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Posts posted by technogecko

  1. Pretty much a bridge game until GW2. Depending on how deep into the year GW2 comes out, I may stop before that though and then just wait... that depends on how well BW can pump out some new PVP content before then.


    I doubt it will happen, but if they could really wow me PVP update wise in the next 4-5 months, maybe Ill play this AND GW2, but that seems highly unlikely.

  2. This obviously applies more so to Snipers, but it is also an issue for pre-AC players who haven't gone Ops as well.


    I understand the concept of CC breaking your cover when you don't have the Entrench ability available when it is something like a stun or a knockback.


    A root breaking and/or preventing cover is preposterous though. Perhaps it is reasonable that you wouldn't be able to use the roll-int-cover ability, but crouching in place should NOT be stopped by a root ability. Part of the drawback of cover is rooting yourself in place so this really doesn't make any sense functionally or thematically.

  3. I hear a lot of people complaining about "late joining" a warzone. What if you were on the other end of the deal? I often find myself in a close match and suddenly 2 people drop off mid way because it didn't look promising. If we didn't get reinforcements there, we would most certainly lose... but at least if we get some late joiners, we will have somewhat of a chance.
  4. Early on I wondered why Ops wouldn't use their stun after the knockdown for an ultra stun lock, but then learned that the knockdown actually filled the resolve bar. It seems like the logical choice to spec out of it, and as the OP says, do this:


    Jump the target

    Debilitate for the stun

    If they break it (or debilitate wears off and they still aren't dead) - use flash bang

  5. rakata med pack no longer counts towards WZ heal medals and he warzone heal consumable heals for more than it does, making rakata medpack useless for anything other than pve


    I wouldn't say its useless, nor am I looking to use it to obtain a 5K medal... I was just hoping that they made the new "secondary" component sort of a fake heal + pool increase, not just a pve tank oriented boost... which even then seems VERY narrow.

  6. Question: Does the 15% HP buff from the new Rakata Medpac also boost your current health that level as well?


    For the sake of arguments, lets say you were at 1 health and would receive the full heal from the first affect and of course the 15% HP pool increase.


    Will it effectively heal you for the base amount + 15% of your HP? If not, what is the point if you don't have another source directly healing you to make up that new 15% of your pool?

  7. Marksman: single target dps, little downtime. Works best at lvl 40+


    Engineer: good single target dps, not as high as marksman, good AoE and survivability.

    Best for leveling until lvl 40 (get all the explsoive probe upgrades, then take the crit talent in lethality and the acuracy/snipe damage talents in marksman).


    Lethality: Best at lvl 50 or when you get weakning blast and have high crit. Energy intensive (regen depends on critting poison ticks). Very good for PvP since its damage is mostly internal and bypass armor.


    As such the easiest spec to level with is engineer, marksman need followthrough to become truly powerful (unlocked at around lvl 36-40). and lethality need high crit + cull/weaking blast.

    Of the 3 Lethality is most likely the best PvP spec due to its internal damage and mobility.


    What lethality talent gives you energy from dot crits?

  8. Defense: doesn't this come from killing people around Alderaan turrets, killing ball carrier near your spawn in hutt ball, etc?


    Protection: comes from guard/taunt... if this also comes from Ballistic shield, that is awesome sauce!

  9. In PVE, it feels like it would be great for boss fights all around since it has a long duration and you have potentially many people dealing kinetic damage to the same target.


    In PVP, the damage component is pretty low and most targets seem to not have enough armor for it to matter. Perhaps if you were duoing with a Merc and dropping Shatter Shot on a tank while they use their armor penetrating abilities it could make a nice combo, but who knows.

  10. Cull is affected by Weakening Blast.


    Here's a more advanced question:


    - What hits harder, the extra Cull damage that counts as a poison (which I believe hits as a separate damage tick, right?) or the poison ticks from Corrosive Dart / Grenade?


    - If Cull hits harder, you want to have Cull ready to blow immediately after every WB... but!


    - If Cull hits WEAKER, you want to Cull OUTSIDE of Weakening Blast and let WB only affect your regular poisons!




    Interesting, right? I don't really know the answer. I'm inclined to believe Cull's extra damage hits harder than the poison ticks, that would make the most sense from a design perspective and would probably equate to the most "normal" feeling rotation for DPS, and of course be the biggest burst damage in PVP. However I am always interested in efficiency, and if this provided more efficient damage output then I would wan't to know I was doing it properly.


    Its nearly impossible to figure out, though, because when you Cull you need your 2 poisons to be present on the target to reach maximum bonus damage, and when you use Cull there are so many damage sources flying up that it's hard to make sense of it all.


    Something to consider I guess. For now I have been assuming Cull during WB is most effective.


    The only part I can speak on is that yes, the extra procs from Cull have their own damage number. When you use Cull on a target that has both of your dots, each tick will fire off 3 different Cull damage numbers. Off the top of my head, I think you get 1 white and 2 yellows or 1 yellow and 2 whites... I forget how it works and I'm at work right now ;)

  11. Hey guys,


    So I have both a 50 and a 42. While I was leveling up the 50 (started on day 2 of early access), PVP was great... there were no 50s yet, everyone was level 10 to 35ish, lots of fun.


    Eventually I was 50, and I could just feel how much more powerful I was than low levels.


    Next, I rerolled an alt and started grinding up again. Joining Warzones on that guy was basically the other side of the spectrum from when I got my first char to 50: sometimes I did alright vs other low or mid levels, but many times I would get destroyed by 50s as expected.


    Now that the level 50 bracket is in place, I couldn't be happier with Warzones! Playing my 50, it feels really competitive... mostly everyone has some or all champion gear and we are all on the same level in terms of talent points.


    Similarly, the sub 50 bracket is fun once again! I can finally fight people on a somewhat even playing field again on my alt and feel like I've really got a chance in almost any fight.

  12. Quick question about Weakening Blast:



    Weakening Blast


    Energy: 10

    Range: 10m

    Deals 744 - 830 weapon damage and causes the target to take 30% additional damage from the Agent's next 10 poison effects. Lasts 15 seconds.


    I notice it says "the Agent's next 10 poison effects." Is this limited to Corrosive Dart and Corrosive Grenade only? The reason I ask is:




    Energy: 30

    Range: 10m

    Fires a volley of bolts at the target, dealing 667 - 744 weapon damage each second. For each of your poison effects present on the target, the target is culled for an additional 255 internal damage each second.


    The extra procs from Cull deal internal damage... do these count as poison effects as well? Pretty rare to have things deal internal ;)



  13. I did not screenie this one but I'll do it going forward.


    Yes, I'm 50 and I'm also Battlemaster. In the two Hutty matches today that I did, I earned 4 and 5 medals respectively.


    They took out the medals for self healing from medpacs and such.

  14. With an Alacrity of 33%, Snipe would have an activation time of 1.13s and the global cooldown for that Snipe also be 1.13. Your instants would still have 1.5s. People are confusing how Alacrity does nothing for instants with the global cooldown and parroting misinformation.


    It's still not an efficient stat to take, but it's not completely useless like many people seem to believe.


    How does it come out to 1.13? Wouldn't 33% alacrity take .5 off of a 1.5s snipe?

  15. Activation Time abilities and Channel Time abilities that have Alacrity pushing them under 1.5s have the global cooldown also reduced to that. A 1.3s cast Snipe for example has a 1.3s global cooldown. Stop spreading this misinformation.


    That said Alacrity still sucks. Mostly because the cooldown are all still a rigid in 1.5s intervals and because it doesn't have any affect on instant casts.


    I've been under the impression that you couldn't change the GCD whatsoever... of course I never had enough alacrity to make much of a difference anyway, but that is one point that would drive me away from even trying.


    So you are saying if you somehow got 33% alacrity, you could cast a snipe in 1s (.5 off the original cast and reduce the GCD for that shot by the same amount)?

  16. What you are saying is that you WANT to completely segregate the PvP and PvE communities. Is that correct?


    If it is, I wholeheartedly and completely disagree with your goals and consider them destructive to the game and community. Preventing players from accessing half of the game because of idiot whiners on the forums is not a good thing.


    Make the same gear available via either PvP or PvE, with reward rates adjusted to achieve roughly equal contribution to reward ratios.


    I thought about gear unification, but it is very hard to quantify this on the PVP side.


    For the sake of arguments, lets say you get a baseline of 2 pieces of gear per week from doing Operations with your guild. Obviously this is harder when you first start doing them, and easier as your guild's gear progression picks up steam. Even if you try to snap shot it at the average level of difficulty (your raid group is half geared and knows the fights decently), how do you set that bar for the rate you obtain those same 2 pieces of gear through PVP?


    Do you just take a shot in the dark and say that doing a full Operation over the course of a week with your guild is the equivalent to doing 25 warzones and spending 5 hours in Ilum? Regardless if those numbers are correct or not, it seems nearly impossible to come up with something that would seem "fair" to the majority of players due to the differences between PVE and PVP content.


    I suppose one solution would be to go the route of warhammer: Have commendations come from Warzones etc as is, but have the gear token/unassembled pieces drop from players corpses, ala raid boss drops? ;)

  17. There are a lot of threads about this of course, but I was brainstorming and wanted to put forth a new "solution" to this problem.


    First, the reason it exists: Gear differentiation between PVE and PVP.

    A lot of people of course know this already, but I see a bunch of people in threads who don't get it. Basically, the reason the differentiation needs to exist is so that the best PVP gear doesn't come from Operations and the best PVE gear doesn't come from Battlemaster boxes. This siloing is necessary to keep people in each camp from slitting each others throat over the issue. Even DAOC had an issue with this: Eventually you were trying to get gear from ToA and level up PVE artifacts to utilize in PVP BGs and the Frontiers. The hardcore PVP players could easily see this as a huge turn off or nuisance and turn instead to crafted gear with spellcrafting bonuses, which wasn't quite as good in most cases.


    So how do we fix it? Right now, if everyone had all the best PVP gear, the damage buff and redux stats would cancel eachother out, and you would be left with a healing bonus only. What's the point? Additionally, until bracketing goes in place, expertise makes the gap between a 49 or fresh 50 and a geared 50 very large.


    My solution is as follows:


    All 50 PVP gear will have a stat called "Expertise".

    All 50 PVE gear will have a stat called "Adventuring". (gear from Operations specifically, not the average run of the mill PVE gear)


    Expertise: When in an Operation, all of your stats are reduced by 25%.


    Adventuring: When in a PVP setting (warzone, ilum, duel initiated, etc), all of your stats are reduced by 25%.


    This is of course an over simplification, but you get the idea: PVP gear will make you suck in endgame PVE, endgame PVE gear will make you suck in PVP. Problem solved... who in their right minds would use the wrong gear in the wrong situation? Of course a fresh 50 can use their 49-50ish level items they received near the end of their questing, or crafted level 50 gear, until they get the PVP gear and not receive the Adventuring debuff.


    What do you think? I await the flames :D

  18. How about get a skill in PVP learn your char,play fairly and not like some juiced up adrenalin junkie.At the end of the match you'll actually see you will gain more ego than knowing you pussied out and went for bio?

    Only people who have no idea how to PVP will resort to using whatever means to win.You are no different.Im so glad im leaving at the end of the month.


    By this logic, I should click off all my buffs and use social armor... that way I will prove I'm awesome without taking advantage of the perks available to me? I'm pretty sure we will be glad you are leaving as well :)

  19. I completely agree. Also all the mods and augments slotted into your gear should become disabled, as should your earpiece and implants and all the other stuff. If your armor and/or weapon is crafted, or uses crafted mods, it should be disabled too. Hey, fair is fair.


    This, exactly. Why nerf one crafting in pvp when we should be asking for buffs for others. IMO more content, more things to farm and obtain, more tactics, more interesting.

  20. I for one don't think it should be changed personally, but I wanted to bring up a point: Lets say for example that changes were made that would either disallow or dissuade people from using these medpacks in pvp. Wouldn't we then also have to nerf it so cybertech grenades couldn't or wouldn't be as well? Reading the description on all the top end grenades, they seem pretty powerful as well.


    TL;DR: If you take biochem out of the equation, won't people then just spam cybertech grenades instead?


    One additional point: I am very happy to have crafting relevant in PVP. I would certainly rather they buff other crafting professions to be more useful in a PVP setting than nerf one or more.

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