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Posts posted by Nottzo

  1. 5 minutes ago, Otowi said:

    They gave us a small sneak peak at 7.5. They said more info is coming in another live stream closer to release.

    I would say to be patient until we know more,

    A crafting update would be nice, and is sorely needed, but I would think something like that would come in 8.0. They usually do not make big updates in 7.x, but rather the big ones.

    I couldn’t believe how much people were kicking off and being so toxic on the livestream because there wasn’t a story update on a 0.0.1 patch/update. Like jeez. They even announced story content on the 7.5 sneak peak. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, Celwinn said:

    So why not have the sub track free but allow F2P track buy the rooms with the Galactic Season Tokens (Or whatever they are called). 

    It gives both tracks something and doesn't cut content for anyone. (I know some people will say SHs are optional content and doesn't affect your game but people like different things)

    Yeah they could do it with tokens but tbh will all the coins I’d get in the season I’d rather use them cos there’s stuff I want to spend my token on and they’re harder to come by. 

    But I get your point in having the option 

  3. 48 minutes ago, ThrillInstructor said:

    Well, since they took three rooms of the stronghold out of my subscription reward, will they lower the price of my subscription since I get less "value" for it?

    Seems like the whole galactic season is based around the stronghold and our reward for being subs is more rooms at the get go than none subs. And getting all the rooms depends on completing the reward track which will have more than enough cartel coins to get all the rooms for subs so 🤷🏻‍♀️ Basically if you want the whole SH do the season… and it’s easier as a sub 

  4. 44 minutes ago, easyandrew said:

    so,,no one is mentionin the free mount they talked of,,and of course 1 person was spamming codes and the entire livestream was people saying the codes don`t work,,It looked like to me they where account codes. I admit too I wasted more time looking for the mount code then listening to what was being said./

    They’ve said they’re brainstorming better ways to drop livestream gifts after yesterday. A couple people said they got one but I think some set up bots to get the codes faster than anyone else could. The portraits they dropped for everyone were cool. 

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  5. 7 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

    but now is it diffrend story when it was back then.

    remember good that there have make a big screw up with the 7.0 expension that people still not have forgive then at all so people have lost a big thrust in then.

    the 7.5 and 7.6 still not fix a lot of problems what the 7.0 has make there are things you cant fix with update's only its also taking responsible how there have done it with the expension it self like the 1 week before launch day screw up there have done.


    most old players are still pist off what there have done with the 7.0 expension back then.

    there are a lot of then thinking about quiting this game for good since all the update's so far still not has fix the big mess from the compleet expension it self.

    there are things you cant fix with update's only to keep then playing remember good how crap the 7.0 expension not was and how pisst off the commenity not still is about it.

    the point is more that now there need to explane things about why there not launch the 8.0 expension and keep releasing update's in the 7.0 expension since the compleet 7.0 expension has been markt as the worst expension there ever release at all.

    It has moved since then, it's at broadsword now not bioware, Different developers and hopefully better but you can't get angry and slate the current ones for the mistakes of the last, i know some of the team moved studios with the game but it is a different team in general.  but be all and end all is that I'd rather they took their time and people that are not willing to wait can unsub, I think they're aware of that.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

    the problem is more that for most people see this is a bad sign what we really not need at all.

    since most people are still thinking if its worth to become sub again or if there wane keep playing this game.

    and if there is no big expension contant drop and only small update's like we so far got then its becoming a big problem since its less worth to become sub or play this game.

    its also a sign what most people call the maintenance mode this game is going to become closser to.

    the only way i see there can chance this is to give a really good explain about it so that people understand why there go with 7.5 and 7.6 and not with 8.0.

    now is the right time to explain things really good to the community about it and not ignore it anymore.

    most of the updates have gone past .4 so to have a 7.6 really doesn't mean anything. I would rather they took their time and released something really good than do it quicker and it be half-baked. I get that people want it, so do I and they know that. 

    The fact that they're doing these changes like moving servers to the cloud and improving the lighting and effect tells us the opposite of maintenance mode really, would they do those changes if they were just gonna let it die? I highly doubt it

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  7. 21 minutes ago, Spikanor said:

    i mean more if there is going to be a 7.5 and 7.6 update for the first time then i think more that there will be no new expensions anymore comming like 8.0.

    since we all know all the expensions update stop after x.4 after that a new big expension come's out like 5.0 6.0 and 7.0 but if there keep going with the small update's for now on then we never going to get any big expension update's anymore and also no big contant drops anymore only small drops.

    so thats why i wane know if there is really a 7.5 and 7.6 comming then we know its only become worse with the story contant drops.

    I think it's more likely that they've just taken over and want to do a lot of technical and graphical changes like the lighting they previewed, server stuff etc and want to have all that done before releasing the next big expansion but can't do it all at once so are splitting it into more little ones. Well that's my hope anyway but there's no way of knowing until they talk about it really.

    but regardless... most of the expansions went above .4  like there was 2.10 i think before 3 and there was 5.7

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