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Posts posted by Cite

  1. Speaking strictly from a PvE perspective, I would put alacrity last on my list of to-do stats. I've found a comfortable spot keeping it between 7%-10%. Meanwhile I've focused on getting my power, surge, and crit to good levels and my crits land for around 6.5k-6.8k with a good frequency. And my gear is nowhere near BiS.


    Due to the terrible DR of alacrity, if I were to sacrifice other stats to bring it higher than where it is, I would most likely stomp all over my usefulness. Taking an extra .3 seconds to get off one heal that heals for 30% of someone's health will always be more beneficial in my head than wasting the energy and time spamming smaller less effective heals faster.


    And besides, I almost always have one TA ready for when I do need a quick heal off. I wouldn't rely on a cast, I would just SP.


    This is strictly from a PvE standpoint, though.

  2. Well, I can say your alacrity can be sacrificed for power/surge mods. 14% is a little high, and I tend to keep mine down around 9% which gets my KI cast to about 1.8 seconds. Most of what you rely on to heal does not use alacrity, so it's better off in power, which is where the big green numbers are going to come from. Your crit is fine, I wouldn't invest much more into it.


    Your HoT isn't the strongest thing, but you're not relying on it for heal strength so much as TA procs. Mine ticks for about 1.4k on a crit. What you should be relying on his juggling your free heals with your KI. Our AoE heal is expensive and situational. So on the stack phase of Annihilation Droid, After people run back from lava on Gharj, and on stair phase of Soa are the only places in EV you will probably need it. If there was heavy healing needed on puzzle, it wasn't your fault. It was your groups fault for taking more than two minutes to complete puzzle.


    I'll tell you n all honestly, you will be remodding a lot of the stuff you get from the tier vendors as the itemization is not optimal for our class. So, as far as advice goes, just keep trying to get your columi gear, sacrifice some of that alacrity for power/surge, and don't let terrible groups get to you. Even if they blame you, it may not be your fault in the first place.

  3. I have done what all of you said. I am not able to enter everything but D7. Ive made peace with the thought that ill probably never see that flashpoint.


    Thanks to everyone that helped :)


    Pick up the immediate vengeance quest (I believe thats the quest that gets you to go to the moff at ziost) - turn in the first step at the moff and it should give you a quest to complete directive 7. Drop that quest once you have it then go outside the instance n pickup the hardmode quest from the droid there.

  4. You have really no choice but to leap into combat and get gang busted while every other class in the game is sitting back trying to be not noticed and DPS like they are in a raid.


    Not gonna lie secretly when I don't have any raids to plunder I hop into a WZ and pretend Im healing a tank from a pillar

  5. You do realize it is Christmas vacation, those guys celebrate Christmas too right? It's been 2 weeks we have had 1 patch so far with it being Christmas im impressed. Give it time!


    You do realize that MMOs are made or broken within their first month and being the amazing geniuses their publishers were to push it at such a terrible time they'd sacrifice their measly holidays to make sure their future jobs are secure.


    But hey bioware knows what they're doing - they're singleplayer rpg bausses amiright?

  6. I'd think that could be it except the 300ish has been consistant since launch.


    It's just in the last couple hours it has spiked to 1100+


    Bioware decided the only way for them to fix the queuing/server load problem is to cause everyone to rage hard enough at large queues and to reroll on other servers by reducing the maximum number of players on the server at any time.

  7. Regarding server transfers: From what I've read regarding their implementation of an aussie launch in march they seem to be aiming to add server transfer then.


    Regarding queues: Really Bioware? I don't think your solution of making queues update faster really made much of a difference when player caps are still there and the same people online are anti-afking.


    Its been a horrible experience playing as someone who for the past month and for the next coming month has to play in short periods due to being on holidays. But this is not a problem limited to me as I know people will say "Just don't go out"


    - Imagine what is going to happen when more and more people get off holidays into their daily routines and come home after work to raid. It just isn't going to happen with near even oceanic player having to login at around 5-6pm. You're going to have queues that are worse off than now when people are still sporadically playing and logging in at different times.


    As more people hit 50 the queues are going to become stupider and worse since more and more ppl will just login at the same time to get raids done. And no its not really feasible for some people to login in the mornings to beat queues (In which case it'll probably just be us logging in at American prime time hitting their queue periods)




    This is a painful joke.

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