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Posts posted by Daeth

  1. Operatives get one of the most powerful CC in the game -> Flash bang. Thats what you would have to give up for a knockback. And Flash bang is far more useful when capping an objective.


    Knockbacks are easy to avoid getting knocked off platforms, its called situational awareness. Make sure you always have enough room behind yourself when in combat with a knockback class, and dont let them position you so that you can get knocked off a ledge.

  2. and how exactly is that "working as intended"? no one class should be able to win 1v1 every time, nope shouldn't be that way. ever heard of skillful pvp? the kind where if you're better you can win?


    Every heal specced class can win 1 on 1. Its working as intended. I can't think of a single game where a well played healer cant beat anyone else 1 on 1. If one person alone could kill them they would be pretty useless.


    The guy could have changed the thread to say BH merc healer or IA operative healer and it would have been the same result for him.

  3. Lol, obvious troll. I solo killed 3 people at central... nothing.


    I got all my updates fine, all 150. Not sure why you didnt get them at mid. Maybe players have a cut off for giving valor after a certain amount of deaths in a period of time.


    I imagine most players complaining in this thread are republic base instakill exploiters though.

  4. Its rediculous that Illum wont run properly.

    I have a 2 gig video card and 8 gigs of ram on my quad core computer and it still runs like crap on low settings.

    Everytime there is a patch I cringe as it just makes the game run worse and worse for me.

    When the game launched I could run about on max settings with over 100FPS and no lag.


    Yep, exactly the same here.


    Running the TERA beta on max settings and no lag, I have to wonder *** is going on with SWTOR's engine. How can it possibly run so badly with so little bells and whistles?


    PvP was fun for the first month or so, but making it so that my skills activate 2 seconds after I press them has just taken any enjoyment out of the game for me. There was no spell lag at launch for me at all, then with every patch to 'fix spell lag' I got some more added. And my internet is 60 mb/s and other online games run flawlessly, so its not me SWTOR.. its you.

  5. FIXED with today's patch.



    -Players are no longer able to climb out of the attacking team spawn area in the hangar before the match starts.


    Not just repubs btw, everyone had access to this before.


    Actually they didnt. Only the Republic had a big enough ship to use. They just chose not to say which side was exploiting in the update notes.

  6. How exactly are dps getting these still, I thought it was nerfed a week or so ago. Does the Rakata Biochem stuff still award these medals?


    All max level medpacks still give the 2.5k heal. A 5k heal is only really possible by a DPS with a heal tree (BH Merc, Sorc, Operative) and youll only get that by popping your stim / relic and hoping for a crit - while out of combat. If you are engaged in PvP combat your healing is reduced by 30%, and you have no chance of the 5k heal.


    So really, yeah they can get the medal, but they arent doing those 5k heals in the middle of a fight.

  7. Balanced class is balanced.


    Now people can swarm to make BH Arsenal Mercs and Gunnery Trooptards (which based on warzones lately, they already have) until they get nerfed, and post lots of angry posts saying 'I HAD NO IDEA YOU WERE GOING TO REBALANCE THIS OVERPOWERED CLASS WHICH I CHOSE BECAUSE IT WAS OVERPOWERED! I QUIT!'.

  8. I agree that interrupts should lock out the whole 'family' of spells - like all healing spells, or all DPS spells, depending on what was interrupted.


    However individual recast of this should be significantly raised. 6s cooldown with a 4s lockout for melee is too powerful. Raise that to 15s recast if you make it lock out all spells, so you still need to work as a team to shut down a healer.


    And I dont think autofaced should be changed. We dont really need to promote melee classes bunnyhopping around casters, it looks stupid and thankfully in this game its pointless.

  9. Shutting down Sorceror DPS is easier than shutting down a BH Merc, and they do far less spike damage, just more AE damage which shows up on the leaderboards but doesnt actually kill anyone with a brain.


    I can count on one hand the number of times my primary DPS generating spell has been interrupted.


    But then those bad players come here and whine because interrupting is too hard.

  10. Sorc/Sage will be less overpowered in their burst damage.


    Hahahahahahaha burst damage.




    No really, Sorcerors have the lowest burst damage out of all the DPS classes. They cant even get the 5k damage medal now after the buff stacking nerf. What they do have is consistant AE damage, which is why you see those big numbers at the end of warzones. The AE damage isnt going to kill anyone, but it will tag them to give them kills and also pad their damage numbers a bit.

  11. Sorc/Sage are absolutely the best class in the game because they have absolutely no weaknesses and have all the capability in the world. They need to make bubble have a longer cooldown and make it so sorc/sage do not have force speed.


    Not true at all. Both DPS specs are very susceptible to interrupt, you just have to know which spell to interrupt. Any tank with a 6s interrupt can keep them locked down and kill them easily. Healing sorcerors require a bit more effort, but not as much as a BH (high defence) or IA (heals over time).

  12. That's not what he's saying at all. He's advocating that it buff only defense and possibly healing, and not damage. He's being somewhat arrogant and very vague about it, but I think what he means is that increasing damage is too much of an advantage. He's wrong; the ability to counter other player's Expertise mitigation with my Expertise damage is necessary, and allows them an easier time balancing. Or it would, if healers didn't double dip. but I digress. =) In any case, taking the damage increase off the stat would be to the detriment of everyone but healers, who would eventually attain the toughness of a raid miniboss, and tanks, who'd be solo running the ball or defending a point till doomsday.


    Bingo, we have a winner.


    Also as some other poster already said, there are some PvE items that are already better than PvP, and this should not be the case.


    No way in hell should they ever remove expertise, otherwise youll just see people PvPing in Rakata gear, meaning youll have to hard core raid to be competitive in PvP, a much worse scenario than getting ganked for a week or two while you gear up via PvP.

  13. So you're rolling a healer for PVP. You can only pick one of the following.


    Heavy armor






    Slows (when assisting dps)

    Friendly pull



    Hrmmm tough call which one is stronger in pvp. Really....tough....call.


    Protip: Heavy armor just means you get next to no pvp utility and get clobbered by people with a brain. The small passive mitigation boost (which doesn't apply to a lot of damage/gets ignores by armor pen) does next to nothing in PVP. There's a reason PVP isn't decided by who has the most passives.



    Actually you get to pick from:


    Medium armor and awesome heals over time


    Light armor with bubbles and utility




    Being an unstoppable god who requires 4 people to focus fire to die.



    If you are a Bounty Hunter healer, complaining about Sorceror healers in PvP, you should probably just uninstall the game and try something more to your skill level, like Hello Kitty Online.

  14. You cant really stop people from doing this in any game, aside from diminishing returns.


    If people want to be pathetic and do it this way, how is any developer going to stop them?


    Personally I would never give any free valor to the other side, they have to earn it. Another way to stop this is to make it so you can only have one alignment per server (empire or republic) and prevent conversation between the groups (aside from forums obviously). Being able to make alts on the opposing faction on the same server is just stupid.

  15. people just dont know how to play a sentinel. They dont realize you have to actually use all the abilities to be 100% effective.


    But a well played sentinel can kill any class.


    This. They have the tools, people just dont use them.


    Also as far as I know, Sentinel / Marauder are the only people that can debuff incoming healing, which is amazing in PvP combat when someone has a pocket healer or you are trying to take out the healer themselves.

  16. There are actually some very nasty premades in the 10-49 bracket on my server, mostly in voidstar and alderaan, huttball is just atrocious as everyone runs around like headless chickens. Premades in 50... makes you just want to leave the WZ immediately, it's that bad, you usually don't even get a chance to get near the objective.


    Yeah the Republic on my server has resorted to this. 95% of pre-50 warzones are 40+ premade Republics thinking that it gives them an advantage. It doesnt, they still lose. In fact the level 50 Republic players put up a better fight.


    Then they come on these forums and make silly posts saying its unfair that level 20 players can kill a level 40.

  17. The only reason I can think to do this is so that you can maximize your medal chances. Self heal to get the healing medals and dps with tracer to get the damage medals.


    Thats exactly why people do it. They need more healer medals. Regarding the OP... who knows what he is rambling on about.


    Even full specced tanks can do reasonable damage, certainly more than a full specced healer can. Opening them up to more medals than anyone else.

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