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Posts posted by KinkyFluff

  1. you'll notice that sins get significantly more health (end) on their mods vs. juggernauts getting strength.

    They also have a talent that gives them 3% extra endurance. That helps them get close to those huge amounts of health.

    When you run nightmare 16 mans, this makes a big difference in who gets chosen to tank.

    Depends on the amount. 21 vs 23k hp isnt such a big difference, if the 21k hp one has better mitigation than the 23k hp. Health shouldnt be such a big factor imo. Skill + mitigation should be, to an extent. Im not going to take a 17k tank in 16m NM ev/kp


    I shouldn't have to be taking assassin tanking mods and putting them in my gear, just to get more health, and don't troll on this without first inspecting some of the end-game geared juggernauts on your server. I guarantee you'll see some 23k juggs with willpower/end mods in there.

    Why would i gimp my damage for more endurance? I see no possible way in which using willpower mods would be beneficial to str/end mods/armorings. I have 22.9k hp on my jugg /w the BH buff so, thats' no biggie for me. If you're talking about 23k self buffed, then thats interesting. Gonna have to see how much of a damage reduction it would mean to use willpower instead of str mods/armorings.


    Mitigation wise, juggernauts are decent in my opinion (however sometimes very spiky), but avoiding damage will always be better than mitigating it in the long run, juggs can't do this as well as an assassin.. I think that with a boost to endurance (for tanks only), and juggernauts getting a significant armor boost, would be a step in the right direction, at the very least until bioware realizes that the shield generators we use, should work on "all" incoming damage instead of just melee/ranged.

    I'd really rather have an armor buff or defense buff instead of more health. 23k is enough imo for just about anything if you're not braindead and can use cooldowns when needed.

    Regarding mitigation, i have 22.1% defense atm, 40% shield and 42% absorbtion (all my mods and enhancements are taken from other armors or from raids) and I feel confident that my current mitigation is pretty good. Sure, I could get 26ish% defense but i wouldnt be able to get that much shield/abosorbtion.

  2. When we started doing ops a short while after the game launched, i was in oranges with a mix of 124/126 mods on the armor and weapon, and my guildies had a few columi pieces,maybe some champion and we did normal mode raids without any issue. A week later when most of use were at least half columi, we tried hard mode ops and got them down without problems, soa being the only one that actually proved to be a challenge.


    The first week we did EC most of use were half-rakata and had issues with the first boss until we had the strat down to a letter and then killed it without problems. This week, we did Zorn and Toth with 1 guildie who was undergeared (116/124 oranges, bm weap) and we 1 shot it on story mode, so i'm going to assume that for story EC a group with FULL columi at least is recommended, with everyone having to bring their A-game to the table.


    TL;DR :

    -hm flashpoints (minus lost island) : 116/124 gear. some flashpoints are actually harder than normal mode EV/KP imo.

    -hm lost island: at least full columi imo with everyone having to pay attention


    -normal mode EV/KP : 116/124 gear should work if people aren't crap and pay attention and contribute.

    -hard mode EV/KP: a few pieces of columi/124 gear

    -normal mode EC: at least full columi if the players are good enough or try to compensate with as much rakata as possible (though only to an extent, as bad players will die if they don't pay attention)

  3. I've heard about this more than once. We've experienced it last thursday when Denova was launched, but didnt know what to do exactly to prevent it. Some people say to keep at least 1 person in the raid, even if that person is dead. In theory it should prevent any mobs from spawning, so you might as well try having 1 person who died not release, preferably someone who was not close to the boss when he died ;D
  4. There isn't much to do.


    I've had a weekend quite a few weeks ago where i lost more than 30 games in a row. It was soul-crushing, BUT i learned a very valueable lesson. NEVER Solo queue unless you MUST.


    Since then, every time I play a wz, i message the players that i see in the wz and that seem to be at least decent and try to form premades. Playing with you (assuming you're not 100% bad :D) they'll also want to form premades in the future. This starts to reduce the chance that you're gonna get so many bad games in a row.


    Also, you're going to lose matches, no matter what, so don't give up, no matter what. I used to give up 2 minutes into a fight but now, its way more fun to actually try to do something ( and quite a few times, it motivates others)

  5. Bioware needs to pay some attention to this. Credits from warzones are very important both in the leveling process and at the endgame. As a pvp-er and a pve-er it allows me to have a small but constant cash flux that helps with repairs and other stuff. I still NEED to do dailies for all my expeditures, but credits from pvp help A LOT.


    As the OP said, removing credits from 1-49 makes pvp in that bracket just useless towards the leveling process, even though its fun.

  6. Would be great to have a dev confirm the fact that we can RE pvp gear and get an orange recipe for that certain piece (including belt, bracer,boots etc), and also of the chance that the RE has to give the recipe so we don't have to buy multiple sets just to make sure we get the orange armor.
  7. I really had hoped to be using my pvp gear from now on since it looks great. Guess I'll have to use some ugly orange armor so I can get the best stats, and not even the orange gear that I LIKE, but more like the orange gear that I FIND on the GTN.


    So, this is quite limiting to customizations. I really want to be using my two separate pvp gear set appearances for both pvp and pve.


    Maybe allow artificers to make augs for armors that require maybe double or triple the mats for armors would be a nice option.

  8. You botched up only by assuming he was interested in rage generation.

    Guess I must of misunderstood.

    But I'm wondering if the 10 second cooldown for Force Choke is more important than 2 points in Sweeping Fury for rage generation. Any thoughts, critiques, or blatent trolling is welcome.
  9. You're also forgetting the damage component that comes attached to them.


    Let's take the 3 dots that Vengeance can have:


    - Force scream. 12s cooldown reduceable to 9s. Hits quite nice and that extra dot isn't bad to rack up damage in time. Your call here.


    -Impale is a very good ability that gets to have a 9s cooldown with that dot on top of it as a bonus. You could see the dot as an extra procentage of damage. Mine does 1894-2168 and the dot is 471. So you could see that as a 22% damage increase if you want.


    -Shatter is your top talent ability that does internal damage, meaning that it will hit for almost the full amount listed there, even on heavy armor mobs/players and it has that dot attached. So, you get the dot with the abilty.


    Its your call in the end its your call, but i find that dot damage adds up in time and I won't pass up damage if I can help it.

  10. Math time.

    By default, soresu generates 1 rage every 6 seconds. With that talent you generate 1 rage every 3 seconds, IF you get attacked non-stop or every 3 seconds for it to proc.


    So, in a 10 minute period ( 600 seconds ) you'd get 100 rage from normal soresu. With that talent, its doubled. 200 rage in 10 minutes.

    Since you only want to put 2 points, that's 1 rage every 4 seconds, 150 rage in 10 minutes.


    Now, Force choke generates 3 rage every 1 minute. So, in 10 minutes it would generate 30 rage. Reduce the cooldown by 10 seconds so it becomes 50 seconds and you can cast it 12 times in a period of 10 minutes, for a total of 36 rage.


    Hope I didnt botch up anything! ;D

  11. More like Sunder-> Impale-> Scream -> Shatter -> Smash Ravage or whatever you want. so on and so forth. Once the dots start ticking and the damage starts running, their health goes down quite fast. Remember to always do some attacks.


    Took me a bit to perfect the "rotation" as its something different from rage.

  12. Social gear is like a shell for mods and armoring and enhancements.


    Also, you forget that social gear doesn't have augment slots. Only crit orange armors and weapons will have augment slots, so Social gear will NEVER be BiS.


    Also, if you think getting a full set of 140/58 armorings/enhancements/mods is going to be easy, think again. On my server they go for about 600k+ each. So, it would be 1.8m for armoring/enh/mod + about 200k+ for augment PER PIECE. And you won't have the set bonus.


    So, if you want THE BEST, you'll have to do operations.

  13. We've downed him on hard mode for about 4-5 weeks straight from january. First try took about 20 attempts, then every other attempt was done in 1-2 wipes at most. After those few weeks we haven't been able to down him again without major issues. I've seen pylons drop PERFECTLY on him and not remove shield; i've seen people die on the other side of the room in p3 when pylons drop; i've seen him in p2 with all 5 Aoe stacks, when we've killed every single pylon on our way before he absorbs them; every single time someone dies p2-p3, its a 99% wipe beause we CANNOT rez AT ALL in p3, even if we don't have the debuff, because said player isnt there. If someone is in the air when p2 ends and p3 starts, he ends up on the bottom floor, unable to do anything, and we can't see him. Lots of issues that we did not have when we did down him.


    While this fight is a matter of skill, its also a matter of luck to not get the existing bugs.

  14. Try killing some low level world bosses. Or if you don't kill them, try and get 100k or 200k damage and time it.


    For example, in my half columi/rakata pve veangeace gear with rakata weap, it takes me about 1:15 to get 100k damage done.


    Its' quite decent imo and quite competitive with most dps, though you don't get the utility others get.

  15. I pve in immortal and Pvp in Vengeance. While Rage pulls all sorts of nice numbers, its almost exclusively aoe. I pull 300k+ damage single target, preferably on healers and 50k+ defense, so for me, vengeance is superior. Others might find Rage more suited for their playstyle.
  16. That IS the main purpose of the class. Sure you can go for the damage tree but why not pick sorc or merc that does that alot better?

    While I agree with you that indeed merc or sorc can pull better numbers, can you say that Healing or damage is the main purpose of Sorcs? Or whats the main purpose of mercs?

    Having the ability to chose doesnt make the class A TANKING class, imo, it just gives you the option to do so.

    Just like you, i roll Vengeance and other than switching to and from soresu/shien, i don't see a point in any other tanking thingy when I can, like you, offer MASSIVE protection and still some very respectable single target dps.

  17. Every person I see with these kinds of posts must have seriously not understood that during the leveling process and beyond, their companion is a part of their character.

    As soon as I understood this and started gearing up my Vette (never used Quinn, and i use him now for h2/h4+ dailies) I had no challenges in PVE and taking down elites was a breeze for me. Doing a Channel hatred for 2-3 seconds after each fight will not kill anyone and if it bothers you that much, use Quinn, but gear him. Gear him and you'll never have any issues with health. If you don't, its only your fault for gimping yourself.

  18. I troll the GTN all day for mods and enhancements to replace my crap surge ones and I get lucky from time to time, though they each cost about 500k+, or from HM+ drops. Since i've never had money issues I tend to buy them without thinking twice.
  19. We did HM Soa on saturday and while I've seen him drop aggro quite often, it wasn't such a big problem as I had initially feared. We managed to down him on our second try and to be honest, it was way easier than usual.


    There IS indeed an issue with his aggro resetting VERY OFTEN (possibly after each mind trap) like people said, but there's nothing that some team work can't fix (or heavy duty taunting).

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