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Posts posted by Enemyone

  1. When i solo-queue my expectations to win are at 20%. When i pre-made my expectations to win are at 100% When we win in solo-queue its because i have to put my try-pants on. Getting lucky? No doubt. Lucky that my server has a majority of decent players who can fill the spot of baddies who leave in WZs.


    Play better is exactly what he needs to hear. Play better or re-roll onto a different server. He can pick and choose. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results isnt going to fix anything for him.




    You said exactly what i was getting at though Fuzz, Play better is simply what you want to say but that part is not helpful in the least. As you said, "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results isn't going to fix anything for him." by your own words "play better" is not his solution. I also agree he should re-roll on a better server or expect to keep loosing. My point was that simply saying "play better" makes you come off as a troll which i don't think is correct.

  2. Half a team of baddie bails and you get better players who want to win. Sorry, but i had this happened 2x today and still pulled out the 2 wins because the people holding the team down left and were replaced with "better" players.


    If this isnt the case for you, then i guess everyone playing during your time period isnt that good or youre just on the wrong faction for your server


    Or you can just put the team on your back like many players have to.



    sadly this does not always happen, you got lucky. The majority of the time if your not in a pre-made your going to get face stomped i have had days where we won 15 - 20 games straight and it could not have been fun for the other guys. At the same time i have gone in alone and got stomped when your playing with scrubs it can get frustrating when you don't have a team to play with. Telling someone something ignorant like "play better" is showing a lack of understanding and frankly not helpful in any way.

  3. Lol no. Unless we have a decent premade there's no point in queueing. You'll take a medpack or two and end up in negative commendations, or you won't even make enough credits in 15 minutes to send a single companion to a gathering mission.


    Exactly, with the rewards being so messed up there is no point in pvp unless my guild mates, or few pvp guys that are still around are on. PVP in this game is really not as much fun as it was

  4. PVP rewards are still crap and I am quickly loosing interest in even playing pvp. At this point if my guild mates are not on there is no point in doing any pvp. Did a pug match got 6 medals 0 credits and 20 coms but i got 11000 exp what the hell do i need that for its useless. Love how they added all that LEGACY NONSENSE everything on it cost thousands of credits but cut how many credits you get from pvp. Its ignorant and have just about done the game in for me. Im not interested in your stupid dailies. pre 1.2 Myself and a friend would spend hours doing pvp wins or losses, we made OK credits but it was enough that even at the end of a match i felt Ok about it. Now if you don't MEDAL HUNT you don't really get much. Im so frustrated .............................
  5. Healers are actually the ones who got the shaft.


    yes we did, but i stopped healing pvp and started leveling another toon since it's useless to heal in pvp right now. Though i have not been on to see if it has changed since patch this morning.

  6. As i heal in pvp these days its pretty easy to get at least one medal with a nice crit heal. i did find three hard to do sometimes when i got marked and would get ganged up on constantly. then i would get no medals.
  7. And its stuff like this that has made it useless to pvp right now. i heal in pvp and now i have to try and fight stuff so i get some sort of medals before i even think of trying to heal anyone. at this point if the match is going to be a loss the best thing for you to do is just leave the match. Its the same as if you stayed and did not get 3 medals anyway. Honestly I am at the point where i hate pvp in this game and wont play it for awhile.
  8. No, but I don't think a class action lawsuit is beyond reach because:


    "The development studio Bioware and Production company EA Games misled consumers to purchase the game: Star Wars: The Old Republic, renew subscriptions to the game, and continue to pay subscriptions for the game by promising to develop and provide major functional features, namely Ranked Warzones, to the live game servers in an update to the game called "Patch 1.2" which were not delivered with the update."


    this would not work, all things on the PTR are subject to change and you would have to really read through that agreement you signed that nobody reads.

  9. this is one of those situations where they are in a catch 22, put out the ranked WZ and they get it wrong people are pissed, remove it from the patch and people are pissed. I wanna sit here and say i want them to get it right but the day before the patch they announce they are removing it. I gotta say i am finding it harder and harder to defend BIO/EA these days.
  10. I feel shades of wow coming back to haunt me i played a hunter for years and often got nerfed. We are a ranged class, and because of that melee cries becasue we do damage from a distance. That being said I will reserve judgement till i know what exactly this nerf is, could be something that is not much of a nerf, could in fact be a game changer for alot of people we shall see.
  11. Nice post.


    Problem is only people wanting to be too cool for the room and negative tend to post. Those of us that enjoy the game tend to keep it to ourselves. I for one have enjoyed all my time in beta, and in early access. I can not wait for the game to go live.

  12. The UI is based on the idea that you need to be fluid. I play a Merc, and at points i might need to toss a heal, the next second i may need to lay down some fire on a mob thats broken out of CC. Babies want everything to be the EXACT SAME way in everything they do if its not they cry. Change the way you play I played wow and I played Rift and to be honest everyone doing 1-3 button macros and having the same rotation is downright ignorant. I do like the idea of mouse over healing but that would be the only thing i would suggest. Past that change the way you play kids.
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