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Posts posted by Soulchilde

  1. My sub come due in March and I am seriously considering cancelling. I haven't log in for two weeks cause I can't find any flashpoint groups. Standing around in fleet spamming for a group isn't my idea of fun. If I cancel I might come back if the institute a lfg tool


    Also.. improve Artifice :)

  2. Just because the rank is there doesn't mean it would belong on us.


    Captains are people who sit in the back, in the ships, boats, whatever, directing the course of battle.


    If you want to be a captain, fine by me, go play Command and Conquer.



    You are talking navy and they are direct line of combat if on a warship. Army and Marines Captain command Company sized units and are expected to be in the field with their units. Major can command a field company, but are typically Battalion level and are in the forward area not far from the front lines.

  3. Balance shadows can spec an ability to make it instant case after a melee crit, so you need to keep on eye on your stat bar, so not to miss it


    Btw, I use it quite often on my balance shadow

  4. I sadly have to change my opnion , first I didn´t want to have a dungeon finder.


    But after boosting numerous of people cause they are shy to spam LFG .

    Or people who simply give up , I say for the benefit of bioware community .


    A LFG should be put into place , imagine PVPers having to stand there spamming LF people to PVP in one spot .. without able to quest .


    They would go MAD and quit .


    Sadly this also applies to PVE , so don´t forget your own backbone community .

    They want to quest and when they want to do there flashpoints , they shouldn´t be waiting 2-3 hours . or be as hardcore as me just go 3 man or 2 man stuff .


    In the end the benefit outweighs the problems , and sadly the LFG tool is badly needed resource currently .


    Yeah, I've changed my opinion... Its needed badly and I am in a guild full of slow casual adult players. Been playing with the same core group for 10+ years. No drama and we level at our own pace so grouping with guildmates can be trying. All this to say spamming fleet general for a group for 1-2 hrs isn't fun when I could be grinding dailies... So a lfg tool is needed

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