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Posts posted by Yettofall

  1. I´m playing vanguard tactics, fully pvp geared, iR332 with full 300 gold crit augments.

    Before 7.2 i used to win most of the warzones i was in, ussually top dps if not at least in the top 3.

    Now i stand at a 37% win ratio... what's happening?

    Please don't say stuff like get a group or whatever, i'm just trying to understand what changed cuz i haven't changed a thing.

    Thank you

  2. TWICE !!!



    it happened to me TWICE today!!!


    i've never experienced this before.

    I'm playing normaly (wazones) and from nothing, not even lagging i get booted, i get the game's pic from the expansion and once it goes to the server menu i have no servers to choose from... i have to reboot the game...


    WFT is happening?

  3. Hi,

    i need help with ranked.


    I do ok, more than ok in regular warzones, i'm often either top dmg and kills or top objectives (depending on how i'm facing that game). (326 iR + 288 crit augs + Flying fist tatical, Shock Troper Package, Ranger Package)


    But ranked is diferent, i can't play it. I'm pretty sure i spawn with a target over my head.


    I try getting out later from the spawn box, i try taking a diferent route than the visible oppenents, i can't escape being first to kill.


    I kite, i blow my defence cooldowns, it's just a matter of secs...


    On the other hand if i'm left alone (very, very rare) i'm top dmg/kills


    What can i do to improve my rank chances?


    Thank you.

  4. i've came back this month as a subscriber, left in 2016 ou 2017.


    i'm not liking it.


    i only play pvp, always have, couldn't care less for your story or your flashpoints and operations.


    stop making me do pve.


    i want to gear like i used to, exclusively thru pvp


    thank you

  5. So i replaced all my ranked unwanted mods:


    +75 AIM



    +63 CRITICAL




    +91 AIM



    +36 POWER




    +75 AIM



    +63 POWER


    So more main stat for less power, was it worth it? If so, will it be even better to replace

    the "original" ones with the +91 AIM?


    Thank you for your input

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