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Posts posted by Phlyer

  1. yes it is a problem, i too have toons I just want to level through pvp, with the increased valor it sorta makes this thing pointless. Might be an ok thing for new 50's to get gear, but kinda really puts a kibosh on pvping your way up.
  2. Personally always felt that capping your valor rank at your level was dumb to begin with, but now with the massive increase in valor earned for matches this is just silly. It's just a needless restriction. I'd even be ok with capping it at 50 while you're under 50. But a one for one level lock of valor ranks with the now wealth of valor doesn't make sense. Not that it really did before.
  3. Know what would be really hilarious? If everyone doing this got perma banned.


    On the other hand, Bioware, why didn't you realize this would happen and take steps to prevent it? You know some people just can't help themselves, they gotta exploit every way they can.


    They obviously do not think long and hard enough about this stuff. That and how badly they underestimate the lengths players will go to get the maximum utility out of their designs. I personally find this hilarious, cause it just shows how ill thought out some of this stuff is.

  4. I don't new threads popping up every day about how OP operatives are. I do see threads every day about the sorcerer.


    That's cause they've all re-rolled Sorc's. There are no FotM classes only FotM players.


    Also complaining about lighting spam is kinda silly considering, it's the most easy attack in game there is to see (giant purple freaking lighting). Not to mention they all look relatively the same. Dot's don't really show any kind of animation until they hit other than a hand wave. The light saber is pretty much just for show. And if you're healing spec'd you have all of 3 ranged attacks till the mid 30's, force lighting and lighting bolt (forgot about shock). So people complaining about lighting spam is about as silly and pointless as complaining about classes that use guns and seeing too many shots flying around. Or melee classes swinging their sabers too much.


    People will indeed jump on the complain-train, first it was ops, now it's sorc's next it will be something else, then onto something different, until all classes get nerfed into oblivion and then they'll all ***** about how unfun and boring the combat is, or that it takes a year to kill anyone. I've played as and against all the classes, each one has it's good and bad points, none of which are OP just some are better at farming medals in WZ's than others so people *****. But hey, by all means, continue to complain on the forums. If you do feel the need to complain, complain about the fact that you can shoot lighting bolts from your fingertips by level 2 but can't run until level 14.

  5. While I generally agree that the probably needs to be some more healing medals, I do have to say though that pumping out some more dmg would probably help your team more, and gain you more medals. Instant casts, some DoTs occasional AoE into a pile, will help take down other people quicker, although it might cause you to get less healing done, it helps your team more. Throw a bubble and a HoT and buy yourself some time to switch from exclusive healing and pitch in some dmg. IMO it's harder to not get 10 kills while not even trying than it is to get them. Even completely specced for healing. There's an extra medal, and probably a killing blow tossed in there, so that's 2. 75k dmg shouldn't be an issue either. That's 6 medals right there.


    I'll take more medals if what I'm doing means I'll have less to heal and helps my team win. As a healer, I'm more than happy to forgo the "glory" and play support, but support isn't just heal heal heal. I'll take helping take down someone faster rather than obsessively healing someone while they attempt to do it. Would you be upset about medals if you did 75k dmg had 10 kills, killing blow and only healed 800k, but you won?

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