcs) or using a companion for a heroic quest, I switch them over to the damage over time effect. I assume that it does more damage overall than the armor penetration if it has a little bit of time to tick away.

  9. Cartel armor and weapons are orange with empty modification slots. So they have no stats.


    They are there so you can get the look you want on your character. Once you buy a piece of cartel gear, you have to fill the slots.


    Orange gear is the best way to keep yourself in the best stats. That way you don't look for armor. You look for the modification fillers that go into it and just keep upgrading those.


    If you go to the GTN you can find the dropdown for item modification and find level appropriate armorings, modifications, and enhancements to fill your armor with.


    Others have said it, but you want high strength for now. Later (in your 30s') you'll be looking for high power, crit chance, accuracy, and surge in addition to strength.


    I think it's best to just focus on levelling for now and worry about endgame when you get there. While levelling there are plenty of different sources of gear (crafting/gtn, planet commendation vendors, quest rewards).

  10. I think it's a tough situation and could have been handled a little better.


    The whole pvp portion of the event was kind of mashed in there.


    Everything you did worked you toward the exact same set of rewards, which did have the effect of homogenizing the pvp and pve content.


    The quests you got in the pvp zone were obtained from the same box as the pve quests. So, casual people just getting to the event clicked through all the quests and ended up with 2 pvp quest in their logs. The fleet handles this much much better by having a pvp specific area. PvE players don't feel compelled to do the quests because they just don't go that section of the fleet.


    The pvp quests weren't actually pvp quests. They were 100% pve, only they took place in a pvp area.


    When you write quests that have a 100% pve objective, put those quests in a mission box that gives pve quests, and make the rewards for those quests give the same thing that the pve quests give, that's just not really the best way to go about including pvp into the event.


    The end result was that you had the majority of pve server players just wanting to do the quests and specifically trying to avoid pvp, being killed by players who were looking to cause grief. There was very little (almost no) actual pvp involving groups of 4 people engaging in pitched battles with other groups of 4 people. It was pretty much just a gank fest of people who wanted to kill other players attacking people who were just there to get the quest done. That's not really a 'win' for anyone other than gankers.


    I agree with the OP that Bioware should learn from this and try to do a better job at addressing these issues next time.


    Also, to everyone telling the OP to stop complaining: He's a customer who has an opinion about the quality of product he was presented with. He has every right to express that opinion and Bioware should (and does) want to hear that stuff from its customers.

  11. 1. PvE servers don't have PvP happening in daily quest areas. You have to be voluntarily flagged to be attacked.


    2. There's no character transfer service.


    3. All 3 healer types are fully capable. Trooper is probably the best single target healer, but worst at multiple targets. Smuggler is weakest at AOE healing, but can heal up multiple targets spread around pretty good and is a solid single target healer. Consular is the very best AOE healer, and weaker than the others at single target healing.

  12. Just speculating here, but this might be a regression bug. This was a problem a year ago and it had something to do with the ability queue (you can set it up in preferences so if you activate an ability during the global cooldown, it will still go off when the cooldown becomes available.


    They fixed it, but it kind of looks like it may have worked its way back into the code.

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