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Posts posted by Lukeia

  1. I think BW did it write...they give you options. I love the challenge of the heroics and flashpoints and so I have done them many times. My trooper is the one that is finding every datacron and doing every quest. I usually do heroics and flashpoints with my guild. However, if there is no one on at my level...I have joined or started PUGs and you know what? They've all been just fine. I've never had to wait more then 5 minutes to find someone who was interested...even on Republic side. Maybe it's all in the presentation?
  2. Female type 1


    Small body, huge gun.


    I like being contrary:p


    ^^ Me too! Body type 1 female Vanguard tank. I figure the enemies are just so stunned to see my little redhead blasting at them...they can't attack anything else, and she's so tiny they miss most of the time anyway ;)

  3. The new changes didn't bother me much...it took a little while to get used to what the new effects meant but after 20 or 30 minutes I was back to my normal playstyle. I am someone who does get migraines after lots of flashing like strobelights and such and...just my two cents...this is nothing worse then flashing in various handheld games, no headache problems or even tension on my case. My vote is really to please just pick one way and stick with it so I don't have to revamp my thinking every time I log in.
  4. There are three females in my guild, I happen to know them all personally and so I know it's not just their toon. We've been through 2 other mmo's together and most of our guild knows each other personally. It's one of the fun ways to keep in touch with people after you've all dispersed from college. MMO's are a lot more fun of a way to do it then to just chat on facebook or something and I think more and more girls are figuring that out. Instead of talking about the drama in your life you can go have some fun together...we just make sure we don't say anything in general chat that gives away we're female...that produces some unwanted attention.
  5. I have characters on both sides. I am a schoolteacher in real life and I play light side characters :p Doesn't mean my light side characters aren't snarky sometimes and don't get a few dark side points here and there...I try to play the game as if it were me in there...I pick what I agree with and see where it leads. Doesn't always get me light side points...and even on the republic side...I can get the leaders quite mad at me...yes General Garza...this means you.
  6. Wait...am I hearing that almost all imperial side have 3 options? I think the republic side could use a little love :p My trooper gal has Jorgan, and has had him since the beginning but my Jedi Knight alt is still waiting to get a guy :( and I'm pretty sure that there is just one female and one male option for every republic class...why does the empire get more?
  7. I've found this to be true, somewhat.


    I mentioned on a similar thread about how my husband noticed a difference in how my female body type 2 smuggler jumped, and how his male body type 3..? the big guy? trooper jumps. Only it was opposite for him, he felt the trooper was much more solid and handled better than my spazzy character. Where my smugg would keep moving forward for no reason, or stumble in mid-air.


    And he would have have to practice many, many times to be able to make the jumps with my smuggler, and only a few times with his character. Now, he is way better at getting these datacrons than I am, because I give up after 30 minutes or so, and he always gets them eventually. But when he goes back to his guy, he has to unlearn mine and relearn his.


    Or he could be crazy. Or he could be trying to make me feel better about being so bad at it! :D But I doubt he would waste so much time failing the jumps on my smuggler if he didn't have to.


    (For the record, I've never tried jumping on his character to make the comparison myself. I should, but I just haven't needed to yet.)


    maybe it is female vs male characters instead...I realized when reading yours that my smuggler is actually male while the other two are female. I hate the stumbling in mid-air! I'm thinking "finally, my silly trooper made the jump! only to have her freeze in mid-air and then end up on the ground. Maybe I should roll a male trooper and see if the difference is the gender of the character where I was thinking it was the class...

  8. What I would like to point out is that the platforming is different based on your class. I've done datacrons on a smuggler, trooper and jedi knight. The smuggler and trooper are the same level so I will often do them one right after the other. The smuggler platforms much much easier then the trooper. Both are female body type 1. But the smuggler can get to a platforming datacron in about 5 minutes while the trooper will take more like 30. For some reason, even with the same player, same settings, same computer...the smuggler platforms better. The jedi knight falls somewhere in the middle. It's rather annoying, either we should have some info somewhere that details this...like heavy armor makes it harder to get around or something...or all classes should platform the same.
  9. My husband and I have really enjoyed playing this together as well. I am the tanking vanguard and he is the healing sawbones. It's nice that we can both enjoy this game. We are both gamers but usually he is more of a nintendo fan, loves his Mario and Zelda...while I like the mmos and rpgs. However, he decided to give this one a try since we both love star wars and now he's hooked!
  10. I haven't played every class but my Jedi Knight and my Trooper seem to have had plenty of companions...and I"m not a high level yet. My Jedi Knight has 2 at level 25...one every 10 levels seems about right...and my Trooper has 3 at level 32. If you're going to complain about not enough female chars then I get to complain about not enough male chars. I'm a female and I think it should be balanced. They're never going to pull more female players in if they only cater to the male population. I wouldn't mind having some choice in the order you get your companions though...but I know that would take a lot more voice over work. As to the complaint about your companions "role" playing a tank and getting a tanking companion etc. It's an mmo...I call on my friends or my guildies to help me with the difficult stuff. My companion is for fun. That being said. My dps Jedi Knight has done just fine having Kira Carson as another dps along. We've been able to do 2 man heroics without outside help (I should note that she has biotech though, so she uses the reusable medpacks as a helper heal), and I usually have the dps Jorgan along with my tanking trooper. I know Elara would make more sense as a healer...but I like to take out the mobs quickly so I'd rather deal with the heat and manage my character well and let Jorgan beat down the mobs. As to their actual characters...ya, some of them are annoying...just don't bring that one along. Or if they all annoy you, send them crafting and don't use them at all. Grab a friend instead.
  11. It's really odd to me to see so many complaints like this. I have characters on 3 different servers (all PVE, I'll join a PVP server once I'm comfortable with all the classes). 4 of my characters are republic side and 2 are imperial. I have never been on a planet or fleet where the population has dropped below 25 and usually I'm still up in the 70-80 range. I purposely selected the lowest populations available when I got into early access because I didn't like wait times. How are you guys seeing such low populations? Are you playing at 4AM? Maybe time zone makes a difference. I'm on the West Coast and on their servers: Vornskr, Zaalbar and Darth Sion. I usually play from 6-10pm during the week but when my students have a day off from school I have played earlier and expected lower populations but like I said they were still over 25 on those days. Maybe you just had bad luck on a server. Or maybe RP servers struggle?
  12. I know Bioware has a lot on their plate already, and I'm sure others have already offered suggestions for the space missions but here are my two cents. I really love the space missions, some of my earliest video game experiences were with Rogue Squadron and Star Fox and so the space mission style works for me. I would really enjoy it if there were some "heroic 2 and 4 +" versions of the missions where I could join up with some friends or guildies for some missions. It would also be cool to have a space warzone. Maybe one rather like Alderaan where each side has a capital ship to defend and otherwise we're out shooting down the other team. It's probably been suggested already but here is another voice adding to it.
  13. Odd, my hubby and I duoed all of the bonus series on Nar Shaddaa and didn't run into any problems. I don't even remember a level 50 droid and we did ALL of the bonus series and all of the datacrons. I guess I'll have to run back over and see how we did it. I do remember some Empire characters watching us...but I guess they decided not to fight a Vanguard tank/ Scoundrel Sawbones team? It is fun to catch the imperials who accidentally wander into our base on their quests. You do have to make sure you go around their base on your way to the instance...but I'll log in when I'm home from work and see if I can find the exact route we took.
  14. I actually feel like the heroics and flashpoints are a lot of fun. I've never had trouble finding a group to do them and so far I've done them all (main is only level 32 atm). But I have a great guild and, I suppose, I'm on a heavier server because, even on my alt, within a few minutes of asking for a heroic group, I've got one. Often times I don't even have to ask because someone else already is and I just join them. So far I have never had to wait for a group. I don't think the heroics and flashpoints should be mandatory, I know there are a lot of casuals out there that want to play solo, and I think they should be able to. But there are rewards for doing the group content, I get great gear out of it, and I get a chance to have fun with my guildies, as far as I'm concerned...those are great rewards and make the group content as "mandatory" as it ever needs to be. Just my two cents.
  15. I have to say that the Trooper storyline is pretty good! I've really enjoyed it so far, only just completing Act 1 though. The LS/DS options actually make me think...and I'm someone who usually goes straight LS because I don't like being a jerk. However, the troopers storyline...gives difficult choices and I've really been pulled into the story.

    I also have a level 21 Jedi Knight, her story is ok, probably more cliche. I like it fine but it doesn't pull me in like the trooper story does. I don't know if gender makes a difference, I am a girl and play a female character for both. The trooper storyline intrigues me enough that I started writing a back story and designing a munny after my character.

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