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Posts posted by Kinotu

  1. Hey folks,


    I just wanted to clarify: There is no quest for an HK companion currently in the game. I have seen people claiming sightings but these are incorrect. The information you're seeing is from data mining sites that deep dive into files that - as many of you correctly pointed out - are often shells for future work or parts of the game that were removed. Always read any of these with a healthy degree of skepticism.


    Hope that helps!


    Daniel Erickson


    That is incredibly disappointing. I really hope that this and other bonus companions open up as the game goes on.

  2. I keep getting it on Corso too :<. It's annoying, but I always click on Corso to make sure and if he doesn't have the dialogue to tell me he wants to talk I know that icon will disappear soon :).


    This- I spammed the crap out of all my companions with gifts and the icon kind of bugs out half the time. If you click on them though, they'll give you a dialogue line. If the line is to the effects of "Let's talk", then they actually have something to say. Might be able to do it in a cantina, but some convo's do require the ship.


    If the line is anything else, or basically to the effect of "Bugger off", your icon is bugged and just ignore it.

  3. Thanks Ranadiel!


    I've made one of every character except the Jedi Knight so it's good to finally fill in the last name.


    PS-> Fleet call-signs are chuffing hilarious. My main is a Bounty Hunter, in my head every time I run a space mission, it's to my Allies yelling "Hooray, we're saved! It's SCREEEEEEE (As pronounced in panel two of the following comic: http://penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/03/28)

  4. I'm Social 4.


    I play this game with my partner, exclusively. We do all the quests together. I'm looking at the numbers to get to the higher social tiers and I have no idea how they expect people to reach social tier 7. It must seriously be for three-four months down the line.

  5. also impossible do to way they set up all epic gear, because CANT pull out epic mods from teir gear you will be stuck in the tier set do to fact cant pull out armoring mods, and that set bonus is attached to that armor itself. So end game gonna be in tier set or be sub-par for everything you do.


    Was mostly a pun, but that's still disappointing that they don't just drop epic mods in raids.

  6. Dude, it's social gear... its clothing... cloth, fabric...light... armor.


    That said, you can wear light armor. There is nothing unfair about it. Want to know what's unfair? That Inquisitors cannot wear heavy or medium armor. Should Heavy armor be available to them? Do you even realize how many heavy armor suits look so much cooler than the robes Inquisitors wear? Should Inquisitors be allowed to wear them so they have something different to wear?


    The point is this... nothing stops you from modding light armor and wearing it. I'm sorry you cannot be a man playing your female BH and fulfill your fantasy to tank-fight with a big gun while wearing a slave bikini... you know that is really why you're making this complaint in the first place.



    Light orange armor without any mods: 7 armor

    Heavy Orange Armor without any mods: 16 armor, I believe? +/- 2? I'm not in front of my characters atm.


    maybe it's not much, but that's min-maxing for you. I'd love there to be some heavy armor social gear. I want to raid like the Tuskens do :)

  7. I'd really like to support some limited mod availability for this game. Macros on the other hand really should be in there.


    So you know where I'm coming from on mods, I played WoW for 7 years (FFXI before that, speaking of macros). The only mods I used were: The ubiquitous damage meter, a mod to autosummon my vanity pets, and Power Auras (http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/powerauras-classic if you're unfamiliar). Yes, I raided perfectly fine without any more mods than those.


    Power Auras is the only thing I miss while playing SWTOR, the others I can easily live without. If things die then I'm not looking for a Damage Meter to tell me how efficiently I managed it. However, with any proc based class or cooldown based class (I'm looking at you, tanking Sith Assassins), I find myself staring at the 4 pixel square boxes above my status bar instead of at the actual action on screen. That's what Power Auras fixes, and I miss it greatly. I don't need mods to play the game, but they can be such an incredible quality of life fix.


    As far as macros? My bar is full. I've been trying to avoid turning on both left and right bars so as to not take up so much screen real estate, but my bars are full. Therefore, I never use my relics. I know I should, but I just don't have room for them. I just want to macro those into something so I can keep my bars cleaner.

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