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Posts posted by NatteTony

  1. Bounty hunter, meets genoharidan in chapter 3 with torian  being captured, they mention there are genoharidan. In chapter 1 of kotet the bh player character says 'i thought the genoharidan were a myth' you encounterd and killed members of them after they kidnapped a member of your crew, send by the republic. 

    Sith inquisitor consumes ghosts to aquire power and cant be killed unless the ghosts are seperated from him, shown after thanaton fails to kill you straight after he betrays you first. In the expansion they act as if the ghosts are gone even though you can chose to keep them for their power. In kotfe XII valkorian says: 'my son struck a killing blow against you, had i not intervened, you would be dead', Problem 1 is that he says this even though you can chose to use his power and then arcan doenst hit you so the line doenst make sence. 2 even if arcan had struck the inquisitor the ghost would prevent him from dying, and valkorian should know this. Also just in general where are the ghost??? never again are they mentioned in the expansions even though i chose to keep them for their power, no cutscenes or referances besides saying to lana: 'i once had a bunch of ghost talking to me'. not inplying they are gone just that they cant bother me anymore, so where are they ?? Also just in general with heta kol, how is it i can be totaly at her mercy when being captured while defeating the most powerfull force user just a bit ago? vitiate/tenebrea/valkorian, i shoudnt be overpowerd so easily, the later expansions make you feel powerless. Also please give back the option to kill quin for example, the forced outcome of keeping him alive is ridicilous and the option to actually kill him is way way to late at iokath. 

  2. During the kotfe you either get stabbed by arcann or get worn out by using valkorions power. 1rst note is that whatever you chose, valkorion will always say 'my son struck a killing blow against you'. Witch isnt the outcome i had. Second note is that he says: 'had i not intervened, you whould be dead'. But thats not true, since during chapter 2 of the sith inq story, you get killed but the one who kills you didnt purge the spirits you consumed. So you survived on your own. Yet the game makes you feel like you cant survive without valkorions help. Witch sucks. 

    I am quite suprised at the lack of the spirits in the expansions, you never hear from them or draw their power. They seem to be gone, witch whas the lightside ending, while i chose to keep them but never once see a cutscene using their power of something like that. 

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