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Posts posted by HanceLikesHouses

  1. I get that medal count is tied to PVP season progression now, but there's already a weekly limit on points. It's not like people are going to gobble up all the rewards if they consistently earn 14 medals - the game literally won't let them. Gimping medals just adds insult to injury by making you feel like you're doing worse when you're not. And that, over time, discourages people from playing the game.

    8 medals per match has been "the average" for as long as most PVPers can remember. Now, you might see 6 or even 4 with little to no change in your strategies or gear. Getting even 9 medals feels rare, and 14 makes you feel like a superstar until you remember that's only because of arbitrary manipulation and not actual performance.

    Was this the intention of 7.2? To make it look and feel like you're doing worse? Because if it wasn't, I'd strongly suggest reverting the medal rate to what it was before. 

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  2. See, the devs had the right idea with the "PVP Challenges" button, which is basically what several people are asking for: a separate queue where big pre-formed groups go up against other big pre-formed groups. The problem is BioWare is doing jack all with this great idea.

    If a system's already in place to have large groups go up against each other, then the devs should lean into that. Let 5+ stacks have their own queue, so solo and small group PVPers can do their own thing.

    There's no smart justification for letting 8 people form an ops group against randos. If you need to stack the deck that hard to perform well against pugs, that is entirely a you problem and the game should not enable or incentivize that kind of play at other players' expense.


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  3. Server is Satele Shan, character is Commandant Korych. I won a Yavin Ruins warzone yesterday (12/18/22) and earned 14 medals during the match. However, the EOR screen gave me blanked out spaces, "Value," or 0 for all my stats, credits, valor, XP, and medals. The exit button didn't even appear after the countdown. Image proof here: https://imgur.com/a/Vuhk6tX

    Did I really get nothing from a match where I apparently outperformed? Or is this just a new UI bug?

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