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  1. i did send a support email tho i only got this and i dont know what EA playtime has to do with it? xd it says "It looks like you didn’t get your game time due to an issue with your connected EA Account. You’ll need to fix this before we’ll be able to add the game time to your account. To fix the issue, you need to reset the password on your connected EA Account. Use this link to reset your EA Account password: https://signin.ea.com/p/juno/resetPassword Please make sure to use the same email that’s connected to your SW:TOR account for the password reset. Once your EA Account password has been reset, reply to this email and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible."
  2. I bought the "Join the fight bundel' on steam a few days ago and it still havn't received the cartel point nor has the 60days subscription activated, which comes with it. idk what i should do since restarting and redownloading the game hasn't worked.
  3. I can confirm that my steam account is not linked to my swtor account. Plus i can also say that i have severed the link to my steam account yesterday to try and relink them. Trying to fix an issue with steam purchase. Since the main issue i had at the beginning yesterday was that i could'nt receive the things from the "join the fight bundel", that i have bought on steam receive the things from the "join the fight bundel", that i have bought on steam.
  4. that would explain the fruitless tries from my side, to reastablish a link with my steam and swtor account these 2 hours.
  5. I removed the link to my steam account over the swtor website and tried to reastablish it following the guide, to see if i could fix the issue of not receiving the stuff from the "join the fight bundel". Tho now when i start the launcher over steam and try to log into my account it wont let me. It also does'nt seem to establish the link with steam to my swtor account automatically. It would be great if there is a way to manually connect my steam account with my swtor account again.
  6. i just now bought this bundel over steam since paypal didnt work on the main website. Tho after restarting the game, reinstalling and making sure that my account is linked to steam, it didn't seem to change the fact, that the subscription hasn't activated nor does the amount of cartel coins have been deposited. My ingame mail box is also empty. I have read that there has been a fix 5 hours ago, tho it didnt seem to work for my case. Or it would seem to take longer to apply the fix. nonetheless i would hope for some clarifications or tips on how to proceed.
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