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Posts posted by ikomajedi

  1. Hello folks! I am just now getting back and I was looking for help on specc'ing. Noxxic and Torhead are not helping as I guess the new patch hit. As a Sage I enjoyed switching between DPS and Heal but now I am not certain which new abilities to choose as it is all new to me. Are there some that have worked better for others? Are there any web links that can help? Thanks guys!
  2. For me it is easier to use a school as an example.


    The Imperial admin would have all the kids walking quitely down the hall, in order, in uniform, etc... As soon as one student breaks the rules, they are dealt with harshly. So harshly that it would serve as an example to the other students. This school would have a small population, bu it would be a school where the kids are never late, get straight A's, have no problems outside of school, want to achieve the highest level of academic understanding, and want to become leaders that will grow the community.


    The Republic admin would allow the kids to get to class any way they choose. Uniforms would be encouraged but not required. The school would allow students to learn whatever subject they wish and even choose which teachers they want to learn from. Rules would be enforced, but from time to time, these rules could be amended. Students are encouraged to live and work as they see fit.


    Both sound really cool right?! :cool:


    That's the problem. Both are going to create a productive society but it's the means at which they achieve it. Evil exists on both sides, as well as good. In the stories the Jedi will go to great lengths to preserve a planet, but they will also not directly intervene to save the planet either.


    An old parable asks this: A starving farmer is caught stealing food for his family. He stole it from a man who has more than enough food and even hordes it from other people. The farmer has 3 children and a wife who will starve if they do not eat. The law states that he should be prosecuted and the food returned. What is the right choice?


    If the guard releases the man and lets him keep the food he shows compassion but he is breaking the law that was put into place to preserve peace in the city. If he arrests the farmer and takes away the food, he is showing loyalty and honor and letting a few die to preserve the greater good.


    Jedi would show compassion, Sith would obey the law.


    Which would you choose? Is there a right answer? It all depends on you...

  3. Originally, according to the fluff coming out around the time of Episode 1 (Darth Maul), double-bladed or 2 Lightsabers was discouraged later in the Order. The reason given was that these styles emphasized more combat prowess and focusing on the destruction of your foe. Combat is always a last resort and focusing more on combat was not the Jedi way and so they moved away from it. It was recorded several times though that in times of great war that some Jedi would employ these styles because the need was great...


    So, if the galaxy is gonna blow-up, Jedi can use whatever style they want. In times of prolonged peace, they stick to the single blade. It was even mentioned that Mace Windu would have used 2 lightsabers and been a beast in combat if he were born a few centuries before he was. As it is, he most likely would have been SIth. He has a special connection to the force and he was almost not admitted to the Order because of this.

  4. I am really not enjoying the story for Consular. All I am doing is curing and shielding people from the "force plague" with no real end in sight. I am level 28 and headed to either Aleraan or Tat in search of...more plague people. I have heard of other stories and I am jealous. I realize that I am maybe only half-way through the entire thing, but I really want something good to occur...
  5. I have a BH that is mostly Light Side as well. I chose dialogue options that made since to being a Merc. Many Light Side options were selected because it involved keeping a good reputation. One choice involved letting a guy buy me off or letting someone just die. I decided that a BH is nothing without their reputation, so I chose to let the person die, because otherwise who would ever hire me again? It was a total RP choice!
  6. Thanks for the responses! To me, the Sith side of things are always a greater mystery because the republic has always been around and we know so litle about the Sith Empire. Anything Bioware does can almost be considered instant cannon. The meta-gamer in me is worried that if I make a neutral Sith that I'm gonna miss out on cool equipment meant for ultra-dark or ultra-light...


    Good Times!!

  7. Alrighty... I finished my Sith Inquisitor up til level 14 last night but it got me thinking; Is it me, or are all the sith quests formulaic to be evil for the sake of being evil? When on Korr I had many quests that involved evil or indifferent options. On DKarr I am worried that all the quests are meant to get you to the highest dark side level as possible. I could just be premature, but are the Sith Inquisitor or Warrior stories compelling? Is it more than simply, "Go kill these puppies for the Sith?"


    I base this question off of my favorite Sith; Palpatine. He wasn't just evil and killing stuff for fun...he was a schemer and a planner. Evil? Absolutely! But not in the "I must kill/crush everything because I am evil" way. I trust Bioware that they have not gone the simple route, but I just wanna here from others how they feel about the story.



  8. This is not meant to be a flame post, but the game has not even been out for a month and you've decided it is inferior? I think your expectations were way too high. You must let the game be released and then give it some time before it can be truly judged. I cannot think of a single MMO that was perfect the moment it was released; flawless, no lag, no server problems, etc. I am curious what your bassis of comparrison is.
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