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Posts posted by loldotcom

  1. Man, I hate to be the jerk, but there are a lot of liars here. I love the game, I get in just fine, queues will work themselves out, but no issues? I know at least 30 other guys playing the game and every single one has had some problems.


    1. UI un-clickable (quick fix is ctrl-uu)

    2. Guild UI just dropping people

    3. Crafting UI not showing that you can craft something even though you can

    4. Lag, plenty of lag but not crazy

    5. Relics that just swap places with abilities on another bar or show grey when they are usable

    6. Group quest chat not letting people join in saying that some are on a different phase. You disband and reform and it works


    These are just some of the bugs going on.. I mean how can you say things are working flawlessly? Everyone I know is having some issues that we are willing to ignore because we love the game and the rest of you are what playing a different build?


    Come on, love the game.. I DO!!!! But it is not flawless by any means and saying it is, well that is just trolling!!


    Haven't had any of that yet, the guild thing not showing all members is there, but it's hardly game breaking, I can press a button twice and it works. /shrug.

  2. I logged in on the weekend each morning, before queue, and just didn't log out.


    So, for those 10 hours or so I was in game, I honestly had zero issues. Aside from getting lost occasionally, it was lag free and I didn't feel like any zone/questing area was flooded.


    Granted, this was for early access. I would hardly say the launch was flawed in any way, aside from just too many players trying to play at once... but what exactly do you want them to do about that?

  3. Tomb of Freedon Nadd - EU - Queue Est 1H 5 min.


    Kthxbai ?





    To be fair, that wasn't that high when I took the snapshot. Still, also an anomaly that should be worked out.




    Also, my server is West Coast, so about 2am right now... What is the time there, almost noon? :p

  4. Even off of peak times, The Swiftsure is apparently the 'unofficial' oceanic server. Turns our West coast server into one that is full basically 24/7. So when the other West coast servers are at queue times of 25mins, we're at 2 hours all the time.


    Can we please give them their own servers and allow them to transfer off? This will only get worse when the rest of their friends join this week :\

  5. This could have something to do with the queues?



    I got on, sat in line for my 1hr 55mins, but like 30 mins in I decided to take a nap.



    I think I slept well beyond the extra hour and 20 mins or so and I was STILL sitting on the character screen. Isn't it supposed to disconnect you after like 10 minutes or some such?



    There are probably a lot of people who go AFK when they get in queue and are probably sitting there connected, but at the character screen.

  6. not to be annoying but on the front page it does say 'Pre-order Star Wars The Old Republic and Play before 12.20.2011 and that does indicate that you WILL be able to play early if you Pre-order the game only.

    If they do not honor one day early then yes it CAN be classed as false advertising.


    They've said on twitter that everyone will get at least a day. So, I wouldn't worry about that.

  7. I actually see that what they are doing was brilliant on their part.


    They offer early access, spread it over 5 days , allow people to access in waves and show each server as Full, Medium, or Light (according to that days distribution).


    All of this is designed to load level the servers and avoid the very real threat of stability issues on "Opening Day" like so many other games has suffered.


    Thus allowing people to join, go through beginning zones and be advanced on before the next days group enters the zone and strains it out as opposed to overloading the zone and having all users crowding in and trying to level through when all of the NPCs are all dead and not spawning fast enough.


    All of this combined shows me that if this was truly thought out in this manner, the planners are pretty smart and think outside the box which will be to our benefit in the long run.





    I 100% believe they have this planned out very well actually, it's a good system. But the billing side is what could of used some work. None of this is Bioware's fault, pretty certain EA handles Origin and all the code hogwash.

  8. I agree with you 100% and I am in the same boat. Last time I will be pre ordering a game from bioware.


    Of course I tried to email CS to see if my "purchase date" could be re-aligned to the day I spent my $60, but I've yet to get a response.



    No biggie I guess, I raid in Warcraft Tues-Thurs, so I couldn't find any time for it anyway. Weekends are weekends for a reason :cool:

  9. If you want to claim false advertising at least do it for something they obviously did falsely state:


    Get ready to play!


    If you are a pre-order customer, the following steps are NOT required for Early Game Access.


    Those steps include applying your game code.


    Which, I admit I'm a tard and didn't do until a few days ago, although I pre-ordered on 7/21. Yes I'm dumb for not reading the end of the email, but... they did say....



    I did the same. I assumed Origin wasn't a crappy program and functioned like Steam. I buy a pre-release game, and when it's ready, Origin will unlock it. Not that I have to buy it, and then still enter another to code to "purchase" it.


    So my August pre-order turned into a 12/13/11 preorder.



    Still, when I pre-ordered, it just said "Early Access", not "Early Access starting exactly on XYZ date for EVERYONE". Early is early.

  10. I like how people associate mouseover addons for healing easier.


    Not that the healing in this game will be anything like Warcraft, but if you think an addon like Vuhdo or Healbot made healing automatically easy... you obviously didn't play a healer in encounters beyond the simply 5 man groups.


    There's still a ton of meta decisions to be made, which heals to use and their HPM efficiency, when to regen, when to heal a group vs focus on X player, cooldown usage, outputting the most heals when paying attention to the encounter.




    You can have an addon, and still be a horrible/lazy healer.

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