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Posts posted by Animalisticfury

  1. Given the circumstances of that game, I'm not going to add that into the leaderboard. Leaderboards updated, if you find your records not posted it may be because you've cropped your screenshot. (Or in the case for some individuals, transferred servers so those aren't really applicable for TEH)


    So even if a screen shot shows every persons score form the match, you'll choose not to post it? Or if you feel circumstances from a game don't meet up to your standard? You realize how much BS that is right? You should post all, or not do it at all. Its not like the screen shot I provided manipulated in any way. Good thing I don't need a post on a forum by some guy whose just a player to make me feel better about myself.

  2. This went on for about two hours before I finally said...


    Ummm.. I'm just curious as to why you let it go on for 2 hours before letting him know you were a dude.

    Oh and uh.. *insert some nonsensical rant about hatred here* you know, to stay on topic.

  3. They said, it was either the first or the second time the gree event came, that they are working on a system to cycle through events. We don't know more then that. If it will just loop through all the available events and there is always one happening or if it will still be scheduled just may not need a patch.


    Gree event information http://www.swtor.com/info/news/blog/20130211


    So.. The tatooine Rakghoul event could make a return as well?

  4. Well.. There's a few answers to this. And it keps coming up. On the RP servers at least, I'll leave you with an opinion I received from a female friend, "most dudes that play chicks do it to ICly hit on chicks (in RP Servers mind you), and they do it because they couldn't ICly hook up with the same chicks on the dude toons, so they made females. Now they're all dudes playing chicks who are doing chicks that are played by other dudes."


    That response makes me laugh every time I think of it.

    On a side note, if its on a PVE server, or is just a purely PVE, non RP toon... Who cares?

    If is o an RP toon.. hey, its their gaming experience, unless they're trying to trickdudes into dumb stuff.... So again, Who cares?

  5. Anyone know when the event will be making a return? I don't know about anyone else, but I think it's by far the coolest event in any mmo I've ever played, love the random get together groups for the pvp/heroics and wb's.


    They just need to makeit permanent. Or drop it in for a weekend or so once a month..

  6. Ive worked it out i bet they have taken random servers down because people are lvling way to fast on them i mean i made level 55 in a day and a half without spending hours on the game lol.. Though im sure this aint the real reason its a funny thought tho lol. I wonder they said they thought it take us 4 to 5 months to complete gaming and get to end game but 50 to 55 was quicker than 45 to 50? Strange ack well hurry up with the servers its bad enough we are comm starved :p


    Congratz, using the down servers to brag about achievements in gamig!

    Now, on to useful theories only, thanks.

  7. The Corsair Syndicate is a newly formed RP/PVE guild, with some members who dabble in PVP as well. We arecurrently recruiting all classes. See write up below.


    IC Info: Throughout the galaxy, The Corsair Syndicate is known as one of the go to organizations for Mercenary work. The syndicate is filled with both force using and non force using personnel able to achieve any goals that they may be contracted for, whether this is in the form of simple information gathering, obtaining certain objects, or conducting rescue missions. They are known to be tenacious, and to follow through on all jobs unerringly.



    OOC Info: The Merc work is a front. The Syndicate’s primary goal in life is the obtaining of power and wealth through means of obtaining information that others would find useful. This would include but is not limited to obtaining ancient datacrons and texts containing long forgotten information, gathering and storing information by means of trade in such a manner as to get information worthwhile to other organizations while being able to maintain enough info to protect themselves from all those who would both use and fear the services they provide. They are not completely loyal to the empire, and do not wish to amass the information in an attempt to oppress others. Rather, their goal is simply to allow themselves to live within a high standard while ensuring their personal longevity as well as that of the Syndicate and those who work for it.

  8. I'm a bit disheartened. Launch day, and an already loaded server has apparently become even more loaded. Why do I get the feeling that by time I get back form work, I will miss the <25m wait times to log in? Probably because its morning, and there's already a <10m wait (which has now lasted for 15 minutes and counting). shoulda done a server lock, BW. but oh well, you're making money..


    Time to see how long before I get too frustrated and say no to subscriptions.

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