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Posts posted by Lorroc

  1. Are there any plans to introduce a mentoring system into SWTOR?

    In some other MMO's this mentoring system will allow high lvl characters to mentor down to a low lvl character. It would lower their stats, armor, and grey out abilities they didn't have at the lower lvl.

    This would be usefull for helping guildmates, friends, or anyone really. Personally I have a couple higher characters and would like the oportunity to play with some friends that have lower lvl characters without having to make another character.



  2. So here's a thought. Maybe Bioware lowered the caps so all the pre-launch servers would show as full which would cause all the new people today to join the light servers. Personally I would take this tactic then after a week or so raise the caps back to where they were originally during the end of pre-launch.

    Granted this might not be the case but one can hope.

  3. I know this has been posted before but since they killed the search option I can't look for it.

    Does anyone know the reasoning behind this decision to not allow a Rattataki to become a Sith warrior? It doesn't make sense to me that a warrior race that does nothing but fight can't be a Sith warrior. I wasn't sure if there was any particular lore as to this decision.


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