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Posts posted by Adinou

  1. Le 08/11/2023 à 03:33, SoyElSenado a dit :

    Yeah I hear you. I had kind of the same thing happened (selected I want both) and lost Vette so then I just stuck with Jaesa and finished the story. Her romance is fun but it’s not “wholesome” like Vette’s I suppose. When I eventually play another SW I’ll romance Vette to experience that story.

    You could always just finish the story on your current SW and later on make a new one that’s more LS which you’ll end up with light side version of Jaesa who is not even romanceable so the Vette conflict won’t happen. It’s a pretty different feel to the story as LS. Just an idea so you don’t feel like you wasted all the time on your current character. 

    If I already ruined Vette's romance, is it possible to also ruin the Jaesa's one ? Because I had a dialogue where I could have kissed her or flirted with her but I didn't lol 

  2. Il y a 21 heures, SteveTheCynic a dit :

    Not all of them.  In some cases whole conversations just aren't there if you don't follow the romance(1) or your character is of the same sex as the companion (applicable to whichever companion of whichever origin).  In other cases, the flirt options are, as you say, replaced by non-flirt options, just as they are for characters of the other sex.

    (1) "ruined" is a strong word to use if you *wanted* to not take the romance.

    Yeah I see

  3. il y a 48 minutes, SteveTheCynic a dit :

    Was it a flirting reassurance etc.?  I ask this because I might be wrong about which is the "critical" flirt.

    I think it was one if Im recalling it right.


    il y a 50 minutes, SteveTheCynic a dit :

    If I recall it right, even female Warriors get the 2 truths 1 lie thing, so it doesn't give useful information.

    Yeah well I guess I am trying to hold on to something to be still optimistic about the romance run lol 


    il y a 52 minutes, SteveTheCynic a dit :

    None of the companion story conversations are random.  They go in one of three set sequences (one for romancers, containing all the flirts; one for non-romancers of the romancing sex, containing the flirts up to and including the critical one; and one for the other player sex, containing none of the flirts except the first few, but with the flirting line replaced by a non-flirting line) from beginning to end.  The differences between the sequences are all keyed on the flirting scenes.

    No but by random I mean a conversation where you dont have to flirt. So what you are saying basically, is that there's a point once the romance is ruined where the flirt options are replaced by other non flirts options ? 


    il y a 25 minutes, SteveTheCynic a dit :
      Masquer le contenu

    For a Sith Warrior, when you do Vette's story segment on Nar Shadda, with the idiot in the spaceport, and you meet up with Vette's old krewe(1) afterwards.  You can [Flirt] with the (other) female member of the crew, whose name escapes me, and by implication also do the Horizontal Fandango with her as well.  If you take the *next* flirt as well, Vette is *clearly* jealous and in need of reassurance that you really wanted her rather than her friend.

    (1) Ooops, wrong game...

    It's a strong spoiler, but see the spoiler box above if you don't mind it being spoiled.

    Oh yeah, it was something with Vette, thats what I guessed. I have already seen that, it is when you meet up with all of them to take back an old Twilek artefact right ? In that case I chose not to flirt with her crewmate nor doing anything and afterward in the spaceship, Vette asked me why I decided to do nothing with her friend while she was clearly hitting on me. Then, she needed reasurrance and I gave her some. After that, I had  quick little interaction and then the one where I had to choose between her and Jaesa as you already know lol. But yesterday I had an interaction where she told 2 truth about her and 1 lie. Does that mean the romance is still going on ? I have seen Youtube videos where the guy is in romance with her and do have this interaction. Or is it just a random interaction that you can get anyway ? 

  5. Il y a 7 heures, SteveTheCynic a dit :

    The "base" companion romances (i.e. the ones in the origin stories) all have a "critical" flirt moment which is the only flirt you *must* take to launch the romance, but equally, if you *do* take it, it's guaranteed to irreversibly launch the romance whether you wanted to or not.  It's not actually at a consistent moment in the story from companion to companion, and for at least one(1), it's the very first flirt chance, which leads to the companion in question being widely (and inaccurately) regarded as a creepy stalker.  (In one romance, the "critical" flirt is, in fact, directed at a different NPC rather than at the companion in question.)

    For the three romanceable companions in KotFE (Lana, Koth, Theron), it's generally recommended (including, by implication of certain things they've said, by the studio) to flirt at every opportunity, especially the notorious cantina scene.  These three romances work a little differently from the rest, where you flirt along the way to "prime the pump" for the romance, and then take the equivalent of the critical flirt at the critical moment which is the same scene for all three.

    (1) Corso Riggs.

    Ok I see, by the way when you say "the critical flirt is directed at one different NPC" which romance are you talking about ? Im pretty curious 

  6. Il y a 1 heure, BulbulusTheGreat a dit :

    yep, safest option in every swtor romance is to simply flirt whenever you get a chance if you like the character or else game might register it as not being interested, even when its inappropriate time lol, its dumb and frankly creepy sometimes but hey it is what it is, also no problem, you'll be in a cantina and you'll get a romance option with three or two chars, you'll then get to talk to them in private which is where you definitely need to pick flirt to lock romance in if you don't it'll lock you out forever.

    have fun with the game!

    yeah imma go with that option then, even though I think that is not very RP but well

    • Thanks 1
  7. Il y a 6 heures, BulbulusTheGreat a dit :

    its just how this game is, some of its romance dialogue is awful its not that romance dialogue isn't good in itself the problem is that some things you say mean that you ended or started romance with a character without you really wanting it, and i'd suggest being real careful in future, for example this gives me a genuine PTSD of when i failed to romance Lana in KOTFE becuse i didn't pick romance option im not going to spoil if you're new but basically i decided to pick a serious question over "romance" option which game registered as me not being interested in romancing her while i very veery much was, but i simply didn't feel like this was the time to be flirty becuse she was talking about something serious and i wanted to continue that serious chat not flirt with her while shes worried about something, it felt respectful but what i thought is respectful bioware must've thought means i don't like her simply becuse i choose to stick to serious topic rather than make a cheesy flirt while shes trying to be serious, so my romance with her failed, i never got a chance to try and flirt again.

    another issue was that i was also fairly new and didn't realize that i didn't actually romance her until a good bit later so it all caused me to redo a lot of DLC just to fix that one godamn dialogue option, so honestly be careful.

    Wow it sound like it was a pretty painful moment lol. But yeah I kind of agree with you, I would have also continued being serious, there is moments where you shouldnt flirt, but Its pretty sad that the game decides to end the romance on little decisions like this. I will be pretty careful in the future, thanks for your advice and your answer 

  8. Hello everyone, I am kind of a new player and yesterday I finished the first chapter of the Sith warrior history. So I took Jaesa abord of the ship. I arrived at the moment where there is an interaction with Vette where she asks what Jaesa represents for me and I got to choose one or the other (Vette or Jaesa). 

    This exact moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekQR8zqGeyE&t=1s

    At first I chose Vette of course, and there was one more interaction available: https://youtu.be/vtU4s0SQ-oo?t=48

    But then out of curiosity I pressed Esc just to see what happens when you chose Jaesa but then I had no time to press Esc because there was no other intercation than Vette saying "I had to give you the chance to be a man instead" while I though there would be another one. 

    So now I am stuck with this choice because there is no way of coming back. I am kinda frustrated, did this choice ruined the Vette romance ? I dont want to restart the history all over again but if it ruinded everything I think I may do it. 

    By the way, I have 18 level of influence with Vette and 5 with Jaesa (never flirted with her except maybe one time out of curiosity once again)

    As you can see on the screenshot that I shared, I still did not closed the mission recap as long as there a little hope of coming back. 

    I really hope someone could answer me so that I can sleep in peace tonight lol.

    Thank you




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