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Posts posted by xFalsified

  1. Make sure your Windows desktop rez settings are compatable with your monitors. Specifically the rez, such as 1920x1080, and the refesh rate, such as 50/60


    First off, thank you. This worked, I had never thought to check the refresh rate, I thought it just had to do with resolution.

    Secondly, why the hell does this game mess with my display settings? the settings in-game are normal, but it changes the refresh rate on my PC, and I never gave it permission to change windows settings.

  2. When I first launched the game a few days ago, it permanently stuck one of my monitors with "Out Of Range"

    I have to mess with my display settings until it works again, and the problem comes back every time my PC boots up or comes out of sleep mode.

    I've seen other people with this problem and have not found a solution that works. EA's support site does not offer any viable help. Anyone know how to fix this?


    Apologies if this is the wrong place to be asking.

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