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Posts posted by errordataguy

  1. Hello,

    My favorite game mode in SWTOR is PVP warzones. Most of the time when I queue for unranked warzones, I queue solo. Sometimes I queue with my fiancee when she's available.


    I won't mention names, but unranked PVP is a hit or miss due to people manipulating the system. I always play hard and try my best, but I get discouraged when I see the same group of 4 people in the same group...I've seen the same group of people saying "you win" in chat before the warzone actually starts. They're talking on voice via discord, and logging into different characters to cheat the system to get their daily/weekly mission done across multiple characters across their account legacy.


    If I'm stuck in a warzone where people are voice chatting "you win this one, I'll lose the next one" how is that fair to me, who is fairly playing and doesn't manipulate anything, just doing my best to do the objectives?


    When I get stuck in a warzone with the aforementioned people, I win, if the win traders allow it. If I'm stuck with the same people next warzone, I notice they give no effort whatsoever and I lose.


    My suggestion is to make PvP more balanced, maybe make it so only 2 people can queue in a group together for PvP. If 4 people at the same time are logging in together and saying "you win this round, I win next round" it takes the fun out of SWTOR PvP.


    Thoughts/Suggestions? My initial thought is maybe SWTOR can develop an API with discord. Cheaters are never disciplined; the free to play cheaters do get banned, but the paid subscribers seem to be untouchable. I've also seen F2P users get banned for using macros, but subs using macros have no action taken whatsoever against them.




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