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Posts posted by annoob

  1.   Assuming the changes mentioned in the post are already in effect,

    • What do you like about how the GTN currently functions?
      • Most convenient way of buying and selling items (at least those under 1 billion credits)
    • What do you dislike about how the GTN currently functions?
      • Default sort is weird, have to manually sort by some column and then sort by Unit Price
      • Default price and duration when listing an item is useless 99% of the time
      • Maximum of 3 days for a listing
      • Fuzzy Search can cause issues (for things like "Artifact Lustrous Artifact Fragment" or "Veda Cloth")
      • 1B limit ensures no rare CM items ever get listed on the GTN
    • Is there anything you wish you could do on the GTN that you cannot do currently?
      • Buy/Sell for more than 1B credits
        • Buy/sell for more than 2^32 - 1 using legacy credits for subs would also be nice for those ultra-rare items
      • A way to search for an exact match (a query like 
        [Artifact Lustrous Artifact Fragment]
        which should only return the item "Artifact Lustrous Artifact Fragment" and not "Premium Lustrous Artifact Fragment")
      • Save time by having the auto-filled default price when selling be based on current pricing (current unit price -5% or something)
        • Even better if the amount to undercut by could be configured
      • Listing items for more than 3 days (could be gated behind the total price of a listing to avoid unnecessarily filling the DB with spammy listings)
      • A way to specify price per item when selling instead of having to do the math for price per stack
        • This is already a thing when making multiple listings for the same item
      • A way to buy X amount of stackable items automatically from whatever listings exist
        • Ideally this should have a confirmation prompt telling the user the lowest & average & max price per item
      • A way to create a buy order for items
    • Are there any specific filters, searches, or ways of finding items you particularly like or that you wish existed?
      • A new tab to save items I'm interested in and see if they're on the GTN and what the lowest price is at the moment
        • Alternatively, this could be implemented as a way to save searches with some sort of a "Saved Searches" tab
      • Better filters for what people usually search for
        • CM items (and the opposite if looking for drops or crafted gear)
        • CM rarity (bronze/silver/gold/whatever the rarest one is called)
        • Items not yet unlocked in collections
        • Items not yet unlocked for Crew Skills
      • A toggle/checkbox that applies the UNIQUE filter to searches (for things like dyes and colour crystals)
    • What kinds of information do you use to decide when to make a purchase? If you could have more information what would you want?
      • Current Price
      • Number of listings
      • The new Lamborghini in my Hollywood Hills garage (knowledge of how many credits items sell for)
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