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Posts posted by Viridiana

  1. - You get locked out of all your of abilities except stun break even before you even see the operative (= Sleep Dart?)

    - You use your stun break ability and same thing happens again except that you now know who did it and where this player is + your stun break is on cooldown

    - Lock out ends and you have just enough time to get one instant ability in if you're fast enough...

    - ... until it happens again and you die.


    Someone is cheating/hacking or I do something extremely stupid.


    It's same thing with Deception/Infiltration except that they only need to do it twice.


    Why in the world are you using your CC breaker when you are getting hit with sleep dart... that's a horrible noob move, yeah it sucks sitting there for 9 seconds if they don't attack you, but they can only hit you with sleep dart twice before you are immune, so quit using the CC breaker on that and you will be fine.

  2. Its not going to be the end of the world if ops have to start working at healing the way the other 2 classes do.


    That's not to say that they won't take the "rebalancing" waaaaaaaaay too far, but we will just have to wait and see.


    See, this is what I don't get, i've played all of the healer classes at 55 in HM or better raids, and I don't feel like any of them other than sorcs have to work very hard, and even that is marginal if you are decent at sorc heals, merc heals are awesome cause you get to run around a lot to heal people, sorcs are pretty boring as you have to stand and channel stuff, and ops were just make sure your hots are ticking and watch for those big hits.


    If people knew how to play their classes, this wouldn't be an issue, but merc heals take more than 10 seconds to learn to play, and sorcs take about 5 seconds longer than an op to learn how to play and that apparently makes them subpar healers compared to an op.


    They should have balanced the skills out so they worked better and ops have more effective healing rather than our hots ticking on pc's with full health and just making the healing worthless.

  3. I take it you're a number crunching, hardcore PvE'er? News flash: the Developers have said since launch they did not design this game to cater to your niche...


    If you want to get technical the devs also claimed they would never adjust the classes for PVP at the expense of PVE.

  4. This guy finds ungeared Scoundrel heals way easier than geared Commando heals. That's all that needs to be said.


    Oh also, NERF OPERATIVES!!!1!


    Try healing HM/NiM DP and tell me that Scoundrels and Operatives are easy...

  5. The cycle of MMOs continue. There will always be a class that is overpowered which in turn gets nerfed, which then makes another class overpowered so people think "WoW that class is strong ill play that". Then it gets nerfed again and on and on.


    In saying that... class imbalance is an annoyance however no class is ever completely useless if the person playing it knows what they are doing. Just play what you enjoy and let the cycle continue :p


    A lot of us enjoyed Operative healing before it was so apparently "overpowered"

  6. Yeah.... But can you remember we are talking about 2.0.. Not vanilla ;) And we're talking about 2.0 > 3.0 Not 1.0 > 2.0...


    Well I was saying my sister on her sorc now in 2.9 would not agree with you, and either way, it all comes back to player skill, not the class being broken, I guess this update to is to make it so anyone can play any class without hindering the group in any way.

  7. All the changes people hate are coming from PvP.


    Hybrids were not a problem in PvE but with 5 more points they would have been an issue in PvP.


    Reducing the damage ratio, same thing, for PvP, that is why the PvE explanation sounded half baked, because it was. They had to do it to prevent 2 shot kills in PvP.


    I wish they would at least not lie. It makes it really hard to even have a discussion.


    I agree, clearly PVP changes.

  8. OT: Does anyone know what headpiece the Operative in the picture within the post is wearing?

    Would also be interested in the rest of his gear, if it's even from actually wearable stuff within the game :)


    It is the old Rakata raid gear, you can get a set from the cartel market / GTN, can't remember what it is called atm, look on http://www.dulfy.com at the different gear from the cartel packs and you will find it.

  9. The main problem is if a Sage or a Merc screw up, you wipe. If an Oper screw up, you won't wipe unless he really screw up his screw up. It is much harder to screw up as an Oper than as a Sage or a Merc.


    My sister who is a sorc healer would probably not agree with you on that :) sure operatives were pretty forgiving, but it all comes down to player skill, back in vanilla operatives were crap compared to sorc healers and once they got boosted in 2.0, the players that had learned to play them properly suddenly became the best healers in the game.

  10. If they really wanted to balance out PVP issues as far as healing; they could always have tweaked what expertise does for healing compared to DPS. I'm assuming they didn't want to because they were happy where sorc and mercs were at, so they chose to take operatives and put them in line with those.


    Do operatives not out heal merc and sorc in PvE as well?


    If you play a merc or sorc properly in PVE (i've raided on each one at 55) the healing is almost identical, Operatives parse more healing but they are on average 15-20% less effective with their heals because of how the skills work.

  11. Well, considering that the best operative healers can currently solo-heal all nightmare Dread Fortress and Dread Palace fights except for Brontes, Tyrans, Raptus and Council, your exaggeration isn't completely unfounded.


    So basically they can't solo heal a HiM raid... anyhow a good Sorc healer can solo heal other bosses in those raids on NiM, and I bet a merc played properly could do the same, its about knowing the class, has very little to do with if that class out heals another class.

  12. They said they nerfed it because of PvE. To that I can tell you I have no idea on what that looked like. I was just offering the POV from a PvP side of things.


    Right, I know what they said, but from where the "imbalance" in the game was, it def wasn't on the PVE end of things, so it seems they are just using the PVE excuse to balance PVP.

  13. YEah, all joking asside; I just hope it isn't too bad of a nerf. I definitely have benefited from Op heals quite a bit so am not going to be all cheers for a nerfing, but at the same time, since I like to PvP; the new meta will be interesting to see. Right now, I would say TTK is too short without healers and too long with, then even longer if you have a tank combined, and stacking a second healer does seem to make it multiply.


    They need to separate PVP from PVE somehow so we don't keep getting PVE nerfed because PVP has been broken since pre-launch.

  14. I have played Corbindalas since beta as a healer and switched to lethality and conceal as I wanted to expand my fun. He has always been my 'main' and I dearly love the name 'Agent Corbindalas' as it gets the usual comments...


    Seeing your favorite class take the heaviest nerfs is never fun.


    Depending on how Sorcs or Ops play out in heals I will likely do one or the other.


    As I said before, we will get 'rebuffed' again but it will take 6 months before BW realizes nobody likes playing Op healers...


    Healing is overrated, i'm sure there are guilds 8 manning NiM DP with no healers, or just taking along a lvl 25 Operative to heal for them since they are so broken these days... and I have no idea why everyone thinks the other classes suck at healing, if you play them properly they can put out just as much healing as any other class, yeah you might have to click an extra button, or 'gasp' position yourself properly to hit more people with a heal, but that is just crazy talk...

  15. "Overall, Medicine healing was too good during Rise of the Hutt Cartel, so players of the discipline should brace themselves for a rebalancing that might seem a bit extreme. While it might seem extreme, this rebalancing is only aimed to bring Operative healing down to a level that allows other healers to be more competitive and prevents Operative healing from trivializing PvE content that is meant to be challenging."


    So...RIP Operative healers? Because it seems like, once Dec. 9 comes, we're gonna eat knobs.


    Come on now, who really needs healers, they are overrated, i'm sure there are guilds out there clearing HiM DP with no healers in their group, or they just bring along a lvl 25 Operative to pick up the slack.

  16. I have all three types of healers and I have to admit my Operative was my favorite, but I'm going to reserve any judgement on the changes until I've had a chance to try them out. I'm hoping the balancing is what they promise and all three healer types are on an even playing field.


    I will say that before hand my Merc healer was my least favorite, but I'm hoping now she'll find her place next to my Operative and Sage healers :)


    I have all 3 healing classes at 55 and have played them all in HM content (only NiM on my OP) and I have to say that the Operatives were not so much as imbalanced as their skills were poorly optimized, when I raid I parse my healing against my sister on her Sorc and I always out heal her, but her heals were on average 15-20% more effective because she didn't have HoT's ticking on fully healed people and things like that, they should have looked at balancing the skills rather than just reducing our outgoing healing under the guise of balancing PVE (which we all know is really to balance PVP)

  17. I'm trying to figure out what content they have been playing that having an OP along is easy mode, sure SM is pretty simple, but it's suppose to be, anything HM/NiM is not as simple as bring an OP healer and you auto win, sure we can out heal most of the other classes, but we have **** for AoE (until 3.0) and with how a few of our skills work, we are not the most effective healers as skills tick while someone is at full health which results in nothing.


    Sounds like i'll be playing my merc healer in place of my OP if it is all as bad as it is being suggested.


    SMH at EAware making PVP changes and claiming it is to balance PVE.

  18. my guess all active times not tied to an account (i.e. the CM items) are going to be lost due to the server reset and update. Something like that is a risk you take when a patch is introduced. And in all honesty, is it really that big of a deal?


    Not at all other than the money spent on getting the xp boosts, but they could at least let us know before hand, other patches have not removed my xp boosts, so if they knew it was going to happen this time around why not a heads up for us ?

  19. Same thing happened to me. I had about 1 hour to go on my Major XP boost, and it was gone when i logged in this morning.


    Hopefully it isn't a new "feature" that they keep running while logged off.


    Yeah that would suck if they changed that, I am willing to bet there is a known issue with them and GSF and rather than warn us they just removed them to avoid issues, o well, at least it isn't just me going crazy lol.

  20. I logged into my toons this morning after 2.5 loaded and I noticed that every toon that had an XP boost running no longer had that XP boost, it had been removed or was just gone, is anyone else seeing this issue or am I just going crazy ?


    And I do know for a fact I had some running, I was doing companion convos yesterday and I popped a major xp boost since I was doing 4 full companion sets and the extra xp is worth it, then this morning all gone, a good 2hrs and 30mins on one char, can't remember how much time I had remaining on the rest of my toons that had active boosts.

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